
All posts for the month March, 2020

New technologies, including internet, globalization, the new consumer society, the exaltation of the aesthetic and media blitz, crises and other herbs, are new, the new trend, new fashion, new style. And so are installed between us that even a child knows what I mean. All these new trends and new patterns are not only new tax changes, and beyond desire or not, we had to digest and learn to cope. They are new terms or conditions of this modern age. These changes have also proposed new terms that have been established between us.

The best known is the stress, has been discovered not long ago and now we all know what it is, broadly speaking, a body’s physiological reaction to a situation of danger But there is a new term established since a few years ago, thirty-So to be more precise. The term is: RESILIENCE. As always, let’s first see what it means. The term resilience has its origin in the Latin language, the term resilio which means going back, back from a jump, stand out, rebound. The term was adapted to the social sciences to characterize those who, despite being born and living in high risk, healthy and successful psychological development (Rutter, 1993). Michael Rutter (Sir Michael, since 1992) Lebanese-born son of English parents, is Professor of Child Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London and was the one who introduced the concept of resilience in the ’70s. The term still is not in the dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy, but it is widely known in the areas of business. Employers, advisers and consultants to know and apply it regularly since early 2001 when it became known crisis.

Basically it is the person who has the ability to overcome adversity or times of emotional pain, a likeness of a phoenix. May not be clear even to the researchers, who makes these people, passing through desperate situations and overcome them, not only fail to overlap, but often, climb to a higher level. We can cite as examples in the world of business, bankruptcy ending leaving you with no assets, or losing a job very well paid and in everyday life we can add the death of loved ones, loss of a partner, stories children of drug addicts or alcoholics kickers, and similar situations. Those who are involved in leadership training and consulting business that has similar claim and affinity for business success. They mention that the characteristics of the people in these times, like today where a new crisis is looming that produces greater uncertainty, they stay calm, expectant, attentive and above all predisposed to change “You’re inclined to change?. If your answer is yes surely this renowned crisis will not be mentioned as a problem that can not find solution. Finally: What I mean is that beyond the crisis or not crisis, hard times always manage to traverse. That no matter how black you see the sky, where the sun will rise and the sky will become clear and blue. Robert Thomson understands that this is vital information. If you are at times “bad” and everything is “singing” is just a matter of being patient, and prone to watch whatever it takes. Who knows if when you get a very difficult time in which you end up facing a real show that you are resilient.


Clearly the impact of a virtual environment like the Internet for any company that intends to offer global services either in their own region or worldwide, and this result implies that attention must capture their current and potential customers. If you are not convinced, visit Coen brothers. The most possible is that they are willing to buy products or purchasing services and the more we give you find our business information for purchases, much better if we succeed. From this concept, we need a change in perception resulting search engine positioning and search these pages in internet (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Altavista ….) are the initial support for a company to be recognized a market niche in the virtual world, as many people do not care to memorize the web address of a company and always have the tendency to link a company with search keywords that define the economic activity of the company. That's why these search engines rate the resulting positioning according to the most representative words that define a business and establish the quality of information provided in their corporate message or information. Andi Potamkin contains valuable tech resources. Create a proper keyword research to describe a company and which are most sought by Internet users, can create a clearer margin of effectiveness in finding your portal of products and services and your page is more likely to appear in the top of search.

It's a little difficult to establish what information in a page is the most sought by a user and will allow a good position in search engine results. For that reason, there are companies specializing in natural search engine positioning professional performing this research, allowing significantly increase sales and customers via online. It is therefore an outsourcing service with the clear objective of increasing visit a website, with all the benefits that entails. Recall that a website No visitors as well not exist. It is important to find a company that fits your Web promotion needs and has visible results as possible in a period of time you find acceptable for your page in the top of search. With the purpose of such Web promotion companies, is handled in an effective manner the process of natural search engine positioning in a progressive manner that allows you as the owner of your page may have advance knowledge of the rise of positions and power to know the approach to the top. has been one of the leading position in managing a large number of satisfied customers who have achieved a privileged position in search results on the Internet, which has an important place in this research natural positioning required by the search engines more representative. One of the online marketing companies in question.

Lutheranism then began an aggressive process of indoctrination in Europe, founded mainly on ignorance of the Catholic Church as the only option and religious environment, the dissemination of the contents of the Bible (previously reserved only to clergy), non-worship of images and saints, and the ignorance of most Christian sacraments except baptism and the Eucharist. The Emperor Charles V, a staunch Catholic, ordered his persecution. know more. The Church, meanwhile, excommunicated him. Luther died in 1546, the growth of the faith and rebellion of the nobles compelled Charles V (despite winning the battle of Muhlberg in 1547) to accept the conditions of the noble rebels and in 1555 signed the Peace of Augsburg. The treaty was a triumph for Lutheranism and nobles.

According to the peace, each German prince could profess the religion he wanted without the emperor but that it would prevent all the subjects of a noble had to have the same religion. In addition, it established the principle that if a prince who held an ecclesiastical office was going to Lutheranism would lose their rights to bequeath his titles by inheritance or ownership of the property of the bishopric or abbey to exercise. This clause in the long run, generated much controversy among Lutherans was visible as the high cost to change religion. That led to the controversial measure of the differences and then over the years, it would be the starting point of the War of 30 years. A burst predictable: The revolt of Bohemia After the signing of the Peace of Augsburg, resentments between Lutherans and Catholics increased significantly.

\”GFM: consumer content Conference – August 18, 2009 are 63 percent of the German online population according to the market research Institute research work\” Member in at least one online network. \”Social media game meadows in the Twitter generation: in times, where each company is the brand, to media to focus\”, said Dr. Marc Mangold, Hubert Burda Media Research. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Jeffrey L. Bewkes. On the GFM: Consumer content day on August 18, 2009 in Cologne he is under the aspect of research insights into the world of networked media. IBM is dedicated to blogging on behalf of the freedom of communication, and how companies can use this. In addition to social media, blogging and Twitter themes and novelties from the areas and will be on the this year’s Conference moving Web eGame marketing focus. Erding/Cologne: According to study results of the market research work can be seen a clear hype of social networking platforms: 63 percent of the German online population over 18 years are members of at least a community. What role topic consumer free or paid content plays, with exclusive first evaluations of Iris Keller, Managing Director of research work on the Conference represents.

Topics such as range to the target group marketing, product development with virtual networks and mechanisms of action are under the microscope in the various playgrounds in the digital lifestyle. But also will look like the new strategies for moving Internet lit. \”In the subsequent panel communities and the omnipresent video market boom or virtually?\” are next to Nicole Simon, author of Twitter. With 140 characters to Web 2.0 ‘, various speakers, an individual impression. \”Dr. Marc Mangold, Hubert Burda Media Research, announced recently in the Twitter Forum: in times, where each company is the brand, to media to focus\”. He gives insights into the networked publishing house Burda in his presentation. Discussions relating to him including Markus Berger-de Lion, studiVZ, the topic influence of social networks on society & economy\”and Jens-Uwe Bornemann, UFA film & TV Produktion GmbH, with the Multimedialisierung of his company at the disposal.

Finest screen Arts on selected Smartbooks the international art label digitalbloom cooperating for the first time with a manufacturer from the IT industry. “The Cologne company Smartbook AG, manufacturer of mobile lifestyle products, from November the model provides ZENiD GC” as well as the CRYSTALLIZED – Swarovski elements-finished Special Edition ZENiD GC CRYSTAL “with a voucher from digitalbloom out. Further details can be found at Robert Iger , an internet resource. The value of the voucher is EUR 15,00 and (and including February 28, 2010) with the purchasing value of the customer will be charged for every purchase on the platform. digitalbloom 2.50 to download offered already from EUR artworks. Hendrik Boeing, CEO of digitalbloom, to the cooperation: we are pleased, to present a manufacturer who understands it, Smartbook style and functionality in a good product to combine. digitalbloom and Smartbook attract an identical target group with a high affinity to aesthetics and the desire for individualization,”. As an innovative manufacturer we are always on the search for exciting content that we can offer our customers”, so Smartbook CEO Dirk pick. In addition to the exclusive curation international artists has convinced digitalbloom especially, because our target group a comparable offer to date so don’t know.

Through the cooperation with digitalbloom we offer a tangible added value to our customers and emphasize the unmistakable smart touch of Smartbooks”, so pick next. More information on offer and cooperation under: company: digitalbloom is an international art label with integrated platform for the purchase of digital art and design on the Internet. On the site, the company offers an extensive range of images and videos for the exclusive viewing on screens (flat screen TVs, PC, digital photo frames, etc.) and projectors. digitalbloom was founded by Hendrik Boeing and Markos Kern in Munich in September 2008 and has been online since April 2009. digitalbloom operates offices in Munich (D) and New York (United States).

It is already less so that Christmas arrives and surely much people are nervous because they do not know what is what they can give. In these cases always I like to recommend that most important it is not the price of the gift but the originality of the same.To give something original is not far from easy and often it supposes a frustration for many people. When we spoke of an original gift, we are thinking about which leaves the standards, something that cannot be found easily (even impossible, imaginaros for example some manualidad) or about a customized gift. personally always I have liked all that with the photography and for that reason my gifts always have gone of the hand with this art. Recently Joel and Ethan Coen sought to clarify these questions. Between my preferred original gifts they have been all those that I have been able to personalize to assure to me that who receives it does not arrange don’t mention it equal. Further details can be found at Robert Iger , an internet resource.

Until now always it had chosen to create and to give a photo digital album. For that reason today I would like hablaros of an ideal gift and very original for these Christmases, she is a totally customized calendar of photos. We will be able to select and to modify almost any special aspect of this calendar, photographies, dates, content. Surely, the power to begin the year of this form to many they will like and it will remember to them, month after month, that is people who worry about them. A good detail next to this gift could be to include in the same some interesting phrase that made reflect to the person since, we consider, that will watch with relative east frequency calendar. What seems to you my proposal of gift for these Christmases? you create that to much people it will like? Original author and source of the article.

Without photographic knowledge understandable leads the school of photography through the most popular and most important motif worlds of photography, describes, explains and shows practice-oriented as the best photo with and without additional equipment can be made. Click Joel and Ethan Coen to learn more. Updated technical applications of compact, bridge – and SLR cameras and new interesting topics of photography will be the new school of photography a quasi practice textbook and daily advisor of photography. The new topic of astronomy photography shows how Moon and stars can be strikingly photographed and used correctly in conjunction with landscape motifs in night scene. A whole is photographers who not only take their pictures, but also market, or want to publish Dedicated section on the important subject of photo law”. The lawyer Vilma Niclas indicates that it applies to watch already when choosing a subject and explains what is allowed and what is not.

“Anyone can take pictures to learn.” Able the author collective Smra_co0ol, Rahman, Rahman, and Niclas didactic suited to convey the necessary photographic range for first-class photos. Chapter to accompany help with tips for ideal camera settings and offer alternative methods, if the appropriate facilities not at hand. The photo school examines all facets of photography, of the image design up to the high art of panoramic and HDR photography. With inspiration and motivation for any photo themes, it is suitable for photographers who want to understand photography and take new worlds of motif in attack or occasionally want to access tips and tricks in the book shelf. A guidebook for the generalist of photography. The Franzis photo book photo school “by the collective of authors Smra_co0ol, Rahman, Rahman, and Niclas is now available in stores for euro 29,95 and as an E-book available for euro 19,99 on.

Digital Base

The information was always but Internet did something formidable with her: he shared it and organized it. For even more opinions, read materials from Robert Iger . Thus, among many businesses of impending success on the net, the category of tourism is one that is more consolidated. There are several advantageous factors that end with compliant clients that use the service, and what is better, that they return to use. Differences companies of digital base, as the companies that offer the service of hotel reservation are supported by several advantages: absence of an operator of the company: the search performs her own customer, using all the time deemed available and without any haste. This will result in that the decisions will be more successful and less influenced by other information people: the large volume of information that is handled in the engines for hotels allow you to offer a service to travelers that is unprecedented.

Images descriptions tabs with information of the hotels location proximity to strategic points rates availability Blog information of travel with articles on tourism however, one of the major attractions that often have these sites is the indexing of their searches, allowing the consultant to filter the results based on criteria such as date, number of stars, number of people, proximity, etc. Systems with which operate these search engines often refine from the general to the particular: for example, after a search of hotels by country, is limited to hotels in Paris and, later, to hotels that are on the banks of the Seine. According to research of evaluation of e-marketing strategies, access to this information results in a greater clientelizacion of the user. A compliant user with the service, since he agreed to accurate information in advance, has most likely to become a customer. In addition, it always persists in who book hotels online, some distrust to monetary transactions on the web; This plays in favour of users that they chose a company previously and the trip was for them in the expected manner, that, Surely, they would prefer to continue to trust his decision.

“DigitalAgentur mpm offers again in 2010 free workshops and for the first time own Roadshow under the motto creativity meets media process management” the Mainzer DigitalAgentur offers mpm again in 2010 five free workshops on current topics of corporate and investor publishing. While the range of the usage from the media database via Web-to-print to work with content management systems. The offer of a free Roadshow in seven German cities, including Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich is also new this year. This interested can inform themselves extensively to process automation, workflow optimization, and sales support using an online-based fire and Publishing Portal. The efficiency will be an ever-increasing role in corporate communications. Tagged as marketing process optimization (MPO), marketing efficiency, as well as the topics of fire and publishing management are medially more present than ever. With corresponding systems can not only optimally managed, but also faster.

more flexible and less expensively produced. The DigitalAgentur mpm offers in addition to the software and process know-how even ten years production experience as financial and corporate publishing Agency, as well as the entire creative power of graphics and text. All the information about the individual workshops and a login template workshops are available directly on the Internet under. Mpm on the DigitalAgentur: the communications specialist DigitalAgentur mpm linked media process management with appropriate creative performance. Background of this business model is the guiding philosophy of the Agency, that time and costs of communication are as crucial as the message itself. Marketing effectiveness and marketing process optimization are thus understood as a basis for more effective marketing and corporate communications. This approach based, managing partner of Frank Bockius founded the DigitalAgentur mpm GmbH in the year 2000. Today the Agency headquartered in Mainz serves a growing customer base in three business segments: mpm finance investor relations activities for companies, especially financial services, such as business and annual reports, mpm digital Web solutions by fire and Publishing Portal (mpm digital marketing Center) on implementation of sites up to the creation of online annual reports, mpm corporate development and implementation of corporate publications such as customer and staff magazines. For more information see contact: Frank Bockius of managing partner DigitalAgentur mpm media process management GmbH lower Zahlbacher Street 13 55131 Mainz Tel.: + 49 (0) 6131 / 95 69-20 fax: + 49 (0) 6131 / 95 69-77 E-Mail:

Natural tile. Natural (or ceramic) tiles is an ancient and honorable type of roofing materials. It is made from low-melting, fatty and plastic types of clay. Her baking in an oven at a temperature of about 1000 degrees C – very energy-intensive process, which, of course, affects the quality and price. Today, there are several other pottery subspecies – a cement-sand tile and polymer-sand cherepicha practically not inferior its quality, and almost 2 times its cheaper. Dignity. Pottery requires virtually no maintenance, it does not need to tint and repair, and it serves more than 100 years. The most important advantage – fire because the pottery belongs to group of non-combustible materials, as it has a perfect sound insulation.

It has a minimum percentage of waste during installation and low water absorption (1.5%). And of course, most important – is the most environmentally friendly form of roofing coverage. Disadvantages. The main limitation for the use of tile is its great weight. Compared with metallic coating, the calculated load increases by 10-30%, depending on the angle of the roof. Which, of course, requires complication of truss construction. Since the mass production of ceramic tiles in our country does not, the price is much higher than abroad. Shingles.

It is also called a flexible or soft tiles. The shape of is a small, flat sheets with shaped neck with one hand. Made of glass fiber or cellulose impregnated with a modified bitumen with various polymeric additives. Outside the bar covered with basalt or mineral grit. Dignity. Bitumen is not subject to corrosion and rot, which substantially increases the service life. Such a roof does not require additional painting and can be applied to any roofs with a slope of not less than 12 degrees. Even it can be used for renovation of old roofs. High heat and sound insulation makes it an indispensable material for private homes. This type of tile is economical, because of the small waste, even on complex configurations of roofs. Shingles is one of the most popular roofing materials used in the installation, reconstruction of the roof of houses, cottages, etc. Disadvantages. Chief lack of shingles – the complexity of installation. If the cover is laid properly, it may be deformed, some can come off the plate by a strong wind. To avoid this, under such a roof should be lay a solid crates of high-quality water-resistant wooden board, which doubles the cost of this type of roof. Metal. Metal is a type of profiled steel galvanized sheet, simulating the natural tile. For the protection of galvanized steel sheet from external influences, various polymer coatings, excellent in quality, thickness and price. Color Palette metal, which offer a very diverse manufacturers. It is defined by a palette of paints manufacturer's plate and each plant has its own system of marking paints. Therefore, when choosing colors We recommend using this company directories, colors or patterns are. Dignity. Ease, ease of repair, as well as providing companies a complete set of parts with metal. Low cost, large variety of colors and the ability to recolor in any other. The smooth surface provides drainage of rain and snow. Disadvantages. This roof should be painted every 3-5 years because it is very exposed to UV radiation. Its better not to apply to the complex in the architectural sense, the roof, because the number of cuttings will be very large (waste can be up to 35%). Low wind resistance and noise reduction are also disadvantages of this type of roof. If violated the protective layer, metal corrodes rapidly.

Tyvek Insulation

tyvek membrane (TYVEK) is the world-famous corporations DuPont and is a non-woven material on the basis of an infinite fiber of polyethylene (high density). Material combines waterproofing and wind-proof properties as well as the ability to freely flowing water vapor. High water vapor permeability of materials Tyvek (TYVEK) allows moisture from the insulation and other structural elements of free pass through it in a ventilated space, which prevents the accumulation of condensation process, the destruction of wood, helps to improve the performance of insulation. So is the structure of the material Tyvek (TYVEK) at 200-fold magnification: Benefits Material: Tyvek (TYVEK) increases the service life of structural elements and insulation. The material is compatible with all types of insulating materials. To know more about this subject visit Robert Iger . The use of Tyvek membrane (TYVEK) in loft building highly efficient and economical thanks to durability and excellent performance on energy conservation design. Using Tyvek membrane (TYVEK) allows you to organize mansard roof without Lower ventilation gap at full insulation rafters.

Material eliminates the ingress of water (oblique rain, blowing the roof under the snow accumulated condensate, etc.) on the insulating layer and the freely transmits water vapor in the upper ventilation gap. The use of Tyvek membrane (TYVEK) as windbreaks in the walls and roofs made of light metal structures, framed wooden buildings, improve their insulation and energy efficiency options. Low weight and high strength material Tyvek (TYVEK) are crucial when it is used as the underlay waterproof and windproof barrier, as in new construction and renovation of buildings. Application of material Tyvek (TYVEK) contributes to the necessary temperature and humidity balance in the room. Tyvek (TYVEK) can be used as a temporary roof to 4 months. So looks like a combination of waterproofing and vapor permeability properties:

Remodelling Remodelling involves the transport and dismantling walls, transport and installation of doorways; downscaling multi-room apartments, the device additional kitchens and bathrooms, expanding residential area due to ancillary facilities, eliminating the dark kitchens and entrances to the kitchen through an apartment or living quarters, apparatus or renovations of existing vestibules. Limitations When reconstruction of rooms in residential homes are not permitted activities and ways to implement them, violate the requirements of building, sanitary, and operational and technical regulations in force for residential buildings. Not Allowed changes that affect the architectural appearance of the houses (the unit balconies, canopies, bay windows, bay windows in the conversion of existing loggias and balconies, the device attic space, etc.) and subject to execution and implementation of procedure established for the reconstruction of residential buildings. David Zaslav often addresses the matter in his writings. Now, perhaps you clear that, without professional assistance is simply not enough. In the design office of an architect will be able to obscure phrases, and waving his hands to make a clear project orient the customer on the materials and prices and meet the rigid confines of the budget with the best result (mortar stores often offer discounts design bureau). Moreover, the expert will create any project-based and compliance with all building codes and regulations (SNIP).

The first thing that starts a professional – realistic about your needs and possibilities transform them into reality. And not only that the repairs – an expensive exercise, but also that Some customers are not able to determine exactly what they want to get a result. Any architect or designer is based on a subjective representation of a client about a comfortable accommodation.


In southern Spain are some of the favorite destinations for backpackers. Time Warner has much experience in this field. Seville, Cadiz and Granada are often the most popular cities to visit is almost an obligation. His popularity may have reached that Barcelona or Madrid, so southern towns remain most authentic and unspoiled and perfect for a trip on a budget. Granada in particular is a treasure waiting to be discovered. Attractions, hostels quality, good food, … all this and more, turn the city into a haven for backpackers. In southern Spain are some of the favorite destinations for backpackers. Seville, Cadiz and Granada are often the most popular cities to visit is almost an obligation.

His popularity may have reached that Barcelona or Madrid, so southern towns remain most authentic and unspoiled and perfect for a trip on a budget. Granada in particular is a treasure waiting to be discovered. The attractions, hostels quality, good food, … all this and more, turn the city into a haven for backpackers. Hostels in Granada The Granada hostels are a pleasant surprise for quality, a common feature in almost all hostels in the South. Any is both comfortable and affordable, ideal for a day, week, month or even longer thanks to the good atmosphere we breathe. Oasis Backpackers Hostel Granada is one of the hostels stand out.

Oasis is a small chain with many stores in Spain. All their hostels are often highly valued and Granada is no exception. Both the decor and staff are invited to have fun and enjoy yourself. For those who prefer a little more privacy, Granada Apartments are a good option. Located in a traditional Arab house in one of the most evocative areas of Granada, these newly renovated apartments are equipped with all modern facilities, are ideal for couples who seek privacy, tranquility and romance. Attractions and places of interest to visit Granada is almost obligatory to see the Alhambra. This ancient Andalusian palatial city stands on the city in the interior can be seen incredible mosaics and large gardens and quiet. In addition to the Alhambra, is also worth exploring the neighborhood Albayzin. Here you will find cobbled streets flanked by tall buildings in white. It goes without saying that here you can easily find charming cafes, art galleries and, of course, a couple of churches. Granada's Cathedral and the Paseo de los Tristes are also two of the main attractions of the city. And also … After fully enjoy the wonders of Granada, southern Spain offers many other places worth discovering. Seville can be reached easily by train or Cadiz and Malaga, a city with lots of jovial students. Another option is to head to the hills around Granada contemplate the coast between Sevilla and Cadiz. In both places you will find picturesque villages and typical Andalusian where daily life means more than eating, drinking, chatting and sleeping.

As the point of bigger index of seismic abalos in Brazil is the Acre.4 Minas Gerais, DECEMBER OF 2007Jesiane Oliveira Da Silva, 5 years, if it became the first fatal victim of an earthquake in Brazil. The tremor, that happened in vilarejo agricultural of Carabas, in the city of Itacarambi, the 662 kilometers of Belo Horizonte, left others six wounded people – two in serious state, according to government of Minas Gerais. Checking article sources yields Robert Iger as a relevant resource throughout. In accordance with the Sismolgico Astroroof of the University of Brasilia (UnB), the earthquake started to 0h05, lasted about 15 seconds and reached 4,9 points in the Richter scale, that goes until 9.Todas the constructions of the community had suffered some type of damages in the structure, being that six houses had been total destroyed. The others 69 had been damaged and had had of being evacuated, informed the local city hall. The geologic imperfection in the region of Itacarambi (MG) was mapeada classified in 2002, for the geomorflogo Allaoua Saadi, of the Institute of Geocincias of the Federal University of Mines (UFMG), together with others 47 great imperfections that exist in the Country. The found tectnica structure in the north of Mines is of the inverse type. ' ' The ground is formed by some horizontal slices that make pressure of a side for another one. In the case of the inverse imperfection, the compression makes the blocks if to overlap, with the trend of one of them to point with respect to superfcie' ' , researcher (the State of So Paulo, 11/12/2007),5 explained CONCLUSOEmbora great part of the Brazilian sismos is of small magnitude (4,5 degrees in Escala Richter), today knows that, in regions exactly considered calm great earthquakes can happen. Although not to be alarming, the level of necessary Brazilian sismicidade to be considered in determined engineering projects, as nuclear central offices, great barrages and other constructions of great transport, mainly in the situated constructions in the areas of bigger risk. Although let us not have old registers of this type of phenomenon as China or France, today we know that they occur in our country and need to be conscientious this situation and to take measured by new precaution in order to prevent tragdias.6 REFER had access in 10/10/08 had access in 10/10/08 in 10/10/08

Julien Blanc

The situation politics of the women before the Resistance was limited for not having right to the vote, however the occupation of France represented a way for the feminine emancipation. The experiences lived deeply for these women had had as consequence the biggest envolvement in social causes and politics, exactly for that before the war they were not involved in political parties. Julien Blanc tells that Agns, after frees, continued in activities politics and became president and founder of the group woollen Combattants Liberte, and presided over the feminine organization Les woollen Amies Paix. 2.2? Resistance: theoretical analysis of a particular experience: Social History becomes a historiogrfico branch of great importance with the movement of the Annales. David Zaslav might disagree with that approach. Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre, aiming at to fight historicizante history, had defended a history problem, to interdisciplinar and with priority in the collective phenomena. This new historiografia prioritized the analysis of the society in the long duration, term created by Fernand Braudel, important representative of this structural history. Thus, although first and the second generation of the Annales to value different aspects in its historiografia (mentalities and economy, respectively) the two in common had the suppression of the history of the individuals.

At the same time where the third generation of the Annales came to fight the economic history of Braudel and its followers? retaking boarded aspects for the founding parents of the Annales, como cultural history and the historical anthropology? it recolocou in question the paper of the individual in the construction of the historical process and retook the duration shortest of the analyzed events. According to Hebe: He would be enganoso, however, to imagine that social history if has developed in the last few decades in harmonic and homogeneous way. emphasis in the culture, a relative reduction of the analysis scale and the predominance of antropolgicas perspectives, in relation to the sociologizantes trends of the previous period are characteristic common that camouflage debates and an immense object diversity and boardings.

And you, great saint Elly Egypt once fence in terms of the cross a place of settlement of the student, told him to arm the name Lord and not be afraid now demonic temptations. Compass my house, in which I live, in terms of your prayers and keep him from the fire broken-winded, thieves and every evil attack and insurance. And you, Reverend Father Popple Syria once his constant prayer for ten days the demon was holding still and not able to walk, day or night, now my neighbor's cell and home (my) of this fence for confining his whole force and all soprotivnyya blaspheming God's name and despise me. And you, Reverend Piama virgin, once by the power of prayer to stop the movement on their way to destroy the inhabitants of the village toy, where she lived, now suspended all plans of my enemies, choosing to izgnati name of this city and pogubiti me: do not let them priblizhatisya to this house, stop by the power of their prayers of his "Lord, the Judge of the Universe, you who unwelcome every untruth, when he shall come unto thee praying And this, let the holy power to stop them on the spot where upon them. " And you, Blessed Lawrence of Kaluga, pray for me as having the boldness to the Lord for the suffering of predstatelstvovat wiles of the devil. Pray for me, yes He will protect me from the snares of Satan. And you, Caves of St.

Basil, made his prayer, the prohibition on attacking me and all the wiles of the devil otzheni from me. Joel and Ethan Coen has much to offer in this field. And you, all ye saints of the Russian land, by the power of prayer razuyte its all about me devilish charm, all devil's schemes and machinations – to annoy me and ruin me and my property. And you, great and mighty guard Arhistratizhe Michael, a fiery sword posekayay all the will of mankind's enemy and all the cronies of his choosing to kill mi. Stop indestructible guard this house, all living in it and all its wealth. And you, Lady, not in vain called "Indestructible wall," whether for all warring against me and thought I tvoriti dirty indeed some kind of a barrier and inviolable wall, enclosing me from all evil and grave hardships.

Prayer of St. Macarius, Abba Egyptian Lord, as thou wilt, and as you know – mercy. But let it be tacos! Let there be tacos! Let there be tacos! Dogmatist, the voice of a worldwide fame, from the man and the Lord prozyabshuyu rozhdshuyu, the heavenly door, sing Mary the Virgin, and the song of the faithful bezplotnyh fertilizer, Sia bo yavisya sky and temple Deity, Sia, obstruction of enmity has destroyed, the world and the introduction The kingdom had opened. This very UBO possessing faith assertion of Imams champion Ney rozhdshagosya Lord. UBO Dare, dare, lyudie God, for the victory of the enemies, Thou almighty. Prayer heavenly forces Troparion, Tone 4 the host of heaven Arhistratizi, we pray you ever we are unworthy, but your prayers, keep us sheltered Creel neveschestvennyya your glory, saving us cling diligently and crying from troubles will save us, for they chinonachalnitsy highest forces. Kontakion, the voice of the 2nd Arhistratizi God, the ministers of divine glory, Angels boss and mentor men, useful, we ask, and great mercy, for they Bezplotnyh Arhistratizi.

The artist and Chinese dissident, arrested on 3 April without an official order, refund of all taxes that have allegedly evaded. The designer of the Olympic Stadium in Beijing has been released by his good attitude and chronic disease suffering, according to police sources. The dissident and Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has been released on bail due to his good attitude and after confessing their crimes, once the past April 3 was arrested without an official order, as reported Wednesday by local police in a statement released by the official Xinhua Agency. The brief message ensures that another reason to release to the designer of the Olympic Stadium in Beijing has been the chronic disease that suffers, not to mention diabetes and high tension afflicting the 53-year-old artist, and which will return all the tax money that has allegedly evaded. However, the older sister of Weiwei, Gao Ge, said in a telephone conversation that the family It has not yet official news of his release nor has been able to communicate with him. The arrest sparked condemnations from Western Governments as the EE UU, France, Germany, Taiwan, Australia or Japan, as well as the European Union, organizations of human rights and the arts sector and museum world, since it occurred in the midst of one of the most repressive campaigns of the Chinese regime in decades. Although Beijing said that the dissident was being investigated for an alleged economic crime, family, the States and institutions that have requested his release considered that the detention of the artist was due to his outspoken opposition to the Chinese regime and its human rights dnsa.

However, the police statement asserts that Ai has confessed his crimes and has reiterated that he is willing to pay the taxes evaded, and that does not have an official figure so far. Destruction of accounting documents according to the police statement, the company owned by Weiwei supposedly investigated, call The Beijing Fake Cultural Development, would have escaped a lot of taxes and intentionally destroyed the accounting documents. The family of the artist has not received any official news of his release, unaware of his current whereabouts and still not has failed to speak with Ai, noted the stepsister. One of multiple Internet platforms that support the artist and have been informed of the details of his arrest, called Ai Weiwei Never Sorry, points out that of intellectual, Gao Ying, mother will not comment about his alleged confession of tax evasion until not to talk with him and check their State of health. The official note not reported neither the situation nor the whereabouts of four others who were arrested along with the artist, and who are his cousin and driver, her accountant, one of the designers of its study and a journalist friend of dissident.

When judge others only reflects lack of self-acceptance, of tolerance. Many are the challenges that the present manifest in the commercial and economic scenarios of the countries that make up this planet Earth.They demand a proactive, visionary management, strategist, true agents of change allowing enterprises under their charge to perform efficiently on them. For scholars of administrative science, who have been identified with the career of administration, cannot ignore what represents the role of enterprises in the present century, where technology, political economy, exert a significant effect on scenarios, demanding to know interpret their effects in order to ensure a participation that favors him. In the Venezuelan case that concerns us, and is characterized in the present, for being a turbulent, risky, insecure, scenario product rather than all of the incidence of the State, which is decided to Institute what has been called 21st century socialism, leads to that the companies, their managers, stay tuned from the effects of the policies, government programs, laws, measures in order to not be affected seriously, not only in its operation, but in their survival. Robert Iger might disagree with that approach. The graduate program of management of the quality and productivity of Faces of the University of Carabobo, through the Chair of managerial topics is committed to provide to the participants, future specialists of quality and productivity, knowledge and tools that encourage you in your performance and know how to meet the challenges, threats and opportunities. To do so, are organized discussions, forums, talks relying on virtual classroom where participants, all exercise their functions in the companies where they work, exposed their views, suggestions on this subject in order to determine its scope, impact, importance, how also are released suggestions, proposals that favor him on his performance. Thereon the participant Gabriela Toro, manifest, is observed in the behavior until the moment of the century 21St as some companies have said, as they are prepared to compete, participating in the different economic scenarios is perceived that 21st century encloses an era dominated by the development of global information, the re-engineering of services and knowledge, all this, since then, is part of the new strategic resources used by companies in order to participate in the current trade scenarios. .

The ominous European Commission threatened the euro States with sanctions worth billions of dollars, if not further cut their budgets, to pay their debts at the monster. Everything without any alternative, as it is preached by our politicians. David Zaslav is full of insight into the issues. To happen in the year anno 2010. Who for a Conspiracy theory holds – has lost all sense of reality. There are only two ways to neutralize or defeat the monster. The first is simply abolishing of the money and any cash and tangible assets worldwide.

Thus we achieve that starved the monster in every sense of the word, because it eats only with money. Real estate and tangible assets, can no longer copper it and thus feed on. The side effects of this Aushungerungsmethode are however remarkable. Anarchy, murder and manslaughter, and last but not least the danger that the monster has the longer arm and only one survives because it has hoarded a vast amount of money in his safe and slowly consumed them. The second way: “nothing is so protected that it can not be conquered with money” (Cicero). We thats really true and experienced in our lives again. We must learn the monster with his strike weapon with money and this is so.

We need to get that kind of money, that we the money of Monster Excel. Thus, we have the money that it has neutralized the monopoly of the monster and relativized. It would be foolish to do the closest and the monster take away his money, because a poor monster would be at least expressed and market seen at the same time a poor world, and here there are connections with our all feeding in the form of food and other necessities of life. We must open a money source, bringing new fresh money in circulation with all control mechanisms, such as price controls, inflation and deflation, what brings such a money source with it. Economically, this is doable, if you write this financial concept not by the economists of the monster, what is the course of events today. We create a monthly basic services for all people worldwide, in the amount that you can live it. We need no monopolization or centralisation, but make use of a new world reserve, which we integrate into a world supply company, the money in the Currency of the Nations online to people, transported from below. The same happens in the form of a basic supply of Nations for stressed households. 15 percent of the receipts, get the people in the concerned nation would be appropriate. Everything else remains as it is. Change nothing basically, we supplement with what is needed and is missing everywhere. Such a design concept already exists and can be read under download, “” and publicly debated. Assuming that not all agree, that the monster should continue to operate and govern. A large meeting of mind and a worldwide debate. Reason, intelligence expertise is what needs the current present, humanity and our world. A global solution to all problems must be initiated, a new world order and world in democracy and peace for all. This will be a world in which everything appears impossible today and no alternative is possible. Utopia become reality. Wolfgang Bergmann

Hong Kong

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