
All posts for the month September, 2014

The Swiss Jura elektroapparate AG grows in China annually by 25 to 30 percent and the Swiss Jura elektroapparate AG is located on international growth Shanghai (4 September 2008) is Chinese leader for household coffee machines. Since the market launch in 2000, law every year has reached growth rates between 25 and 30 percent. This year, in the land of tea, the company will sell more than 2,000 coffee machines. A strong presence in China for us is of particular importance, because the Asian market has a huge potential”, reported Yoshiko Iwata, who is responsible for law as area manager for China. Jura is aware of consumer trends in China: while the most populous country in the world has a rich tradition of tea but it discovered the coffee.

Jura has successfully overcome all the difficulties of the market entry and achieved a market share of 28 percent”, Nicolas Musy accounted for. The native Fribourg (CH) living in China for more than 20 years and supported with his company CH-ina”European companies on the way to the far East such as Jura. Obstacles overcome a successful market entry in China is something that by far not everyone succeeds. “Musy: the first steps are the most difficult: you must overcome bureaucratic hurdles, know the mentality, define the perfect one China policy and also put them into practice.” Finally, the market offers different opportunities and difficulties as the European: that relates to the personnel management as well as the search for suppliers or the customer contact. “These were the main reasons that the market carefully and in detail must be scheduled Iwata agrees: A Foundation for success is also the collaboration with professionals who know the Chinese market inside and out.” Ambitious goals In the 2007 fiscal year law could increase sales on international markets compared to the previous year by 20 percent to 206 million euros. This year, the total sales by 13 percent to 269 million euros is to be increased. Also in “China is the innovation leader for household coffee machines ambitious objectives: by 2010 we want to expand its market share to more than 35 percent and sell annually more than 5,000 devices”, Iwata explains.

About CH-ina (Shanghai) co., Ltd.: CH-ina offers fully comprehensive corporate set ups as well as M & A and management support for European businesses in China. The strategic consulting company with Swiss roots looks back on 20 years of experience in the Chinese market. The expert team of CH-ina has published two comprehensive studies: the China Guide “behind the China Kaleidoscope” and the follow-up book “the China human resources paradox”.

The success culture to dexar plant that is born around of the plantia that has close to it. This plant is born of five the five years later is born with defect.? Azalea the azalea became very popular and today it can be found forming surround-alive, composing bulks in garden. Used in garden of squares, giving ' ' vida' ' to it sees that it! In general it produces purple and white flowers. Family: Ericaceas Oirgem: China and Japan Have carried: It reaches up to two meters of height Budding: Winter and beginning of the spring Propagation: twig props Luminosity: Half full sun? shade Irrigations: Regular, whenever the ground to esiver dry Ground: a shrub of the family of the Ericceas, adapta well any type of ground. 2 common Land parts of Garden 1 have left of sand 1 have broken of organic composition Case the florada one are little exuberant or sprouts that do not grow in the garden are signal that lacks to nutrients for the aazaleia Ana 6 Ftima series B Letcia: 6 series B Maria without-shame Receives as flower little kiss, walleriana Turkish kiss and impatiens, this is a plant of African origin that if characterizes for possessing varies multicolored small flowers e, beyond its statures of approximately half meters and long leves.

It is a plant considered perennial for the fact to blossom the year well all, even so when it is a little old a little loses part of its appearance needing work to renew the garden from time to time. Leiliane 6 series According to the Kaique of the 6 series in the Clotilde school had to be called Maria? without-shame but yes Maria – pretty Very easy to cultivate therefore it receives the name from Maria? without-shame and does not demand cares very special. It likes humidity and it prefers the heat.

Even who seemingly aimlessly through its holiday cruises, every now and then want to know: where am I? Where could I go? Which alternative routes are there? When comes the nearest large city? Where does me this road? A tip for carefree holidays tours is already before the holidays start at home to get involved in route planning. Not only to make sure that you can see as much as possible but above all to agree beforehand on the holiday. 5. for the eyes would be already annoying, if you didn’t even get half of his vacation, because one has forgotten his glasses at home. Who wears glasses or contact lenses in everyday life is instructed in the holidays it. A good pair of sunglasses is just as important: just who sits longer driving and is on the road in an alien environment, white to the need for good visibility. To make sure no harm in a reminder on the packing list.

6 music radio stations in foreign countries have their charm, relaxed holiday feeling you but rather has its own good feeling music. Therefore better at home tailored to a varied mix of holiday moods, experiences and own music taste assemble, transfer to your MP3 player and go run through the sound system of the holiday cars. There are technical adapter for cassette recorders or CD decks in stores. 7. toys for kids a drive, that’s funny! Nevertheless the young on the back every now and then just needs the favorite cuddly toy.

Or the plastic heroes, the firetruck, the Barbie doll, game boy, etc. Something on the road to confide on great ride and feels at home. Before the holiday carefully select what to do. Best in a game bag, which can be space-saving attached behind the driver’s or passenger’s seat, store the favorite toys then at hand. 8 sunscreen on a round trip seems protected in the shade of the roof of the car to spend much time. Car windshields reflect UV rays but, it can not harm to protect the skin against sunburn even while driving. Just in the pharmacy ask, what is recommended. 9. information on road traffic regulations in the country even in the Traffic rules for drivers vary European neighbouring countries frequently from home. Remote locations have often very different rules. Information in advance is therefore essential, because ignorance does not protect against punishment. 10 mobile & co. There will be many occasions where one wants to join with other people in contact by phone. Example, is in the hotel decision to give that they are late. Or to make appointments on the way. In an emergency you can get mobile also an emergency call. Mobile phones are now the standard of living and avoid travelling by no means should comfort reasons. Similarly with other electronic tools such as calendar, address books, Netbooks and co: who is used in everyday life it do without travelling on the practical helpers. And should therefore necessarily place them on his vacation packing list. Booking information: All car hire deals from holiday cars are in the travel office, telephone number 0180 5 17 91 91 (14 cents / min.) or see to book. About holiday cars: holiday cars, a subsidiary of, holiday car hire offers over 100 destinations in more than 5,000 rental stations and the world’s largest broker is with more than one million rentals a year. For more press information: Doris Schinagl holiday cars gmbh phone: + 49 (0) 89 17 92 14 14

Interesting facts around to the ball sports table tennis table tennis is a modern sports to understand, played table tennis balls and rackets for table tennis. The ping pong ball on the table tennis net is played using the table tennis bat. Aim of the game is to have more points than your opponent at the end of a sentence. Depending on the level of competition, a match can consist of different sets. Points are scored if the ball in the opposing field can be placed without having a successful blow to the opponents. Table tennis at young and old of worldwide popularity is due to the easy-to-learn rules and low-cost equipment. However, the ball games has a long tradition in China.

The ping pong table table tennis table is divided into two exactly equal halves by the table tennis net. A ping pong ball from a height of 30 cm on the table comes up, the ball must jump at least 22 to 25 inches high. The table tennis net is the net in the middle of the Table tennis table stretched and fastened with clamps to the two lateral edges of the ping pong table. Already, in the first rules dating back to 1924, the height of the table tennis net is set to 17.5 inches. The table tennis balls the hollow ping pong ball celluloid consists of the material and has a diameter of 40 millimetres. The quality of the balls is documented on the basis of stars on the top of the ball.

The categorization is enough stars here from 1 to 3. In particular in the training of beginners often multi-colored balls are used. This can identify the section of the Tischtennisballes. The table tennis bat is generally to describe the shape of the table tennis racket as oval. Modern table tennis rackets are available in different versions. Every club has different coverings that allow different stroke variations on the two sides. So that the opponent can react to the correspondingly different coverings, one side of the racket black and the other side is red dyed. Christian Jung

Relaunch of the Internet culture portal Loge2 for Loge2 spring cleaning was brought forward: the culture portal is now in a new guise. Visitors will find not only new features and a new design under, also the user interface is been improved and offer complemented by new cooperation partners. Loge2 is the correct point of contact on the Internet for all matters relating to the cultural experience of finding the right event dating to the common walking away now to the ticket purchase. New structure crucial for the relaunch of the portal was primarily the extensive user feedback, where visitors to the site expressed well wishes to the content and structure of the platform. Then the focus was clearly on the two central points of every appointment I go away! Who’s coming?”and who goes away? I come with!”set. Depending on the type of culture you can go now more clearly than before the individual needs and find the right event, to arrange with friends and like-minded aficionados of culture and purchase the cheapest ticket from one of the Loge2 partners. “” It is also in the users range from only guests “and hosts”. Registered owner of the lodge can inform their guests about cultural activities as host, be informed but in the opposite case only, if they are a guest in the other boxes.

Cooperation with China treasure ship Loge2 works now with the Internet portal China treasure ship. Not only Chinese culture is presented under, offered many products for sale that have produced various minorities in China. With the relaunch of Loge2, each newly registered user receives a 10 euro voucher for shopping at China treasure ship. Jun Luo, the founder of China treasure ship, is convinced that to bringing people closer to culture, in which it shows she is as thrilling and exciting. And is exactly what the portals Loge2 and China treasure ship would reach its offerings, so that cooperation is immediately offered the first action it also, performed well initially until December 8, 2008.

I divide: it is carried through only when it does not have possibility to use nor the direct allocation nor the tracking; however it must be had in mind that, for managemental, rateios ends arbitrary does not have to be made. 3,2 Attributions the costs primary ace activity and you would second In the first one I serve as apprentice of cost attribution ace activities are classified in primary activities and you would second, if to exist activities you would second exists one I serve as apprentice intermediate where the cost of the activities you would second is attributed to those activities. 4 – Identification of the direcionadores of costs & ldquo; Direcionador of costs is the factor that determines the cost of an activity. As the activities demand resources to be carried through, it deduces that the direcionador is the true cause of its custos& rdquo; (MARTINS, 2003). Two types of direcionadores of costs exist, direcionadores of costs of resources and the direcionadores of costs of activities. The Direcionadores of costs of resources identifies the way as the activities consume resources and serve to defray the activities, that is, demonstrate to the relation between the resources expenses and the activities (MARTINS, 2003) The Direcionadores of costs of activities &amp identifies the way as the products; ldquo; consomem& rdquo; activities and serve to defray products (or other custeamentos), that is, indicate the relation between the activities and the products (MARTINS, 2003).

Examples of direcionadores of costs of resources are: rent, electric energy, wages of the staff of the supervisor and indirect man power, depreciation, material of consumption, insurances etc. As soon as the direcionadores of costs of resources will be defined the attribution of the costs directed for each department to its corresponding activities. The conceptual distinction between direcionadores of resources and direcionadores of activities, it takes the distinction between determinative of costs and measures of exits of activities.

The Brazilian economy has passed for diverse transformations, having generated a series of changes in the management of the companies, especially in its operational processes. In this way, the present study it had as objective to evaluate the management of purchases in supermarkets of average transport, being verified the qualification of the purchasers, understanding the functioning of the process of purchases and demonstrating the importance of the sector for the increase of the competitiveness of the organizations. For in such a way, a boarding was adopted empiricist-theoretician to get a bigger understanding of the analyzed subject. The study in was carried through leases through interviews, in the city of Castrate, during as the semester of the year of 2011, where 4 supermarkets of average transport of the city and analyzed changeable of the management of purchases had been selected as: qualification of the purchasers, importance of the same ones in relation to its function, as these purchasers are contracted, among others. Of ownership of the gotten data, it was possible to conclude that the management of purchases comes gaining space inside of the organizations and that the purchasers are playing each time more, a paper of great importance in the evaluated supermarkets, conscientious of the importance of its function. For this, they look for to inquire themselves and to modernize themselves with frequency, therefore from an efficient system of purchases he is possible to increase the profitability of the company and the satisfaction of the customers.

Brazil and China are geographically distant countries, but in last the one hundred years its relations had been if developing and today, on for the economy, today we have forts partner-economic and cultural relations with ' ' Asitico&#039 dragon; '. Analizando the history of China and its relations with Brazil, we can see that good part of the interest of the Chinese for the country and vice versa, has to have with the current Zone of Chinese Special Administration, the city of Macau. This city that before was a colony of Portugal, and different of brazilian the Portuguese settling in ground, in the south of China the Portuguese had integrated its culture with the one of the Chinese of the region having created a bridge between the world lusfono and the east. During centuries XVII and XVIII, many products of Macau arrived at the Brazilian ports, being they, artistic silk, fans, objects, medicinal plants and so on. Beyond these products, they had come some Chinese immigrants to Brazil, who cultivated tea in the region that today, is the State of Rio De Janeiro, some historians understanding this histrio moment as the beginning of Chinese immigration in Brazil. Today thousands of Chinese in the country, being of cantoneses, hakkaneses, taiwaneses, Chinese etinias Chinese different, as of the etinia exist han that they in such a way contribute for the increase of the relations bell-Brazilians in the economy how much in the culture. Had to the great Brazilian number of Chinese in ground negotiating with its known and familiar in China, the Portuguese language left of being only one reality of Macau and gained more relevance in all Continental China. Beyond this cultural intecambio through immigrants and decendentes, in the decade of 1940, the Chinese government initiated a process of incentive to the learning of other languages, beyond the different dialects said in its extension.

All good so far, but how inspire confidence? This is a good question, one that quite depends on the industry in where you are and what you offer, not only as a businessman, but also as a person. By for example, I am not only a networker. I am interested in the economy and the General trends, things that don’t necessarily translate directly into success in the field of online marketing, but they can be extremely useful for people who are interested in certain multi-level marketing opportunities. Therefore, give to people you are looking for. As a result of doing so, these people maintain contact with me via social media and I’m generating credibility in a niche where it is incredibly hard to do. A few weeks later, when someone is finally ready to dare to extend their skills to earn money at home, it resorts to me.

What to do with the social media begins to be constant. Unable to write the most interesting tweets from the world, but if you only do it once a month, the odds are against that many people see them. Quality is very important, but it is also the amount. Of course, there is a thin line between a good amount of content and too content. You least want to do is use social media so much that you omit to use the other great tools available, which can help you to get new potential recruits. You will also save time through the mutual promotion. You can link your Facebook and Twitter sources so to publish in one, it appears in the other.

You will instantly save half your time of publication. However, what really helps to promote this great image of expertise is as much interaction as possible with your friends online. You not only offer things, but get them questions or answers questions that have. Introduce yourself here to the highest degree that can be so they have a reason to keep returning to your site every day. Original author and source of the article.