Lutheranism then began an aggressive process of indoctrination in Europe, founded mainly on ignorance of the Catholic Church as the only option and religious environment, the dissemination of the contents of the Bible (previously reserved only to clergy), non-worship of images and saints, and the ignorance of most Christian sacraments except baptism and the Eucharist. The Emperor Charles V, a staunch Catholic, ordered his persecution. know more. The Church, meanwhile, excommunicated him. Luther died in 1546, the growth of the faith and rebellion of the nobles compelled Charles V (despite winning the battle of Muhlberg in 1547) to accept the conditions of the noble rebels and in 1555 signed the Peace of Augsburg. The treaty was a triumph for Lutheranism and nobles.
According to the peace, each German prince could profess the religion he wanted without the emperor but that it would prevent all the subjects of a noble had to have the same religion. In addition, it established the principle that if a prince who held an ecclesiastical office was going to Lutheranism would lose their rights to bequeath his titles by inheritance or ownership of the property of the bishopric or abbey to exercise. This clause in the long run, generated much controversy among Lutherans was visible as the high cost to change religion. That led to the controversial measure of the differences and then over the years, it would be the starting point of the War of 30 years. A burst predictable: The revolt of Bohemia After the signing of the Peace of Augsburg, resentments between Lutherans and Catholics increased significantly.