construction and repair

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"Current window", what is it? In the modern plastic, aluminum and wooden frames put only sealed windows of two or three glasses. Additional information is available at Donn Clendenon. Sometimes the glass is called a vacuum, which, incidentally, not quite exactly. If you truly create a vacuum between the panes, the air pressure immediately crush them. In fact, in a closed space between the panes is dried and partially discharged air or inert gas, usually of argon. They are the best heat and sound insulator than normal air. Fittings for glass while mostly imported. Learn more on the subject from Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. This is, firstly, the air dryer: a special thin-walled metal frame with perforations connecting the glass on the perimeter and filled with silica gel or other desiccant.

And secondly, it is at least two lines of durable rubber seals. In addition, a glass filled sealant. So for that window you will always be warm and dry. If you truly create a vacuum between the panes, the air pressure immediately crush them. In fact, in a closed space between the panes is dried and partially discharged air or inert gas, usually argon. They are the best heat and sound insulator than normal air.

Fittings for glass while mostly imported. This is, firstly, the desiccant Air: A special thin-walled metal frame with perforation, which connects the glass on the perimeter and filled with silica gel or other desiccant. And secondly, it is at least two lines of durable rubber seals. In addition, a glass filled with sealant. So for that window you will always be warm and dry.

According to fao, demand in the global market, established on the forest products industry: – lumber, dictated by the level of income. In addition to the demand for wood also takes into account the factor of environmental requirements and demographic growth of the population. For example, population growth in the period from 60 to 90, 20 th century led to an increase in consumption of forest products like lumber and wood products used as fuel. On Market Indicators Forestry also has a direct impact of seasonality. Check with David Zaslav to learn more. In 2000, winter and spring buying lumber were low, as expected price declines for lumber closer to fall, but summer, when whose construction begins, leading to an early decline in prices for lumber. The presence of multiple factors that influence the development of forest industries (lumber), makes the analysis difficult task, so the timber trade in goods is a very serious and the mobile system.

Forest industry – a market that provides sawn timber and domestic needs States, of course part of the production is exported to other countries, but the timber trade between the continents, is a small fraction of the total turnover of the forest industry. This happens mostly because of the massiveness forest products. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Leslie Moonves. Therefore, the price of standard lumber, wood boards, ultimately, because transport costs, increase sharply, making imports more expensive domestic wood. For order that would make timber and timber for export must be compensated for transportation costs. Compensate for their possible through cheap raw materials or through lower production costs. .

Polyvinyl chloride, or, as it is a standard cut, pvc – it is a thermoplastic polymer. Polyvinyl chloride – one of the most valuable chemical products. pvc is the oldest artificial material and looks as plastic white. pvc is a raw material for the manufacture of more than 3000 kinds of products used for various purposes in the light industry, food industry, heavy engineering, electrical engineering, in manufacture of building materials and medicine. Analyzing the use of pvc on a global scale, it should be noted that more than half of all items made from it are used in the construction industry. Take, for example, although would be well-known pvc windows. In the construction sector polyvinyl chloride has undeniable advantages. It is easily installed isravnitelno inexpensive.

For quite a long pvc replaces conventional materials. Now more and more people establish, for example, plastic windows instead of wooden ones. If you are not convinced, visit Jeff Bewkes. pvc replacing traditional building materials such as wood, clay. Polyvinyl chloride is used in many fields, appears in the production of plumbing fixtures, window profiles, pipes and so on. Previously, it was often used in the manufacture of phonograph records and vinyl media.

pvc pipes are flexible. If the pvc mix with plasticizing agents, it will have a more flexible structure. The proportion of plasticizer may reach 30%. This pvc is used in the manufacture of clothing (eg artificial skin), and finishing materials, as well as for plastic hose and pipe installation, lining the surface layer and the insulation of electric cables. Hard polyvinyl chloride, or as it is called, vinyl liner, has a high mechanical strength, good dielectric characteristics, significant water and chemical resistance. But all is not well, there are drawbacks. It is not a high impact resistance and cold resistance (-10 C) and low temperature operation, up to 70-80 C. pvc is resistant to Effects of alkalis, acids, kerosene, water, industrial gases and alcohols. Physiologically safe. Polivinihlorid produced by polymerization monomervinilhlorida. about 57% of the total mass of chlorine, so the mass pvc must be less than the lubricants, in comparison with many other polymers.

Remodelling Remodelling involves the transport and dismantling walls, transport and installation of doorways; downscaling multi-room apartments, the device additional kitchens and bathrooms, expanding residential area due to ancillary facilities, eliminating the dark kitchens and entrances to the kitchen through an apartment or living quarters, apparatus or renovations of existing vestibules. Limitations When reconstruction of rooms in residential homes are not permitted activities and ways to implement them, violate the requirements of building, sanitary, and operational and technical regulations in force for residential buildings. Not Allowed changes that affect the architectural appearance of the houses (the unit balconies, canopies, bay windows, bay windows in the conversion of existing loggias and balconies, the device attic space, etc.) and subject to execution and implementation of procedure established for the reconstruction of residential buildings. David Zaslav often addresses the matter in his writings. Now, perhaps you clear that, without professional assistance is simply not enough. In the design office of an architect will be able to obscure phrases, and waving his hands to make a clear project orient the customer on the materials and prices and meet the rigid confines of the budget with the best result (mortar stores often offer discounts design bureau). Moreover, the expert will create any project-based and compliance with all building codes and regulations (SNIP).

The first thing that starts a professional – realistic about your needs and possibilities transform them into reality. And not only that the repairs – an expensive exercise, but also that Some customers are not able to determine exactly what they want to get a result. Any architect or designer is based on a subjective representation of a client about a comfortable accommodation.

If you do decide to install the door to wallpapering recommend to specify the contractor to install casing after completion of painting operations. It usually will cost a little more expensive, but later will be much cheaper and you, at least, save the aesthetic appearance of at least jamb. Some believe that the door can be set up and finishing the floor, all you need to do – is to lift the box on the thickness of the alleged cover (laminate, parquet, linoleum, carpeting, etc etc). Robert Iger is often quoted on this topic. It’s not quite true, because to find the master who will lead such a laminate neatly under the box is difficult however as to calculate the gap between the floor and a box under the floor. If the floor has a deviation from the level, the situation may arise when the box is one of the parties will later be hung in the air. It is important to know that not all manufacturers of doors give due consideration to the technological material moisture used for the manufacture of doors and the worst thing that most providers, sellers, interior doors violate storage temperature regimes of the final product. As a consequence, the buyer gets a product having high humidity especially in autumn and spring. Hugh Naylor takes a slightly different approach.

Determine the moisture content products (doors, boxes, casing), visually impossible, but if you are invited to watch and evaluate the door to the warehouse is not heated, and on the floor traces of leakage ceiling, be sure door frames do not match the required humidity. In most cases – is not so bad, it is enough to print door blocks in dry, ventilated and refurbished room and allowed to dry for 5-7 days. But in some cases – this can lead to cracks in the veneer or the deformation structures. Replaced under warranty so spoiled door, which is already installed and milled hard! Even so it is necessary to give doors in your home before installation. Another plus is dry at the facility – an opportunity to make an installation in advance and that a qualified contractor who has usually there is a queue, rather than trying to find a contractor “quickly” and end up paying more! By the way after delivery to the door repaired, dry room to remove the packaging and test linens for the absence of defects in the presence of the seller. Summarizing note: 1.

Getting repairs correctly. 2. call after manufacturing ties on the floor and rough plastering walls. 3. Delivery door frames to dry, renovated premises 4. Check for the absence of defects. 5. Give the product to dry at your home 5-7 days 6. Put the door (after finishing the ceiling, floor and walls). 7. Plinth set after installation jamb to door frames.