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In Colombia the CRAF can protest to have 44 years of life, about 10.000 men and to most of have presence in the departments of this republic, but never they arrived a to have the support that at the time obtained the sandinistas in Nicaragua, the farabundistas in El Salvador or the zapatistas in Mexico. Today, nevertheless, they have been losing half of its cash and much social support. In certain way they have been committing errors similar to those of the Shining Path in Peru. The CRAF and SL are the unique guerrillas Latin American farmers who called to each other led by a communist party and which the production and the commerce of the cocaine financed strongly thanks to. The bonds with the drug trafficking to both rendered material dividends to them but at the cost of mining them in their prestige. Unlike Footpath, the CRAF has not attacked the unions and the rest of the left as well as the embassies of red governments . The disciples of Tirofijo also have obtained majors social roots and armed bases that those of Gonzalo .

However, the CRAF is lost credibility by his prolonged kidnappings and their bonds with the drug-based economy. Maintaining hostages by long time and in so terrible conditions in the end it ends up causing that the guerrilla is the one who really is kidnapped because she appears like a cruel being and that, at the same time, no longer must like north take the power but produce exchanges of prisoner or new agreements. Before so prolonged violence in Colombia and the incapacity of the guerrilla to appear like real spare part alternative, Uribe considers like the man who yes could pacify to the country and thus to let grow it. For it one is due to support to him in defeating to the subversion.

One of those declarations assured that in the Spirit of the Panamericanismo, the nations of America could ” to reaffirm the ideals of peace and continental solidarity that all profess, to fortify its natural and historical bows and to remember the common interests and aspirations that make to the countries of the hemisphere a center of positive influence in the universal movement in favor of La Paz, justice and the law between naciones”. AMRIKA MOMORHITekoayhu purahi, tekoha hekokatuvagua Joajpe tapiaite anemoingovtava ane rekos”? re, ane e” ngatre Jaikova” er teko marangatpe Py” aguapy rechaukaha ohesapta tekove Amrika yvypeh pukukuetpe Py” ara” mbareter, joyke” yreko mbareter Ojapta tekoha hekokatuvagua purahi aetete Argentina, Brazil are Bolivia, Colombia, Chile are Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Venezuela, Guatemala is El Salvador, Costa Rica, Haiti are Nicaragua, Honduras there is Panama, North America, Mexico are Peru, Cuba is Canada: Joyke” and reko” year ssombyre niko ha” Joyke” and reko” year ssombyre niko ha” HYMN OF THE AMERICAS A song of friendship, good vicinity, united it will have to us eternally By our freedom, our loyalty we must live gloriously. A peace symbol will illuminate living of all the American Continent. Force of Optimism, forces of the brotherhood it will be this song of good vicinity. Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia, Colombia, Chile and Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Venezuela, Guatemala and El Salvador, Costa Rica, Haiti and Nicaragua, Honduras and Panama, North America, Mexico and Peru, Cuba and Canada: They are brother sovereigns of the freedom! They are brother sovereigns of the freedom!

The Second War

In order to make a comparison previous investigations they demonstrated that the percentage that suffers of the syndrome after a labor accident reaches to a 6%; and a 7% in the group that faced natural disasters. Un33% suffer of ASD after been to have exposed to a shooting. Another goal of the investigation consisted of comparing like both populations – as much Jewish as Arab, they bore the trauma of the war. This last investigation one knows that the Arab inhabitants of the north of the country had higher traumatic symptoms 20,3%, (4 times greater compared with the Jewish inhabitants). ” One of the explanations that can be given on the matter is that the Jewish citizen who was exhibited in the last years to the Intifada and the terrorist attacks became harder from character to the traumatic events. Others of the reasons are that great part of the Jewish population in Israel realises the obligatory military service, or battle or and for that reason they are not exposed to situations difficult to take, they prepare that them throughout his life that is to say to bear the facts traumticos” the investigators expressed..

The victim without knowing drinks it abundant beer frozen mixed with diazepan, valium, and eats, for finally, minutes later to feel gotten sleepy, tired and to ask to the child to go to the hotel, to close with hour clasp the little party in the bed naked. Pepera accepts and it asks to him that it pays 50 suns first to him, to take a taxi and to go to the near hotel but. Robert A. Iger often addresses the matter in his writings. Both arrive at the hotel, but when this in the bath occurring a shower, to take off modorra, leaves and looks for the bed, where finally it falls imprisoned of a deep dream. Some vicitmas desmayan way to the hotel, in the shower and there same all are robbed pertenecias: clock, ring, cards of credit, money in cash, shoes, terno, dress coat, everything what takes and is of value. Done the cleaning of the victim, or peperas, they leave it sleeping naked in the bed of the hotel, a rubbish dump, an open of terrain. The victim, if it has luck and survives wakes up 10 or 12 hours later, with headache, disoriented, with a vague memory than step. It is much thirsty, this in underpants, barefoot, without averages. When she begins to remember, she only sees in his memories faces of glad children they kissed that it enthusiastically and they filled of caresses, does not know if I get to intimar or no, does not know if they were those that robbed to him or no, not this safe one, does not know nor where this.

She only hits upon to recognize, that perfect Porto like a stupid one and what is worse, does not have nor for the passage from return to its house. In the Avenue Tupac Amaru, district of Independence, the 2006 found a dead man of 45 years. The 2,30 neighbors showed that at a.m.

Civil Doctrine

Adems is necessary to consider that exists compared civil doctrine, procedural compared civilian, penal compared, procedural compared penitentiary, constitutional compared, procedural compared, notarial compared constitutionalist, labor compared, procedural labor compared, registry compared, customs compared, tributary compared, among others supposed. 13. IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE COMPARED GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF the RIGHT the general principles of the right are the substratum of all the right, thus some are applied all the pases, whereas others slo to determined pases. It is possible to be compared general principles of the right, thus is possible that one compares stos in the Peruvian right and alemn, Peruvian and Bolivian, Peruvian with Chilean, Peruvian with Uruguayan, Peruvian with Paraguayan, Peruvian with Argentinean, Peruvian with francs, Peruvian with Italian, Peruvian with alemn, Peruvian with Spanish, francs with alemn, francs with Italian, francs with Spanish, among others. 14. IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE COMPARED SPECIFIC PRINCIPLES OF EACH BRANCH OF the RIGHT the especficos principles of each branch of the right they are the first foundations of each branch of the right, that is to say, varan in each branch of the right.

It is possible to be compared especficos principles of each branch of the right, thus is possible that one compares stos in the Peruvian right and alemn, Peruvian and Bolivian, Peruvian with Chilean, Peruvian with Uruguayan, Peruvian with Paraguayan, Peruvian with Argentinean, Peruvian with francs, Peruvian with Italian, Peruvian with alemn, Peruvian with Spanish, francs with alemn, francs with Italian, francs with Spanish, among others. In addition it is necessary to need that it is possible to be compared the notarial principles, procedural, registry, tributary, customs, civil, constitutional, mercantile, enterprise, corporative, penal, among others supposed.

Doctor Apostolicus

Juan XXIIIle granted the title of Doctor of the Church with the name of Doctor Apostolicus by the Brief Celsitudo ex- humilitate of 19 of March of 1959. Its celebration is celebrated the 21 of July Who San Teodoro de Amasea? He says himself to us, was one of the Greek military saints of century IV. San Teodoro de Amasea was born in Smaller Asia in the middle of century III. Enlisted in the Roman army, Teodoro reached a great fame at its time after defeating a dangerous dragoon (some suggest was a crocodile). When one refused to offer a sacrifice to the Gods being alleged that he was Christian, something prohibited then, the Roman judges decided to give time him to reflect; nevertheless, few days later Teodoro (Turkey) entered at night the temple of Cibeles in Amasea it set afire and it, destroying it completely. ghout.

The patience of the magistrates was run out, and Teodoro was condemned until death. It contributes Wikipedia to us exceeds, who San Teodoro was the first landlord of Venice, until he was demoted at the beginning of century IX. With the power of the Byzantine empire in remarkable decay, the Venetian ones decided that to have like landlord Greek santo he was not too reasonable. At the same time, Rome extended its influence under the protection of the apostle San Pedro, father of the church. So some Venetian merchants devised a dangerous plan: they traveled to Egypt and they robbed the relics of San Marcos, camouflaging the mortal rest of the gospeller between pieces of pig meat so that the Muslims could not discover them. And thus he was like in 828 year San Marcos one became the landlord of Venice, where a luxurious basilica in its honor was elevated. In century 12 its body to Brindisi was transferred, and it is honest there like landlord, the head is consecrated in Gaeta. There are churches that take their name in Constantinople, Jerusalem, Damascus, and other places of the old Christian East.

One old church of San Teodoro in Venice says that it has been founded by Narss. The church was demolished later, when the basilica of San Marcos was extended. On the feet of the Palatal one, in Rome It is a very old church, of form circular and dedicated to San Teodoro, to whom the Roman town called San Toto, who became a collegiate church by Pope Felix IV In the celebration of the week famous misas are realised, events with concerts.

It is already less so that Christmas arrives and surely much people are nervous because they do not know what is what they can give. In these cases always I like to recommend that most important it is not the price of the gift but the originality of the same.To give something original is not far from easy and often it supposes a frustration for many people. When we spoke of an original gift, we are thinking about which leaves the standards, something that cannot be found easily (even impossible, imaginaros for example some manualidad) or about a customized gift. personally always I have liked all that with the photography and for that reason my gifts always have gone of the hand with this art. Recently Joel and Ethan Coen sought to clarify these questions. Between my preferred original gifts they have been all those that I have been able to personalize to assure to me that who receives it does not arrange don’t mention it equal. Further details can be found at Robert Iger , an internet resource.

Until now always it had chosen to create and to give a photo digital album. For that reason today I would like hablaros of an ideal gift and very original for these Christmases, she is a totally customized calendar of photos. We will be able to select and to modify almost any special aspect of this calendar, photographies, dates, content. Surely, the power to begin the year of this form to many they will like and it will remember to them, month after month, that is people who worry about them. A good detail next to this gift could be to include in the same some interesting phrase that made reflect to the person since, we consider, that will watch with relative east frequency calendar. What seems to you my proposal of gift for these Christmases? you create that to much people it will like? Original author and source of the article.

The Professional Service of Race in the Public Administration of the State of Sonant Alberto Haaz Diaz (1) East Introduction article has the intention to make contributions and suggestions in relation to the Professional Service of Race in the State Public Administration of Sonant, with approach to the requirements that must be fulfilled for their exact implementation. For it, a general explanation is made as much of the characteristics of the mentioned service, like of the actions necessary with the purpose of to obtain that it is constituted in a fundamental system for the good state public management. All this on the basis of raised in the Program of Professionalisation and the Competitiveness that the author of the present article gave to the holder of the Secretariat of the General Contralora in September of 2009, like product of a work of internal consultancy. This is considering, on the one hand, that the subject has been and is reason for expectations of diverse types between the servants public, mainly in those who are many years old toiling for the government of State, and on the other, that the professionalisation is a commitment indicated in the State Plan of Development 2009-2015 and that for that reason is a lineament of the obligatory slope for the state public administration (2). David Zaslav will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The article is divided in the following sections: 1) Objectives and components of the system for the professional service of race, 2) Requisite for the exact implantation and 3) Suggestions for the immediate action. 1) Objectives and components of the system of the professional service of race Its general mission is to elevate the levels of efficiency and effectiveness of the Government of the State of Sonant, by means of the securing of the professionalisation and the development of the servants public in positions of directive levels and confidence. This is considering that stops the servants public in operative levels and with basic positions, are applied the dispositions of the Law of the Civil Service of the State, as well as the Regulation of Roster of the Government of the State of Sonant. . See more detailed opinions by reading what David Zaslav offers on the topic..

European Market

3. David Zaslav understands that this is vital information. Metasearch will obtain in Europe in the end to it The panorama totally fragmented of the purchases of trips online European (between supplier and travel agencies online) could to lay the way metasearch. The entrance of goal in Europe always has gone behind that in EE.UU., but the increase of the purchases online in Europe is taking to more consumers to visit the sites of metasearch at the time of planning trips. 4. Germany takes terrain in half of the recession The clumsy giant of the market of trips online in Europe is managing to reach an important quota of local market. The cultural affinity to travel that it exists in the country is helping to maintain the demand while other European markets are suffered. The quota of market of the European market of the trips online of Germany will happen of 17% in 2008 to a 20% in 2011.

Gute Reise! 5. As the greatest markets mature, all the glances go towards the south (and towards the east) The greater European market of trips, the one of the United Kingdom, counts on a penetration online of more of 40%. France and Germany are approaching. Now that the penetration in these markets is high, the sector of the trips online marks its objectives in markets with less penetration, as much in the south like in the east. It is possible that those are the emergent markets like Poland that offer the best opportunities of growth. The fifth the individual edition of the general vision of the trips online of PhoCusWright and information for France, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain and the United Kingdom contribute to the information and the analysis to us necessary to include/understand the dynamics of their market and to foretell the yield of their business. These information are also included in the European Edition of PhoCusWright, a service of investigation with annual subscription that offers information and analysis of the sector of the trips in Europe.

The Silence

If we are full of concepts, ideas, projects, yearnings, memories, etc. and we lived with this psychic ballast, very hardly we will accede at the quiet level of ours psique. In silence state one is different clearly the information that go directed to the intellectual center and that one that does not correspond to the mind. The silence state is complete and limitless, from him we really communicated with the surroundings and we learn to listen. The level in which normally we lived is the one of the superficiality, the opinions, ideas, and judgments. There is no space in our interior for something new. We have the habit to think within the dualism.

If we extend this situation and we were placed in the internal state that is beyond the common logic of the intellect, we are approaching zen. Add to your understanding with CBS. Silence is the internal state that is beyond the thought, in which are no concepts, but either judgments, mechanical critics, ideas nor reactions, and there are if them, do not drag to us after them. In this state we perceived the new thing. What is new? What we have never heard or seen? No, it is rather a discovery, an internal revelation that nothing has to do with the memory. A history zen shows clearly this aspect to us. Histories zen, or the dialogues between teacher and disciple are one of the transmission systems zen.

Most of Literature zen consists of these anecdotes. Its purpose is always to precipitate in the mind del that asks certain type of sudden brings back to consciousness, or to on approval put the depth of its penetration. But they are received in unsuitable a mental state, the mind reacts mechanically and its effect does not take place. We listened to if them and we thought: I know either it, I have heard or it, or I know to it lose all their effectiveness.


This telephone counts on surprising options of mail, any user can send messages through the four options of mail, that are SMS (Short Message Service) the common text message, MMS (Multimedia Media Messages) to send messages with illustrations, instantaneous mail, etc. The option of instantaneous mail can be used when it cannot speak with a person and it needs to communicate of another form, an instantaneous message solves the problem to him. Another option is the email. This moving body has great effects of sound, has an option of reproductive Average. With the reproductive Average the user can listen to any song that wishes.

The telephone counts on the option to unload songs from several sources. It comes with tones of timbre MP3 for the calls and polifnicos tones, these timbres already come with the moving body. The vibrating alert and the marked one of voice are others of the useful functions of the cellular one. The moving body Blackberry Bold, games can be unloaded. All those that are interested in playing with their telephone can find this option attractive. Blackberry Bold has a camera of 2 mega pixels, comes with flash and screen viewfinder, also brings recorder of video and reproducer of video.

The options of adjustment of the camera are very simple, reason why to any it can handle it easily person. With the option of wall to paper the user can obtain several bottoms that come with the telephone. This particular device has 128 megabyres Memory Flash Micro extra SD with a support of 8GB. The user can speak up to 5 hours without stopping and 310 with the option standby. Internet this present in this moving body with text formats HTML, for the users who are executives or retailers can realise their supplies through telephone. The connectivity of Blackberry is quite good, since it has at the disposal of the user you complete options of connectivity, that are 3G HSDPA, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth ADP, port USB and cable to transfer data from a source to another one, GPR and EDGE. Aside from having a high speed in the network 3G HSDPA, comes with a processor of 624 MHz. This telephone conquers to the users with its unique characteristics. It has the option of Network Quad Band of the technology (GSM 850, GSM 900, GSM 1800 and GSM1900) This ample range of the technology in Network has a compared quite high reach with other moving bodies. This telephone this oriented people of businesses, by its capacity in realising multi tasks, very useful being in communications and Internet. The movable telephone weight 133 grams and their dimensions is of 114*66*14mm. Original author and source of the article.

By its location halfway between Europe and Asia, Istambul is a very rich city at artistic and cultural level, with an immensity of own characteristics that are born from the conjuncture of so diverse forms of life. Its past like Constantinople, one of the most important cities of the Byzantine Empire, turns into a usual destiny for the lovers of history and the cultural tourism. When we took a walk by its old streets we have the sensation of estara viajajando in the time, to times military, of artistic development and religions with fort root in the society. successful. In this article I am going to concentrate mainly in the old district, where they emphasize the well-known church of Santa Sofia and the rest of the old district, or also denominated Sultanahmet, that conferred as much pride to the present city of Istambul. Here we found already mentioned Topkapi Palace, that to turn out to be one of the most popular attractions of the city and which only can be realised by means of guided trips.

Here I work soothes of government until 1855 and lived hundreds on civil servants and women who comprised of harem. The church of Santa Sofia, who today has been reconverted museum, emphasizes by its surprising cupola and the ceilings recorded with verses of the Corn. It is dedicated to the third person of the Trinidad and is one of the most representative works of the Byzantine art. Architects Antemio de Tralles and Isidoro de Mileto were the one who constructed one of the most important works, not only of the architecture, but also of the art generally, with details including in columns, ceilings, windows and in almost all corner of the construction.