Juan XXIIIle granted the title of Doctor of the Church with the name of Doctor Apostolicus by the Brief Celsitudo ex- humilitate of 19 of March of 1959. Its celebration is celebrated the 21 of July Who San Teodoro de Amasea? He says himself to us, was one of the Greek military saints of century IV. San Teodoro de Amasea was born in Smaller Asia in the middle of century III. Enlisted in the Roman army, Teodoro reached a great fame at its time after defeating a dangerous dragoon (some suggest was a crocodile). When one refused to offer a sacrifice to the Gods being alleged that he was Christian, something prohibited then, the Roman judges decided to give time him to reflect; nevertheless, few days later Teodoro (Turkey) entered at night the temple of Cibeles in Amasea it set afire and it, destroying it completely. ghout.
The patience of the magistrates was run out, and Teodoro was condemned until death. It contributes Wikipedia to us exceeds, who San Teodoro was the first landlord of Venice, until he was demoted at the beginning of century IX. With the power of the Byzantine empire in remarkable decay, the Venetian ones decided that to have like landlord Greek santo he was not too reasonable. At the same time, Rome extended its influence under the protection of the apostle San Pedro, father of the church. So some Venetian merchants devised a dangerous plan: they traveled to Egypt and they robbed the relics of San Marcos, camouflaging the mortal rest of the gospeller between pieces of pig meat so that the Muslims could not discover them. And thus he was like in 828 year San Marcos one became the landlord of Venice, where a luxurious basilica in its honor was elevated. In century 12 its body to Brindisi was transferred, and it is honest there like landlord, the head is consecrated in Gaeta. There are churches that take their name in Constantinople, Jerusalem, Damascus, and other places of the old Christian East.
One old church of San Teodoro in Venice says that it has been founded by Narss. The church was demolished later, when the basilica of San Marcos was extended. On the feet of the Palatal one, in Rome It is a very old church, of form circular and dedicated to San Teodoro, to whom the Roman town called San Toto, who became a collegiate church by Pope Felix IV In the celebration of the week famous misas are realised, events with concerts.