New technologies, including internet, globalization, the new consumer society, the exaltation of the aesthetic and media blitz, crises and other herbs, are new, the new trend, new fashion, new style. And so are installed between us that even a child knows what I mean. All these new trends and new patterns are not only new tax changes, and beyond desire or not, we had to digest and learn to cope. They are new terms or conditions of this modern age. These changes have also proposed new terms that have been established between us.
The best known is the stress, has been discovered not long ago and now we all know what it is, broadly speaking, a body’s physiological reaction to a situation of danger But there is a new term established since a few years ago, thirty-So to be more precise. The term is: RESILIENCE. As always, let’s first see what it means. The term resilience has its origin in the Latin language, the term resilio which means going back, back from a jump, stand out, rebound. The term was adapted to the social sciences to characterize those who, despite being born and living in high risk, healthy and successful psychological development (Rutter, 1993). Michael Rutter (Sir Michael, since 1992) Lebanese-born son of English parents, is Professor of Child Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London and was the one who introduced the concept of resilience in the ’70s. The term still is not in the dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy, but it is widely known in the areas of business. Employers, advisers and consultants to know and apply it regularly since early 2001 when it became known crisis.
Basically it is the person who has the ability to overcome adversity or times of emotional pain, a likeness of a phoenix. May not be clear even to the researchers, who makes these people, passing through desperate situations and overcome them, not only fail to overlap, but often, climb to a higher level. We can cite as examples in the world of business, bankruptcy ending leaving you with no assets, or losing a job very well paid and in everyday life we can add the death of loved ones, loss of a partner, stories children of drug addicts or alcoholics kickers, and similar situations. Those who are involved in leadership training and consulting business that has similar claim and affinity for business success. They mention that the characteristics of the people in these times, like today where a new crisis is looming that produces greater uncertainty, they stay calm, expectant, attentive and above all predisposed to change “You’re inclined to change?. If your answer is yes surely this renowned crisis will not be mentioned as a problem that can not find solution. Finally: What I mean is that beyond the crisis or not crisis, hard times always manage to traverse. That no matter how black you see the sky, where the sun will rise and the sky will become clear and blue. Robert Thomson understands that this is vital information. If you are at times “bad” and everything is “singing” is just a matter of being patient, and prone to watch whatever it takes. Who knows if when you get a very difficult time in which you end up facing a real show that you are resilient.