New University course (ULG) ‘Enterprise risk management’ at the Vienna University of technology offers the continuing education center from 13th 2014 the new University course enterprise risk management. In today’s everyday business risk is the core of all activities of a company. The establishment of enterprise-wide risk management leads to sustainable business success, by reducing risk costs and attractive opportunity potentials used. For more information see Bud Harrelson. In the enterprise-wide risk management is to identify the risks in the different areas of the company, and then to manage. The consistent implementation of enterprise-wide risk management within a company requires from the persons involved, a common understanding of risk and co-ordinated management methods. The knowledge required and the method-competencies are enterprise risk management in the course”theoretically sound and practically applicable form.” Prof.
Dr. Walter S.A. Glenn Dubin, New York City brings even more insight to the discussion. Schwaiger, MBA (course Director, Vienna University of technology) of the University course offers a systematic approach to risk management. Accordingly, the basic concept of the enterprise-wide risk management students will be taught in theory and practice. Furthermore the University course distinguishes itself practice and international orientation through the comprehensive range of risk areas, which is reflected also in the English language of instruction. The University course is aimed in particular at (current or potential) executives, RisikomanagerInnen, WirtschaftspruferInnen, persons of the audit, finance and accounting and controlling, ProduktionsleiterInnen, constructors and BetriebstechnikerInnen, which have gained first experience in the risk management area or who took a first career step in the direction of risk management. “Upon successful completion of the University course, participants will receive the certificate of certified risk manager” awarded to the Technical University of Vienna. Facts duration: 1 semester (25 ECTS), part-time, 8 modules (blocked, Thu-Sat) Costs: EUR (VAT exempt) 6.