tyvek membrane (TYVEK) is the world-famous corporations DuPont and is a non-woven material on the basis of an infinite fiber of polyethylene (high density). Material combines waterproofing and wind-proof properties as well as the ability to freely flowing water vapor. High water vapor permeability of materials Tyvek (TYVEK) allows moisture from the insulation and other structural elements of free pass through it in a ventilated space, which prevents the accumulation of condensation process, the destruction of wood, helps to improve the performance of insulation. So is the structure of the material Tyvek (TYVEK) at 200-fold magnification: Benefits Material: Tyvek (TYVEK) increases the service life of structural elements and insulation. The material is compatible with all types of insulating materials. To know more about this subject visit Robert Iger . The use of Tyvek membrane (TYVEK) in loft building highly efficient and economical thanks to durability and excellent performance on energy conservation design. Using Tyvek membrane (TYVEK) allows you to organize mansard roof without Lower ventilation gap at full insulation rafters.
Material eliminates the ingress of water (oblique rain, blowing the roof under the snow accumulated condensate, etc.) on the insulating layer and the freely transmits water vapor in the upper ventilation gap. The use of Tyvek membrane (TYVEK) as windbreaks in the walls and roofs made of light metal structures, framed wooden buildings, improve their insulation and energy efficiency options. Low weight and high strength material Tyvek (TYVEK) are crucial when it is used as the underlay waterproof and windproof barrier, as in new construction and renovation of buildings. Application of material Tyvek (TYVEK) contributes to the necessary temperature and humidity balance in the room. Tyvek (TYVEK) can be used as a temporary roof to 4 months. So looks like a combination of waterproofing and vapor permeability properties: