The ominous European Commission threatened the euro States with sanctions worth billions of dollars, if not further cut their budgets, to pay their debts at the monster. Everything without any alternative, as it is preached by our politicians. David Zaslav is full of insight into the issues. To happen in the year anno 2010. Who for a Conspiracy theory holds – has lost all sense of reality. There are only two ways to neutralize or defeat the monster. The first is simply abolishing of the money and any cash and tangible assets worldwide.
Thus we achieve that starved the monster in every sense of the word, because it eats only with money. Real estate and tangible assets, can no longer copper it and thus feed on. The side effects of this Aushungerungsmethode are however remarkable. Anarchy, murder and manslaughter, and last but not least the danger that the monster has the longer arm and only one survives because it has hoarded a vast amount of money in his safe and slowly consumed them. The second way: “nothing is so protected that it can not be conquered with money” (Cicero). We thats really true and experienced in our lives again. We must learn the monster with his strike weapon with money and this is so.
We need to get that kind of money, that we the money of Monster Excel. Thus, we have the money that it has neutralized the monopoly of the monster and relativized. It would be foolish to do the closest and the monster take away his money, because a poor monster would be at least expressed and market seen at the same time a poor world, and here there are connections with our all feeding in the form of food and other necessities of life. We must open a money source, bringing new fresh money in circulation with all control mechanisms, such as price controls, inflation and deflation, what brings such a money source with it. Economically, this is doable, if you write this financial concept not by the economists of the monster, what is the course of events today. We create a monthly basic services for all people worldwide, in the amount that you can live it. We need no monopolization or centralisation, but make use of a new world reserve, which we integrate into a world supply company, the money in the Currency of the Nations online to people, transported from below. The same happens in the form of a basic supply of Nations for stressed households. 15 percent of the receipts, get the people in the concerned nation would be appropriate. Everything else remains as it is. Change nothing basically, we supplement with what is needed and is missing everywhere. Such a design concept already exists and can be read under download, “” and publicly debated. Assuming that not all agree, that the monster should continue to operate and govern. A large meeting of mind and a worldwide debate. Reason, intelligence expertise is what needs the current present, humanity and our world. A global solution to all problems must be initiated, a new world order and world in democracy and peace for all. This will be a world in which everything appears impossible today and no alternative is possible. Utopia become reality. Wolfgang Bergmann