However, at the actually it was the most important stage of discipleship: only someone who understands the mind and heart feels the need to act, if committed Goodness overcomes the third phase completes the apprenticeship. The essence of the third stage is simple: people looking for its place under the sun. There are no prohibitions, as they are and can not be a Slav: everything is permitted. Person that has full passion, is doomed to break down, unable to be responsible, because he will inevitably choose the path that leads to death, and sopetsya whether he would go mad from the debauchery, or will be killed by good people when you try to assign someone else – is not so important. Mayo clinic may find it difficult to be quoted properly. If someone became an apprentice sorcerer for the sake of power, in order to enjoy the riches and women, for the sake of to realize their evil complexes (homosexual, pedophile …), it is doomed to destroy itself. Striving for perfection is the third stage of apprenticeship to learn the most important thing in life – himself responsible for his actions to decide – whether or not to commit an act or not. For some time they will meet quite natural for human desire for fame, power and love in the end, but gradually they will realize the futility of all these passions, and passion will lose their power over completed the third stage of discipleship. Before they open the way, and they understand that and how on this path, we must do more than that – they will realize what awaits them at the end of this road.
All posts tagged spirituality
So, people are nice, with big eyes and small noses and chin gives the impression of reliability and naivete, people with full lips – the impression of sensuality and soulfulness, and so on. Conversely, people with thin lips – it seems greedy and secretive, with a big nose aquiline – predatory and treacherous. All of these conclusions are often false, but to change the existing stereotypes or combat their effects, it is virtually impossible. No less important is the effect of first impressions, which are known can not produce a second time. Research psychologists, for the perception of a new acquaintance rather than seconds. Further opinion about a person will be 80% fit and based on first impressions, therefore develops in demand in this image psychology. And if there is disharmony between the inner sense of self and what a sensation is created by your appearance if you looked at yourself in the mirror, you see another Rights inconsonant with your true nature, then in this case justified a certain correction. Just keep in mind that here we are talking about achieving harmony rather than to transform yourself thoroughly, and not on change through the exterior of his own ideas about themselves.
There is another mental phenomenon, making cosmetic surgery an indispensable weapon of reaching an agreement with yourself. It lies in the fact that young people 25-30 years feel in accordance with their age, but after 30 years – a direct correlation there – and, as a consequence, the psychological age, some people began to lag behind the biological. Many in the 60 years of age say that heart they are still 20. And then the desire to look young and beautiful is the natural adaptation mechanisms of the psyche, as a youth – the ability to take risks, to change, set goals and achieve them, opposed to old age. Our ancestors, especially women, as a sensitive and committed to the issue of bridging the apparent confusion in the form of wrinkles and double chins, have always tried to make the appearance of correspond to the inner feelings. Let us recall the Russian national costumes: women aged blind forehead wrinkles special nalobnikom, and chin – a handkerchief or neck ornaments. In today's world for such changes, more people are turning to plastic surgery, which allows you to make changes on an unprecedented scale.
But in deciding to have cosmetic surgery, it is important to know and consider some points. Very often, the change of facial shapes and figures carried a man hoping to radically change their lives. Some patients find the root cause of their life failure defects appearance and therefore believe that it is worth slightly raise the tip of the nose or make a pie facelift – and everything will be different, start a new life. Such people impose on plastic surgery for excessive expectations: they expect magical transformation and global social impact in their personal lives. In this case, they will be disappointed, which can lead to frustration, wrong surgery, the surgeon is not enough skilled and well on. It is therefore important to understand what you really want? What's stopping you feel happy? Since people have no idea exactly what he expects from the surgery, or to assign it inappropriate Hope will not be satisfied with her result. So, I – for change of appearance with a single purpose: to have the body in harmony with the soul.
And you, great saint Elly Egypt once fence in terms of the cross a place of settlement of the student, told him to arm the name Lord and not be afraid now demonic temptations. Compass my house, in which I live, in terms of your prayers and keep him from the fire broken-winded, thieves and every evil attack and insurance. And you, Reverend Father Popple Syria once his constant prayer for ten days the demon was holding still and not able to walk, day or night, now my neighbor's cell and home (my) of this fence for confining his whole force and all soprotivnyya blaspheming God's name and despise me. And you, Reverend Piama virgin, once by the power of prayer to stop the movement on their way to destroy the inhabitants of the village toy, where she lived, now suspended all plans of my enemies, choosing to izgnati name of this city and pogubiti me: do not let them priblizhatisya to this house, stop by the power of their prayers of his "Lord, the Judge of the Universe, you who unwelcome every untruth, when he shall come unto thee praying And this, let the holy power to stop them on the spot where upon them. " And you, Blessed Lawrence of Kaluga, pray for me as having the boldness to the Lord for the suffering of predstatelstvovat wiles of the devil. Pray for me, yes He will protect me from the snares of Satan. And you, Caves of St.
Basil, made his prayer, the prohibition on attacking me and all the wiles of the devil otzheni from me. Joel and Ethan Coen has much to offer in this field. And you, all ye saints of the Russian land, by the power of prayer razuyte its all about me devilish charm, all devil's schemes and machinations – to annoy me and ruin me and my property. And you, great and mighty guard Arhistratizhe Michael, a fiery sword posekayay all the will of mankind's enemy and all the cronies of his choosing to kill mi. Stop indestructible guard this house, all living in it and all its wealth. And you, Lady, not in vain called "Indestructible wall," whether for all warring against me and thought I tvoriti dirty indeed some kind of a barrier and inviolable wall, enclosing me from all evil and grave hardships.
Prayer of St. Macarius, Abba Egyptian Lord, as thou wilt, and as you know – mercy. But let it be tacos! Let there be tacos! Let there be tacos! Dogmatist, the voice of a worldwide fame, from the man and the Lord prozyabshuyu rozhdshuyu, the heavenly door, sing Mary the Virgin, and the song of the faithful bezplotnyh fertilizer, Sia bo yavisya sky and temple Deity, Sia, obstruction of enmity has destroyed, the world and the introduction The kingdom had opened. This very UBO possessing faith assertion of Imams champion Ney rozhdshagosya Lord. UBO Dare, dare, lyudie God, for the victory of the enemies, Thou almighty. Prayer heavenly forces Troparion, Tone 4 the host of heaven Arhistratizi, we pray you ever we are unworthy, but your prayers, keep us sheltered Creel neveschestvennyya your glory, saving us cling diligently and crying from troubles will save us, for they chinonachalnitsy highest forces. Kontakion, the voice of the 2nd Arhistratizi God, the ministers of divine glory, Angels boss and mentor men, useful, we ask, and great mercy, for they Bezplotnyh Arhistratizi.