\”GFM: consumer content Conference – August 18, 2009 are 63 percent of the German online population according to the market research Institute research work\” Member in at least one online network. \”Social media game meadows in the Twitter generation: in times, where each company is the brand, to media to focus\”, said Dr. Marc Mangold, Hubert Burda Media Research. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Jeffrey L. Bewkes. On the GFM: Consumer content day on August 18, 2009 in Cologne he is under the aspect of research insights into the world of networked media. IBM is dedicated to blogging on behalf of the freedom of communication, and how companies can use this. In addition to social media, blogging and Twitter themes and novelties from the areas and will be on the this year’s Conference moving Web eGame marketing focus. Erding/Cologne: According to study results of the market research work can be seen a clear hype of social networking platforms: 63 percent of the German online population over 18 years are members of at least a community. What role topic consumer free or paid content plays, with exclusive first evaluations of Iris Keller, Managing Director of research work on the Conference represents.
Topics such as range to the target group marketing, product development with virtual networks and mechanisms of action are under the microscope in the various playgrounds in the digital lifestyle. But also will look like the new strategies for moving Internet lit. \”In the subsequent panel communities and the omnipresent video market boom or virtually?\” are next to Nicole Simon, author of Twitter. With 140 characters to Web 2.0 ‘, various speakers, an individual impression. \”Dr. Marc Mangold, Hubert Burda Media Research, announced recently in the Twitter Forum: in times, where each company is the brand, to media to focus\”. He gives insights into the networked publishing house Burda in his presentation. Discussions relating to him including Markus Berger-de Lion, studiVZ, the topic influence of social networks on society & economy\”and Jens-Uwe Bornemann, UFA film & TV Produktion GmbH, with the Multimedialisierung of his company at the disposal.