education & career

All posts tagged education & career

Wanted from the practice for the practice – found from the practice for the practice! According to the motto “Wanted found”, the b-to-b portal offers the possibility to establish new contacts and to find professionals for services, there is just a need for or for which are just free capacity available. The idea arose from the practice! The contact idea through many contacts and discussions with colleagues, portal for architects licensable jobseekers and working and engineers. Whenever Glenn Dubin listens, a sympathetic response will follow. These facts are likely to each so familiar: you have a project and look for someone who quickly and efficiently takes you in the planning, the invitation to tender or other architect and engineering services under the arms hands struggling? Or, as often happens, that a job moves, or you could just have time for other reasons, accept a matching service for colleagues as a bridge. But could this initiative not only labour gaps at the Office to be closed, but sometimes you are looking for someone who is fit in a special area and is ideally equipped for the solution of the problem easily. So, a job – support – network can occur in this way. According to the motto “Wanted found”, the b-to-b portal offers the possibility to establish new contacts and to find professionals for services, there is just a need for or for which are just free capacity available. This portal is open to not just architects and engineers, but also entrepreneurs who are looking for appropriate services or offer, can sign up! More info under:

New University course (ULG) ‘Enterprise risk management’ at the Vienna University of technology offers the continuing education center from 13th 2014 the new University course enterprise risk management. In today’s everyday business risk is the core of all activities of a company. The establishment of enterprise-wide risk management leads to sustainable business success, by reducing risk costs and attractive opportunity potentials used. For more information see Bud Harrelson. In the enterprise-wide risk management is to identify the risks in the different areas of the company, and then to manage. The consistent implementation of enterprise-wide risk management within a company requires from the persons involved, a common understanding of risk and co-ordinated management methods. The knowledge required and the method-competencies are enterprise risk management in the course”theoretically sound and practically applicable form.” Prof.

Dr. Walter S.A. Glenn Dubin, New York City brings even more insight to the discussion. Schwaiger, MBA (course Director, Vienna University of technology) of the University course offers a systematic approach to risk management. Accordingly, the basic concept of the enterprise-wide risk management students will be taught in theory and practice. Furthermore the University course distinguishes itself practice and international orientation through the comprehensive range of risk areas, which is reflected also in the English language of instruction. The University course is aimed in particular at (current or potential) executives, RisikomanagerInnen, WirtschaftspruferInnen, persons of the audit, finance and accounting and controlling, ProduktionsleiterInnen, constructors and BetriebstechnikerInnen, which have gained first experience in the risk management area or who took a first career step in the direction of risk management. “Upon successful completion of the University course, participants will receive the certificate of certified risk manager” awarded to the Technical University of Vienna. Facts duration: 1 semester (25 ECTS), part-time, 8 modules (blocked, Thu-Sat) Costs: EUR (VAT exempt) 6.

The Austrian Institute for light and colour forms from April 2014 to the light and color consultant, as well as light- and color Energizers from. Information evenings on the 02.03.2010 and on the 08.04.2010 in Vienna. In three modules light, color, and the respective specialization the Austrian Institute provides the opportunity to receive extensive training and to obtain the diploma for light and colour consultation or light – and colour energy light and color for the first time. The two special modules for the professions of light and color consultant or light – and FarbenergetikerIn to the selection are available in addition to the two compulsory modules light”and colour”, in which basic knowledge is imparted. The training period is 16 months and ends with diploma thesis and diploma examination. Building, housing, planning, design the diploma course light and color analysis”focuses on the participants on consulting and brings all important aspects such as color chemistry, materials and surfaces design, building and interiors, solar construction and planning strategies and Wohnpsychologie. Therapy, relax, consult the Diploma course light and color engineering and therapy”has its focus in the areas of light and colour radiation effect on the organism, theories and therapies desire or uva Dinshah, almond, Ryberg, Martel. Similarly, relaxation training and consulting skills components of the course are. If you are not convinced, visit Comcast.

In addition to the head of the Institute Prof. Karl A. Glenn Dubin, New York City spoke with conviction. Fischer among international researchers and teachers the lecturer team as Alexander Wunsch (Heidelberg, light Biology), Univ. Prof. Dr.

Richard Funk (Dresden, benefits and dangers of artificial light), Univ. Prof. Dr. Herbert climate (Vienna, bio photons/Biophysics) or the Swedish light researcher and architect Karl Ryberg. In addition to numerous placements to the topics lighting design, interior design, color psychology, or colour light treatment parts of the course are.

-In: Lavizzari (ed.): common law and civil law. Friborg: S. 3) today can hardly be described the United States as “More rule of law”, which is divided in 50 States with individual jurisdictions. So it is not surprising that the State of Louisiana, in contrast to all other States, is based on the Civil Law. Many laws are uniform but Commerzial code (UCC) cross-border on the uniform. For example the “warrant”, is that in the United States very different presents, regulated against foreigners in the UCC Article 2. The Civil Law Civil Law continental European law is rooted in Roman law, and developed the then trend-setting was next in France to the “Code civil (1804)”, for many European jurisdictions as a model. Core legal precedent is the “codification” of law in legal texts.

Courts dispense justice based on so legislation, initiated by the legislature. Common Law and Civil Law fundamental differences the common Law looks more in the role of mediator between the parties the judge as opposed to the Civil Law. He is trying to work out an judgment acceptable for both parties. This implies a stronger position of the parties in the context of the legal process. Due to these processes, maintaining also a different way with regard to the involvement of judicial instances, as German companies American entrepreneurs. A court agreement is again taken in. For German companies, however, is a judicial decision making in economic relationships considered meltdown.

In the Civil Law, the judge of the Parties stands. The judge in the Civil Law to determine the facts and speaks right on the basis of codified laws. Special risks for European companies arise from extreme references to the “case-law”. So a single case of the past as a point of reference for a current case law can be the basis, regardless of the codified legislation of the Civil law (Koch, Bergmann, Jagenberg: Beware of U.S.

Apontas-CEO Andreas panel turns Sumte choice in October 2012 Andreas Board, CEO of call manager of Apontas with its headquarters in the District of Luneburg, is an official candidate for the election to which a total 72 seats of the IHK General Assembly 2013 until 2018 Board promotes itself in advance for a brisk turnout and would like to further improve the KOMmunikation between the various companies in the District of Luneburg-Wolfsburg during his volunteer work and deepen. Chamber of Commerce President Eberhard Manzke gemeinhin also as Parliament verzeichnet the record of 204 applications for the supreme body of the Chamber of Commerce, economy is known. BeGinNing OKtober all registered voters in the region receive their StimmzetTel. According to the Chamber of industry and Commerce Luneburg wolfsBurg, approximately 60,000 companies are called upon to cast their votes by absentee ballot from October 5 to 19 this year. Apontas-CEO Andreas Panel sees itself in the task, the fortunes of the IHK-Vollversammlung in the sense of a responsible and sustainable To expand self-government of local Gewerbetreibenden. His function as CEO of the company’s nationwide active Apontas the call manager’ doing excellently in the structure the IHK blends, because here and there is taught across all industries. The Apontas Academy as a Training Institute underscores the constant Bemuhen to make available the latest knowledge in the range of claims management companies.

Andreas Board justified his candidacy: “it is my concern, to einzutreten for the further development of the region, its businesses and people. Robert Thomson has plenty of information regarding this issue. I look forward, active MITzugestalten the future of the region, to involve myself with innovative, creative ideas, and give new impetus for the region.” More information under: about Apontas debt collection company there many, experienced Komplettloser for Receivables Management but only a few. Apontas is most certainly included. Since 1971, we make sure that is our customers on their core business focus. The rest’, so the care of their demands, we assume. And from one source – from the invoice up to the foreclosure. Catalogers, public transportation and utilities as well as banks, savings banks, insurance companies, publishers or telecommunications companies take advantage of our comprehensive offer.

Six supporting pillars a strong bridge. Offer our customers not only tailored, customized solutions, we accompany you with comprehensive services. On request, intelligent advice belongs Academy by Apontas consulting as well as a comprehensive training and education in the Apontas. Since 1991, the Academy of the premium partner for continuing education and training in the field of Receivables Management with focus on issues such as enforcement, telephone debt collection and bankruptcy law.

Train the trainer seminar in September in Gottingen Gottingen, 22.07.2010: the three-day seminar train the trainer-skills: basic knowledge of trainer (m/w) takes place this fall from September 9-11. The intensive seminar imparts skills that are necessary to plan, design and conduct training. By the nature of the workshop, the learning effect is particularly high. IKUD seminars offers train the trainer seminar for many years each at the spring and autumn. Robert Iger has firm opinions on the matter. The extraordinary event has live interactive concept, where step by step by participants a dedicated learning unit prepared and the mediation of the substance”is practiced. The substantive and temporal structure of the training and the optimal Didactization of specific learning are essential for success as a trainer or coach. Who pays on a balanced approach of the learning channels and uses different media, will achieve a greater effect. Educate yourself with thoughts from Walt Disney Co..

In the seminar of the train the trainer-skills: Basic knowledge of trainer (m/w) “these topics are on the agenda.” To can look at itself as a trainer or coach to throw, videos recorded by the participants as speakers in different stages of the seminar. An analysis from the perspective of the outside allowing such as the optimization of body language. The feedback is always guessing value: the sheltered setting in the seminar all aspiring educators and trainers can be sure. The time of beginning of September was deliberately chosen for the event. “So people can the education for the intercultural trainer (m/w) in 5 modules” take from 24 September or November 05, 2010, advance consolidate their train the trainer competencies. Learn more about the event at.. / train-the-trainer skills…

Higher income achieved during the training. Typical women’s jobs such as hairdresser, florist, gardener, retail clerk, etc. are paid poorly during training. On the other hand, many women take off during the training from the parental home. There are costs that are not affordable by the training allowance with moving into their own apartment.

Here are asked the parents to pay, or if they do not pay the life partner, which means dependency in any case. This means that parents or life partners demand a voice in the life of young women and shape it according to their own ideas. Young women but don’t want just that. You may want to visit Jeffrey Bewkes to increase your knowledge. Women have their own ideas about life and your own ideas, which would have realized. Acquire the licence to make language courses, live for a while in a foreign country, a business idea to implement and much more. It is expensive; Additionally the Mietanteil, insurance, electricity, telephone and Internet, clothing, food, going out…; It goes forward and rear not.

What to do? If you know how many small shops that have good offerings, but constantly on the brink of insolvency to Hin krebsen exist and can afford little publicity or even an own Internet presence, also regular visitors, then you can these stores point on it, that there is a tailor-made promotional offer to collect their offers, of which one otherwise hardly knew, that they exist. Small businesses can try to “”, as their offerings when customers arrive. And what’s up with a higher income during the training to do? I’m saying BBs! Point out small businesses on this Web page. You will receive Commission 10 euro each time, when a company perceives this offer. And if you’re already apprentice in a hair salon, a florist, a nursery, a travel agency, a hotel, a restaurant or a shop that sold beautiful things or clothes, then you shut this sometime! It is worth; for small companies that otherwise might not survive and you! Christine Singh, as Blumenfee3

Building cleaning training to the student what many still don’t know: the profession of building cleaner is a nationally recognized training occupation since 1934. During the three-year training comprehensive trainees about the nature of buildings, components and surfaces and chemical correlations and materials acquire knowledge. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from WarnerMedia. To get the machines and cleaning techniques and the application of environmentally-friendly cleaning methods. In addition to technical, mathematical, chemical and physical knowledge, physical fitness assumes for the training to the student. The trainees should bring organizational skills, flexibility and enjoyment of teamwork. Since 1934, one had to prove the qualification as a master of the craft of building cleaners in order to open a business. With the new rules of the handicrafts Regulation Act 2004 was the profession of building cleaner a registration-free craft, which is master forced. As a result, The number of farms increased from 6900 registered companies to the 31. December 2003 to ca 40 000 within by some Jahren.Viele buildings cleaner means but not equally good cleaning. Even Mr Gomboc, Managing Director of Ganguly GmbH know that cleaning of Oberstenfeld. Neither the large number of new companies helped us to more training places, nor these farms are stable or deliver professional work from so this a great harm for the reputation of the cleaning industry has arisen. Many close again and often the failed entrepreneur then quickly plunge into social welfare.”Trained building cleaners are scarce and are taken with kiss. And they can quickly work up in important positions or educate themselves to cleaning technician or building cleaner master. Robert Iger is often quoted on this topic. Ganguly GmbH building cleaning is one of the few master businesses in the region, who also train and dafuhr have also qualified. qualifkation.htm the journeymen training knowledge and skills that are taught in the training: order acquisition, plan and prepare by Work cleaning, disinfection -, maintenance – and surfactants and their application use of ladders, scaffolding and work platforms and personal protective equipment use of cleaning equipment and machines perform cleaning, disinfection, maintenance and value maintenance, cleaning and maintenance of transport facilities such as e.g. trains, aircraft, etc. carrying out measures for hygiene, decontamination and pest control training, labour law and collective bargaining law structure and organisation of the training company safety and health environmental quality assurance requirements for training in the craft of building cleaners are technical, mathematical, chemical and physical abilities and interests required. Usually a good secondary school is a minimum requirement. Training duration the duration is 3 years. Depending on previous training, reducing the training time is possible. Operational – practical training takes place in our training centres training-authorized operation. In parallel, the vocational school in block form takes place. In Baden-Wurttemberg in Metzingen. Multi-employer instruction in training centres of the cleaning trade are carried out to deepen the practical specialist knowledge. The training allowance in the building cleaner craft is located in the upper third of the overall craft training allowance. This Geselle/in can be used as a qualified specialist with leadership qualities as Director or area director. Continuing education / career opportunities one of the building trades: The journeyman’s examination is the basis for the professional qualification for the / to the building cleaner champion as a technical management or entrepreneur. Syllabus of the preparatory courses for the master examination part I: of practical laboratory exercises Fachpraktische exercises part II: theory materials science specialist technology order processing part III: economic and legal accounting economics law and social services part IV: professional / work education bases for vocational education and training planning and implementation of training training duration of preparatory courses: preparation measures as full time courses or in-service part-time courses (also evening and weekend courses) offered e.g. about the guilds of the cleaning trades.

Those who are oppressing us, which are in power, not more potential than we do. You understand it only by a fear and panic behind the main stage to ensure changes. If we get our 100%, their fainted falling. What we need are not more power people who create structures that cost us more and more quality of life and zest. We need people who say: I want and I can do something, so that we do not need to fear the future. I want to do everything so that the humanity of the future can enjoy! With such thoughts, we should ourselves to wake up and shake up. If you have a specific career aspirations, should begin to wish to be the best in this area. He should be so good that one can say genius to it.

A manager can achieve not only growth and profits with the potential of a genius, create jobs, and promote employees. Such a genius has everything to be set with his vision improvements throughout the system. This new business elite is the people to Flights of fancy bring, what will deliver top performance, what but will not be associated with more work. On the contrary! Exploited no one, no longer is the environment. Genius, these are the people who will use 100% of their consciousness. These brilliant people are for the problems that we have, finding solutions and especially enough courage and creativity, to implement them also with a charismatic personality. We need professionals about the man our youth on the way buck on the life”brings. Not only learning to teach the children and young people, but also how they find their vocation.

It is unacceptable that in the future the majority of the people exercises professions that don’t actually like them. There starts already the misery for all crises and dramas, which surround us. When today’s youth is holistically prepared for the future, i.e., conveyed to them, how important is each and every one for the society and that everyone is unique and has, then we support them properly, so that they confidently look forward to a target with hope. It needs people to companies who understand that if every single employee uses only 10% of its potential, eventually no growth is possible. Therefore, it is to support staff, to find which enhances their self-worth and their Joie de vivre. Work to no more than must be seen but as the meaning of life. In all areas of life and work, it takes genius, which visions, ideas and solutions for a good future are true masterpieces. The time is ripe for personalities who adopt their fears and their ego, so that we can adopt as quickly as possible by our home-made problems. Keep in mind, the global situation is what it is because it was created by people who have used only 10% of their potential. We find the same game company. Companies that do not engage in these potentials, not more long front will be. Think it just once. Ask yourself honestly, with how much Your life and work design percentage of opportunities. And maybe you have even a little time to philosophize about it as it would be if you could do this or that problem as a genius to a masterpiece. A genius inside everyone. But because we do not bring this in us and in particular do not believe in this, we are 10 percent being.

Overview: Help employment agencies offers professional orientation aimed at all who stand before a professional decision, especially at school leavers and-Abgangerinnen and also their parents. Indicative professional events and media of the employment agencies provide an overview of occupational and educational training opportunities, professional requirements and prospects, through funding channels in the vocational education and training, as well as significant developments in businesses, administrations and on the labour market. The professional consultations support the profession through a variety of offerings. In professional information centres (BIZ) the employment agencies interested parties through various media can register (for example berufskundliche folders in addition to the job descriptions in the Internet, films, books) and briefings provide information about all issues of career choice even. In a question-answer forum David Zaslav was the first to reply. The mobile centres (BIZ-mobile) contain the same range of media. You can find out when and where the mobiles are used, with the employment agencies. There is also specific information of the professional advice for different target groups. To lecture events go the agencies for work in the schools. fn/lps/cb