3. David Zaslav understands that this is vital information. Metasearch will obtain in Europe in the end to it The panorama totally fragmented of the purchases of trips online European (between supplier and travel agencies online) could to lay the way metasearch. The entrance of goal in Europe always has gone behind that in EE.UU., but the increase of the purchases online in Europe is taking to more consumers to visit the sites of metasearch at the time of planning trips. 4. Germany takes terrain in half of the recession The clumsy giant of the market of trips online in Europe is managing to reach an important quota of local market. The cultural affinity to travel that it exists in the country is helping to maintain the demand while other European markets are suffered. The quota of market of the European market of the trips online of Germany will happen of 17% in 2008 to a 20% in 2011.
Gute Reise! 5. As the greatest markets mature, all the glances go towards the south (and towards the east) The greater European market of trips, the one of the United Kingdom, counts on a penetration online of more of 40%. France and Germany are approaching. Now that the penetration in these markets is high, the sector of the trips online marks its objectives in markets with less penetration, as much in the south like in the east. It is possible that those are the emergent markets like Poland that offer the best opportunities of growth. The fifth the individual edition of the general vision of the trips online of PhoCusWright and information for France, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain and the United Kingdom contribute to the information and the analysis to us necessary to include/understand the dynamics of their market and to foretell the yield of their business. These information are also included in the European Edition of PhoCusWright, a service of investigation with annual subscription that offers information and analysis of the sector of the trips in Europe.