construction of life

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All components are carefully metered. The dry adhesive mixture is poured into water. 8.2 Mix glue mixture using an electric drill is better in plastic buckets – easier laundered, and even fewer rattles. 2.9 Notched scoop – an indispensable tool for masonry blocks on the glue. 10.02 First mixture was applied on a horizontal surface, and then the vertical. 2.11 The next block is laid in place and aligned horizontally and cord. 2.12 In masonry exterior walls with a circular saw with carbide disc make two parallel to the cutting depth of about 5 cm 2.13 With the help of a chisel and hammer middle, break out between the kerf and cleared of debris. 2.14 Above the grooves are posted reinforcing bars, welded at the corners.

2.15 Welded fittings the gasket from the rubble in the center of the groove, which is filled with cement mortar. 2.16 for window and door lintels are welded reinforcement cages are small. 2.17 blocks over from the narrow opening, glued 'box', which reinforcing cage is placed. A box filled with a solution of high-strength concrete. 2.18 Cutting the blocks is easily accomplished elektronozhovkoy like 'gator'. 2.19 Stepa basement (including internal ones) are laid out. When working in alone took about three weeks.

Continued. Reinforced belt. 01.03 reinforcement cages for reinforced concrete belts are made directly on the wall. Ready-made frames have too much weight to their raise assembled. Cut to the size of reinforcement bars are placed on wooden templates on top of the wall.

This is the reason to reflect and Government of our country. Ukraine has slipped to last place in Europe for salaries. At the same time the price level we have is the same as in the same Europe. In recent years, our country was a shortage of cooking oil, rice, buckwheat – the main food of their diet every Ukrainian. Nonsense for Ukraine – import buckwheat, this native of our products, from China. And grits are not the highest quality and best taste characteristics. Is increasingly becoming hostage to the global trade market and speculations of politicians. Gap does not necessarily agree.

Every year in Ukraine falls in agricultural production. Last year, the cereal harvest fell by almost 15% compared with 2009. According to statistics, in 2010, an 8% increase in the production of sunflower oil. It is true that 83% of the total production of the product was exported. It may be that all that will be grown up, already will be sold for a year forward, as it was in Ireland in the XIX century, when England bought up the entire potato crop in this country, causing a famine there, which resulted in a hungry winter killed more than 1 million people. Every year in Ukraine, an increasing number of the urban population. This figure has already reached 70% of the total population of the state.

Ukraine has always been an agrarian country. For our parents' usual occupation was working in home gardens. What we have today? System destruction of the agricultural sector at the global and private levels. Due to the rapid development of economic performance before 2008, the state of living also improved. In this new generation for the past 10 years due to improved financial condition, wean mass physical work. Wages paid for sitting in the office and talking on the phone. A lot of physical work was automated and did not make sense to grow potatoes, as it cost much.

The special features of upholstery Materials include high density and strength compared with other tissues. To each according to the needs of desired material must comply with the conditions in which it exists. Upholstery is selected for the product on which in operation may appear stains from food, should have a protective coating or contamination-resistant structure (as, for example, a flock). For transforming furniture is not particularly suitable nap material, which eventually threatens to 'polyset' (flock or Chenille). If you use the bag, so it should be easily removable and have a good technical under the fabric, does not create additional difficulties when it Equip (her problem – not 'stick', do not form wrinkles and folds). For children there is no sense to choose expensive materials with long service life. Leslie Moonves pursues this goal as well.

After all, most likely, the furniture should be changed because it no longer fit on the child's physical characteristics. Do not be afraid of synthetic (or artificial), the latest generation of fabrics – they are 'breathable' and hypoallergenic. It is better to stay quiet on matters of smooth colors, with simple, not annoying baby picture. You should also note that the fabric should not collect dust and contamination from the surface to be easily removed. Pets can do to tighten the relief of tissue-type boucle or matter with large wicker-like matting. On the surface, or Tapestry Jacquard, despite the high density weave, because of the clutches of domestic animals will also remain resistant torque that can not be spread. Not too practical and Chenille, unless you have in mind at all to hide it under a blanket, to which one has to resort to most owners of cats and dogs.

Modern foreign varieties of lilies are obtained using special methods and techniques of great interest for local breeders, and new technological solutions are applied at all stages hybridization process, as well as introductions. Most important information about the nature of inheritance of traits in lilies. Today in this area the following is known. Hybrids have a dominant Asian presence ticking on parts of perianth, dark-red inhibits orange, yellow and orange. Jeff Bewkes often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The gene that causes the appearance of reduced anther gene is associated with deformity of the flower. Albinism seeds – a recessive trait, occurring in the Asian lilies Martagon and hybrids.

Banter-left pochkolukovichki recessive trait for Asian and for tubular lilies. Yellow and orange coloration in the throat tubular flowers white dominates. Y Oriental Hybrid white suppressed pink and red. Gold in a gloss, no stains on the proportions, dwarfing recessive traits. The study of the nature of inheritance is associated with considerable difficulties.

Thus, in the case of incomplete dominance backcross not give the desired results. Among the hybrid lilies are forms, the occurrence of which is the result of several genes that work cumulatively. That is, For example, the character of the heritage gation following traits – plant height, flowering, shape and orientation of the flower bulb shape. Breeders say the high ability of some lilies to transfer their positive qualities the so-called seed cleaning gene. The search for such plants generally begin with a study of parental pairs, which were obtained from the best varieties of lilies. Careful selection of a combination of signs is necessary in order to understand which of Parents "responsible" for the appearance. excellent hybrids. The most studied plant parental cultivar 'Connecticut King' ('Connecticut King'). It is known that halo in the middle of the perianth parts he got from the yellow variety liter. Wilson, resistance to diseases of the yellow liter. Tiger. Also, breeders are aware that the use of 'Connecticut King' as the mother plant dignity usually occur only among the descendants of second or even third generation. Best results are obtained when taking the pollen of this variety: seedlings transferred to a good fabric texture of shares in the color of the flower appear pure tones and secondary colors. Typically, the program crossbreeding include a combination of inbreeding and out-breeding. First is the restoration of a series of hazardous crossings, where lilies are used in different regions. Then the selected seedlings are crossed with one another, inbreeding may continue up to obtain pure lines. However, we must remember that this can occur is an undesirable property, as susceptibility to viral diseases. It is now known eight types of viruses that infect lily mosaic arabisa, cucumber mosaic, tobacco mosaic pogremkovosti tobacco ring spot of tobacco, lily latent virus, lily virus X-and pestrolepestnosti tulips. Aphids carry three type – the cucumber mosaic, latent and pestrolepestnosti tulips; nematodes – arabisa mosaic virus, and pogremkovosti Ringspot tobacco. Affected by one species of plant viruses are rarely killed, as the accumulation of several occurs when the collection includes a variety sent from different sources. As a result, tolerant to a single lily virus affected.

Natural tile. Natural (or ceramic) tiles is an ancient and honorable type of roofing materials. It is made from low-melting, fatty and plastic types of clay. Her baking in an oven at a temperature of about 1000 degrees C – very energy-intensive process, which, of course, affects the quality and price. Today, there are several other pottery subspecies – a cement-sand tile and polymer-sand cherepicha practically not inferior its quality, and almost 2 times its cheaper. Dignity. Pottery requires virtually no maintenance, it does not need to tint and repair, and it serves more than 100 years. The most important advantage – fire because the pottery belongs to group of non-combustible materials, as it has a perfect sound insulation.

It has a minimum percentage of waste during installation and low water absorption (1.5%). And of course, most important – is the most environmentally friendly form of roofing coverage. Disadvantages. The main limitation for the use of tile is its great weight. Compared with metallic coating, the calculated load increases by 10-30%, depending on the angle of the roof. Which, of course, requires complication of truss construction. Since the mass production of ceramic tiles in our country does not, the price is much higher than abroad. Shingles.

It is also called a flexible or soft tiles. The shape of is a small, flat sheets with shaped neck with one hand. Made of glass fiber or cellulose impregnated with a modified bitumen with various polymeric additives. Outside the bar covered with basalt or mineral grit. Dignity. Bitumen is not subject to corrosion and rot, which substantially increases the service life. Such a roof does not require additional painting and can be applied to any roofs with a slope of not less than 12 degrees. Even it can be used for renovation of old roofs. High heat and sound insulation makes it an indispensable material for private homes. This type of tile is economical, because of the small waste, even on complex configurations of roofs. Shingles is one of the most popular roofing materials used in the installation, reconstruction of the roof of houses, cottages, etc. Disadvantages. Chief lack of shingles – the complexity of installation. If the cover is laid properly, it may be deformed, some can come off the plate by a strong wind. To avoid this, under such a roof should be lay a solid crates of high-quality water-resistant wooden board, which doubles the cost of this type of roof. Metal. Metal is a type of profiled steel galvanized sheet, simulating the natural tile. For the protection of galvanized steel sheet from external influences, various polymer coatings, excellent in quality, thickness and price. Color Palette metal, which offer a very diverse manufacturers. It is defined by a palette of paints manufacturer's plate and each plant has its own system of marking paints. Therefore, when choosing colors We recommend using this company directories, colors or patterns are. Dignity. Ease, ease of repair, as well as providing companies a complete set of parts with metal. Low cost, large variety of colors and the ability to recolor in any other. The smooth surface provides drainage of rain and snow. Disadvantages. This roof should be painted every 3-5 years because it is very exposed to UV radiation. Its better not to apply to the complex in the architectural sense, the roof, because the number of cuttings will be very large (waste can be up to 35%). Low wind resistance and noise reduction are also disadvantages of this type of roof. If violated the protective layer, metal corrodes rapidly.

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