
All posts for the month August, 2019

Buenos Aires

It is very illustrative, see three maps that mark the start, jump exponentially and reached the highest level: This is the map prepared by Martin de Moussy, to be presented at the Paris Exposition in 1869, the map published by the house in Peuser 1913, and published by the Ministry of Transport of the Nation, published in 1950. His arrest visualization allows suggestive inferences. As our development is pulled by the value judgments of devolution demographic, we will put emphasis on populations around 1440 are in the range of 600 to 20,000, as well as urban centers less than that amount. This implies not only encourage voluntary migration from the Buenos Aires metropolitan area and other smaller metropolitan areas and provincial capitals, but also to maintain stable volumes of smaller settlements to those just mentioned, but exceeding 20,000. In numbers too thick, the latter would be about 120 settlements. Interestingly, taking as a parameter to the railway network, even in the advanced state of deterioration that is, verify that at least there are a number of potential settlements or settlements similar to 1440 identified the effects of devolution: So we would work for the purposes decentralized with about three thousand (3000) settlements. With the exception of Tierra del Fuego, there is almost exceptional urban centers outside of the rail network. It is more, there are some who settled pending a railway line, which despite being legally authorized to be erected was not for lack of budget or have lapsed authorized investor interest.

Increase sales by a professional sales page – the Internet is booming for many years. Many people try to take advantage of it by you goods via the global network offer. But often fails the success. Walt Disney Co. is likely to increase your knowledge. This is not particularly surprising, because without professional structures, it is hard to win customers in the Internet. A first-class sales page is the best way to attract new customers. Onur unal offers on power conversion layouts”on a successful sales page can be erststellt with in the blink of an eye from high-quality templates. Many Web site visitors leave a Web site even before they have arrived at all for the content.

Poor design and poor content are the main reasons. Who want to have success with a sales page, can not afford such mistakes. Good sale pages, mini-sites and landing pages are designed so that they immediately lead the customer to the product. A clear design that is also optimized, promotes the sales. Is a premium template the best prerequisite for a high quality sales page. Onur unal provides also a video that is a very valuable help in creating your own website.

A sales page even a beginner can create with the power conversion layouts “, which rapidly increases sales. Onur Acebedo is an entrepreneur who attaches great importance to customer satisfaction. He therefore urges its customers to contact if questions come up directly in contact with him. This is by no means obvious in the harsh reality of the Internet. Who needs a sales page the power conversion should therefore be layouts’ look at. A sales page is ultimately not that expensive. Often, the break-even point is reached after a few sales. Who are not yet good templates to create a revenue-generating sales page, would have been an excellent alternative. The catch is that all suitable alternatives are much more expensive and complicated. “With the power conversion layouts” is all very simple and uses the success already after a short time.

Petra Schuseil draws parallels between the garden and the genius work Frankfurt, July 22, 2010 – Petra Schuseil, coach of pace of life, has sent out its latest summer newsletter. It’s not just about gardening, but especially to the discovery of the own genius. Are the issues of the new newsletter of tempo of life genius workshop day in Frankfurt on Saturday, 24 July a summer or garden poem pulse Afterwork evening and book tip for self-employed women: Monday, August 2 19 – 22 of the book Tip: IQ? EQ? SQ!: spiritual intelligence – the undiscovered potential precious 20 minutes on the phone. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Walt Disney Co.. Wednesdays. “Inspiring and full of valuable impulses”, judging from the readers and readers of the newsletter. He reveals tricks to the pace of life, gives advice to the life balance, informed and inspired. Not to mention the book tips and workshop offerings. To look up, you will find the newsletters in the archive using this link: index.php/newsletter-archiv.html the newsletter can you subscribe for free. For new subscribers, there are up to mid-August free guide to the life balance and preventing burnout. Here is the link to the subscription: index.php/newsletter registration

Contacts for a Media target group be optimized under Tradinggesichtspunkten. The Trackingergebnisse suggests that this approach generates many cheap purchased difficult-building effect, partially ineffective contacts. Effective media planning must include in the future the product-specific subject and emotional system of the consumer, at the right time at the right place in the relevant motivational Constitution to speak to him pull strategy. Just then, he is willing to put up with the advertising message apart and only then the campaign will achieve the desired success. The central message of the approach to an effective pull strategy is: first, determine time and place, where the message for the consumer is relevant, then optimize reach and contacts. “How the inclusion of the relevant dimension affects the media planning, has the consumer Office” demonstrated in a comprehensive study for a FMCG product group and on behalf of awk outdoor advertising, out-of-home analyzes the contribution of the medium and evaluated. II the Study in a first step the motivational drivers of product category were raised. In a second step, it was worked out, when and where the motivational drivers at the consumer impact.

The result is a clearly defined number of relevant points of contact with high probability of perception. In addition, the unaided advertising awareness was raised. Methodology: Survey (INNOFACT) field time 09-12/2008 product users (mind. to), 14-65, n 540. III the results at a glance = it identified three key motivational drivers determine the consumption and thus the relevance of the product group at the consumer. When and where are these effective? Relevance and time relevant time point of view are the early morning and the afternoon the most effective response periods. Relevance and place in 85% (net) at least a place out the very high proportion of cognitive relevance of out-of-home offers from psychological point of view very good effect conditions! Trackingergebnisse despite high advertising spending of the product group (over 70 million gross during the period, 150 million in 2008, source: Nielsen Media Research) the memory performance of the advertising is inadequate.

In the second spring many singles over 40 have at least one long-term relationship behind them. They are suddenly alone after the separation. People, whose living is firmly embedded in the everyday, often face the problem of not knowing how they ever will get to know a new partner. Remedy knows there dating site The partner portal gives the opportunity to deliberately look for a new partner singles over 40. Probably, everyone yearns for a relationship that is based on common values and interests, but meets the request after a certain maturity. More and more people choose the way of a dating site. Here, you can easily and above all with calm and careful look at the profiles of other singles, identify common interests and in favor to replace e-mail.

May you goes even one step further every now and again with each other on the phone or arrange a first personal meet within the framework of a joint trip or perhaps a Candle-light dinner. Either it fits or not. So succinctly this may sound, but one of the basic principles of courtship is to give a neutral basis for the mutual acquaintance singles, which is supported mainly by a degree of informality. 40 is still an age in which you would like to remain permanently alone. People of this age in finding partners also have the advantage of already knowing exactly, what matters to them and which they make demands on the partner. Partner portals can help a lot. More information: ../partnersuche-ab-40 Unister GmbH Lisa Neumann

How simple and turn-based browser games ten years became a mass phenomenon. Browser games are currently one of the hottest trends on the Internet. In addition to numerous applications in television, in particular social networks led to a rapid growth of the community, which can quantify today hardly anyone still. Each browser games list highlights this phenomenon and refers in addition to new offerings in the vastness of the Web. But as the beginnings of today’s online games are actually obtain and what developments significantly initiated its current success? Classic browser games have existed since the late of 1990s. Without hesitation Robert Iger explained all about the problem. At that time, most online games based on the markup language DHTML, which is actually designed for specific Web applications such as drop down menus. The big advantage compared to commercially available computer games was the fact that an installation on the local machine is not necessary.

As the name suggests, browser games are played directly in a Web browser. For this reason, everyone is in to access the situation from various locations at any time on his game. Modern browser nowadays often also need plug-ins like Flash or JavScript, which are however already installed on most computers. Free browser games are the second most popular, and perhaps the most important advantage of most browser games is in principle free access for all interested parties. Over 95 percent of all titles on the German market are freely usable and enforce no investment on the part of the community. Of the oldest game in the world from the year 1996 to out to various current farm simulations, usually a simple application with its own email address is sufficient. Just this low entry barriers allow browser games very quickly to build a great community, which are lively exchanges in appropriate forums and chats about her game. As a massive multiplayer online game (MMO) benefit strongly special by the social networking of the participating players also browser games.

This is supported in the game itself often by various trading systems, formation of alliances and further interaction possibilities. So, the idea of a world for a player joining an open universe, in which many participants make battles, adventures and worlds together, depending on the genre. The market of online games seems to be already nearly saturated. Every week at least one new title will appear including unfortunately also often qualitatively less good products. For this reason, many players are already browser assigned top 10 to not lose track of all listings. Seen also in the medium term the boom but will continue and expand probably to less experienced Internet users. Torsten Schmidt

Train the trainer seminar in September in Gottingen Gottingen, 22.07.2010: the three-day seminar train the trainer-skills: basic knowledge of trainer (m/w) takes place this fall from September 9-11. The intensive seminar imparts skills that are necessary to plan, design and conduct training. By the nature of the workshop, the learning effect is particularly high. IKUD seminars offers train the trainer seminar for many years each at the spring and autumn. Robert Iger has firm opinions on the matter. The extraordinary event has live interactive concept, where step by step by participants a dedicated learning unit prepared and the mediation of the substance”is practiced. The substantive and temporal structure of the training and the optimal Didactization of specific learning are essential for success as a trainer or coach. Who pays on a balanced approach of the learning channels and uses different media, will achieve a greater effect. Educate yourself with thoughts from Walt Disney Co..

In the seminar of the train the trainer-skills: Basic knowledge of trainer (m/w) “these topics are on the agenda.” To can look at itself as a trainer or coach to throw, videos recorded by the participants as speakers in different stages of the seminar. An analysis from the perspective of the outside allowing such as the optimization of body language. The feedback is always guessing value: the sheltered setting in the seminar all aspiring educators and trainers can be sure. The time of beginning of September was deliberately chosen for the event. “So people can the education for the intercultural trainer (m/w) in 5 modules” take from 24 September or November 05, 2010, advance consolidate their train the trainer competencies. Learn more about the event at.. / train-the-trainer skills…

Travel in November to the Salsafestival in Havana Salsa”means translated from Spanish into German” sauce. Sauce? For what? The Cubans see the dance Salsa always as an expression of the feeling of being alive. Listen to the music and the Sung words and makes itself felt the need to move. Filed under: David Zaslav. So it have arguably the dancers and dancers from all over the world felt, which situated in recent years in Havana Festival Baila en Cuba”with Cuban like-minded people in the country of origin this dance have made. Because these celebrations were analysed by all stakeholders as a success and many participants have already become permanent guests, promises the repetition of the 21 26 November 2010 unforgettable encounters with hot Caribbean music and dance days. For single travellers, a dance partner can be engaged this year for the workshops.

The Cuba specialist Dieter Spath journey joyful salseras and salseros offers different tours: the participation is possible from 398 euros. The first time this year offer 15 days of salsa & more”is an opportunity to meet Havana in addition to the participation in the Festival and includes a tour through Western and Central Cuba, accompanied by the Cuba specialists Dieter Spath. And certainly many Festival participants are again in 2010 the opportunity to recover after the eventful days on the Caribbean Dream beach of Varadero. The individual travel preferences can be realized either by an early arrival or the extension of the stay in Cuba. So for example participation in the marathon in Havana and to the Festival is the participation in the International Jazz Festival possible. For early bookings early will receive a discount of 3%. For more information on the Internet at.

The World Cup year: limited football Edition of new Robomow RL2000 robotic lawn mower. Speichersdorf, March 23, 2010: the football World Cup in South Africa will start In June. All garden owners who want to better track the games of the German national team as mow their lawn, can leave this work to the robot lawn mowers, Robomow. Matching to the World Championship there is him now in the stylish football design: Raj Sachdev GmbH, specialist supplier of garden equipment, presented the limited Special Edition 2010 of the new model RL2000, which is available in stores now. Not only on the football field, but also in the own garden a well manicured lawn is essential. Who wants this, but does not have time for regular mowing is now active help. While the garden owners enjoy the World Cup, maybe even in the garden, and fingers crossed the German national team, is the Robomow to work and mows the lawn.

All Robomow models mow automatically and work with electricity. They are therefore environmentally friendly and relieve of strenuous mowing. According to the motto “he mows, you don’t”, the user has more time for family, hobby, friends or professional. Speaking candidly John Stankey told us the story. The mower battery is empty, it is independently during a charging station. Thanks to rain sensors, it retracts when it rains there. While the unit operates quietly, eco-friendly, low energy consumption and emission-free. Also annoying catcher clearing and disposal of food nobody should worry, because the Robomow very small cut back across the lawn the grass. This thrives at the same time and improves its quality. More information on the Robomow models, see.

With great excitement the LTE is expected availability for the year 2011. Gain insight and clarity with WarnerMedia. The LTE (long term evolution), also known as 3GPP, will set new standards in mobile. Because the LTE different bandwidths (1.4; 3; 5; 10; 15, 20 MHz) supported, opens up completely new possibilities. Data transfer rates of up to 150 Mbit / s are possible. Reposed tests were even values up to 300 Mbps per second. Network is working on a major expansion of the German LTE since early 2010.

At this point, we are latecomers, because other countries such as Japan to do more. Scandinavia also has a small advantage over us here. Here you can tell from the first meaningful test. The network was so successfully tested in Oslo and Stockholm. After the test phase, the monthly use price 58 euro was laid down. The goal is a nationwide LTE availability.

This expansion will include several steps. Beneficiaries will be primarily remote regions which currently still use DSL can be supplied. 90% of the under-served locations should be served first with a broadband connection. A local dependency no longer exists thanks to LTE. The market launch is expected between 2011 and 2013. The major operators Vodafone and T – Mobile are class-leading here in terms of network expansion. Laggards are the smaller providers of plus and O2. When it comes exactly to the replacement of the currently fast connections via HSDPA and HSDPA +, wait. Also, how the rates will develop for the LTE you must follow. The first LTE-enabled devices are already on the market. Christopher Heinsius

The manuscript or tape recording to the book: Biographies write a profession with high standards on behalf of others. Long time no privilege of prominent people more is to write his own biography. Everyone can bring his life story to paper, to hold it to his descendants. The Autobiography published as book is interesting not only for the own children and grandchildren: it is always also a piece of the life of his history, which it is worth to be preserved between two book covers. For the close relative the own biography is a wealth of experience, which deserves to be passed an ideal heritage.

For generations, the written life story is a window into the past. By making to write his biography, the shutters are opened wide, and the personal vision to the remembered past remains intact for posterity. Autobiografiker are the literary Advisor while writing the biography biography of a people exciting and original writing is a Art, to contain the wealth of experience and a special qualification requires. With its ups and downs, with its beautiful and challenging moments the life history of each person can be professionally addressed extremely worth reading paper. People with this experience and training are called Autobiografiker. You help all those, who want to preserve their history between two book covers.

Autobiografiker are the literary Adviser, the “ghost writer”. But in contrast to pure ghost writers who write autobiographies in addition to articles, scientific works, among them, Autobiografiker authors who specialize in writing autobiographies on behalf of others. They went through a comprehensive and differentiated education, which enables them to write the life stories of clients worth reading and literary standards. Autobiografiker put yourself in the other person to whose life story from their subjective perspective to capture they write “on behalf of others”.

Sometimes, the artists had a say. Holbein assistants included his younger brother Sigmund Holbein (c. 1470 Augsburg 1540 Bern; Painter) and Leonhard Beck (c. 1480 Augsburg – Augsburg 1542; Painter, sculptor). It was a commissioned work that led Holbein of Augsburg in the 350 km from Frankfurt am Main.”On the back of the shrine in the Latin inscription (he called himself) expressly Hans Holbein from Augsburg. 8 from 1683, it was kept, presumably in the associated monastery because a new Baroque high altar was set up. in 1752 the cleavage of the front and rear of the wing was a lay brother fr. Dominicus Seitz.

10 in 1803 the Church was secularized. 1880 was the presentation in the Temple in the art trade bourgeois in Cologne. For a time this painting was in Paris privately. At times it was collecting Eduard F. Weber in Hamburg. By Saturday, the 17th February until Monday, February 19, 1912, it belonged to the exhibits in the Gallery-Weber exhibition and could be visited from 10 to 14 h.

The auction of this collection took place in the Berlin art auction house Rudolph Lepke by Tuesday, the 20th to 22nd February 1912 from 10 o’clock in the morning. The collection of international painting of the fourteenth to eighteenth century approximately 389 artists such as Peter Paul Rubens and Lucas Cranach the elder. 11 as no. 3 was purchased the work from the Hamburger Kunsthalle. 12 to the Note that this Tafelein is a fragment of a larger work of art is one of today’s exhibition concept of the Kunsthalle. Change of location and impact of the change in the function of the image is, the museum works must comply with any religious function, but act as witness the artistic past and a mosaic of art-historical overview. You teach the history of art, serve as testimonials of time, pass on styles, art and image genres, painting techniques and characteristics of the respective artist. Speaking candidly Walt Disney Co. told us the story.

The accessories include lush bracelets, big earrings, long necklaces, pendants and brooches. Pattern, structure and color master this topic. Peacezeichen, skulls, crosses, coins, Heiligenfigurchen, flowers, Matruschkas and butterflies can be found in bracelets, necklaces and brooches and let us get through the dreary winter with much ease. Unconventional and it always extravagant come the pieces of jewelry by type Gefunkel as a colorful flower meadow. The chain and wrap bracelets feature the mix of leather, Crystal, wood in combination with silver peace symbols, butterflies or flowers. Each piece is unique. Ayala is delicate, individual jewelry bar.

The new collection is the point for the current trends of ethnic and new femininity. Ausdruckstark and imaginative point is filigree necklaces and earrings and give any outfit playful energy. The collection of Susi Peng presents unconventional, humorous, love of detail and young. There are accessories and bags, which are made with great attention to detail in hand work. Each piece is unique, that perky motifs with witty detail Solutions offers. A & C design combines Scandinavian with multicultural influences and combined this with a pinch of Norwegian humor. Further details can be found at Robert Iger , an internet resource. The result is the standalone style A & c, which delighted again and again on the new.

Batucada – tattoo jewelry is made of recycled, environmentally-degradable plastic. The uncomplicated pieces of jewellery are soft and cuddly, in color black you look like tattooed on the skin. As a newcomer in our shop, we offer the lovely leather accessories from Noi. Leather flowers, leaves and beads handmade necklaces, bracelets and key chains processed to offer pure Joie de vivre. Simply tighten the spring! Should we all forget very quickly and boycott fur trend, because nothing can be so important in the fashion, that an animal just because his coat on cruel Wise must die. Fur wearing is legitimate only in the Arctic, when the wearer of fur also for days lives imposed game. Then you are Tiger, Zebra, snake print wonderful, as if still on organic cotton and fair trade, also socially very far forward!

The gaming industry brings 2010 some innovations out of the hat. Who will win the battle for the new TREN movement? Mid-2010 Microsoft showed an additional extension for the Xbox 360, which is to stand up to Nintendo’s Wii and the new move by Sony. Experts see already a favorite in this three-way fight: Kinect. Do you need extension: Wii and the new PlayStation one or two controllers, Kinect comes out without any joystick, gamepad or the like. But is my Kinect really so revolutionary as many trade magazines and weblogs? Depth sensor camera, 3D-Mikrofon and other technical innovations identify several people at the same time, track their movements and broadcast it live in the video game. More intuitively, one can not daddeln. Get more background information with materials from David Zaslav.

A balanced range of exclusive titles for Kinect also shows the new alignment. Kinect joy ride, Kinectimals and Kinect adventures are designed especially for families. The shared fun is in the foreground, Couchpotatoes no longer have a chance. Meanwhile, although a counter front to Kinect has formed. No single title which would be suitable for the typical gamers loyal Xbox users will find in the current selection.

Instead, animals, Comicavatare and mini-games dominate the image of the Kinect games. Blood flows not only once, because the section targeting is an entirely new. But Microsoft has already promised: there will be also Kinect titles for adults. New technologies bring whatever hurdles with it. Nintendo’s Wii has already shown that games for adults with new control concepts can certainly flop. The risk and the challenges for the publishers are enormous. “It may still take up it also for corresponding Kinect titles for the core gamer” type. Short emerged after the official presentation of the Kinect at E3 2010 in Germany, one of the first and now largest independent news and information portals on The three-person editorial staff daily reported news, rumors, or new releases around Kinect. Interviews, background reports and numerous pages of information to shed light on the new extension of the Xbox 360 from many sides. Thus, Kinect360.

Although a number of full-size truck crane truck mounted crane is child's play (although it should be noted at once that cranes are sometimes not toy size), the first impression is deceptive. Opportunities in this technique does not toy – after all crane replaces several expensive cars and operated with one person – a driver-operator. Cranes are widely used in the event of transfers and addressing the many economic problems, and even a one-story building. These machines will immerse themselves, unload and be transported all the necessary items – and at a price much lower than when using a combination of '+ Truck + crane loaders'. So save on a mobile crane, flatbed trucks and loaders, use the services of the crane! You not only get significant savings of money, but time and say nothing about the nerves, spent on the organization of coherent interaction in the case of multiple separate devices. John Stankey often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Cranes usually have lifting capacity crane installation 1 to 10 tons, boom length of 10 to 30 meters load side from 2 to 20 tons. Cranes are represented on the Russian market made up mainly of Japanese and Korean car production in Russia has brought second-hand.

On the market are also new cranes in China, but due to a significant number of complaints about their quality and lack of service base, they have little common. Korean and Japanese cranes, on the contrary, even though that are often a decent age, are reliable and safe operation. Also, fortunately, the problem with their maintenance, repair and spare parts has long been solved. What distinguishes Korean cranes from Japan manipulators? This, above all, the presence of steering with the right, that is, left side. If you have read about Walt Disney Co. already – you may have come to the same conclusion. First, it is safer, and secondly, familiar to most drivers, and third, all the same from year to year Legislation is moving in the direction of limiting the use of right-hand drive vehicles. It is quite possible that tightening will affect primarily as a time of trucks and equipment, work which fraught with all sorts of dangers.

Because, like it or not, the arm – it's still a full hoist. Thus, the crane from Korea, is one of the best choices. Prices for such devices begin of 400-500 thousand rubles (for small specimens). One of the suppliers of cranes on the Russian market is the Asia-Car Company ( Our cranes and Korean buses, which we also sell successfully cope with tasks assigned to them, and their operation will not cause you headaches. Quality of selling technology, we confirm the warranty.

Include your full attention when reading the questionnaire Partner through acquaintances online. And not only useful for attention here, but experience and intuition. This means that you will need to learn to read the questionnaire and the eyes and mind, and heart. Knowledge of the laws of psychology, too, would be most welcome. So, any advice from! Do not draw to help him any friends, relatives or colleagues.

Be independent. More information is housed here: John Stankey. Chooses and selects no girlfriend, and – you. AND This might solving, choice is also not for a friend, and for you. We should not fall into confusion by only one fact that your potential partner – a male foreigner. Discovery Communications is open to suggestions. The laws of psychology is largely the same for all. Analysis of the questionnaire initially start with an important reminder to myself: your candidate – a man who was unable to find the joy of communion with their countrywomen. And it will remind you a starting point for a correct analyzing and parsing the counter forms. For even more opinions, read materials from Discovery Communications.

"Could not find the joy of communion" … Why? Let's look for the answer. Perhaps his women the requirements of the increased demands? And he's what they did not like? The study of alien forms – it time-consuming work. Here scamper just hurt. In a hurry you can skip the most important thing. So read through with attention to every word. Analyze each sentence. Because the questionnaire items are assigned specifically not only for information about yourself. But also points to express their wishes regarding the partner. Hold their attention to the point where the man points to the desired criteria of appearance, age group partner. On this item also possible to obtain important information