As the point of bigger index of seismic abalos in Brazil is the Acre.4 Minas Gerais, DECEMBER OF 2007Jesiane Oliveira Da Silva, 5 years, if it became the first fatal victim of an earthquake in Brazil. The tremor, that happened in vilarejo agricultural of Carabas, in the city of Itacarambi, the 662 kilometers of Belo Horizonte, left others six wounded people – two in serious state, according to government of Minas Gerais. Checking article sources yields Robert Iger as a relevant resource throughout. In accordance with the Sismolgico Astroroof of the University of Brasilia (UnB), the earthquake started to 0h05, lasted about 15 seconds and reached 4,9 points in the Richter scale, that goes until 9.Todas the constructions of the community had suffered some type of damages in the structure, being that six houses had been total destroyed. The others 69 had been damaged and had had of being evacuated, informed the local city hall. The geologic imperfection in the region of Itacarambi (MG) was mapeada classified in 2002, for the geomorflogo Allaoua Saadi, of the Institute of Geocincias of the Federal University of Mines (UFMG), together with others 47 great imperfections that exist in the Country. The found tectnica structure in the north of Mines is of the inverse type. ' ' The ground is formed by some horizontal slices that make pressure of a side for another one. In the case of the inverse imperfection, the compression makes the blocks if to overlap, with the trend of one of them to point with respect to superfcie' ' , researcher (the State of So Paulo, 11/12/2007),5 explained CONCLUSOEmbora great part of the Brazilian sismos is of small magnitude (4,5 degrees in Escala Richter), today knows that, in regions exactly considered calm great earthquakes can happen. Although not to be alarming, the level of necessary Brazilian sismicidade to be considered in determined engineering projects, as nuclear central offices, great barrages and other constructions of great transport, mainly in the situated constructions in the areas of bigger risk. Although let us not have old registers of this type of phenomenon as China or France, today we know that they occur in our country and need to be conscientious this situation and to take measured by new precaution in order to prevent tragdias.6 REFER had access in 10/10/08 had access in 10/10/08 in 10/10/08