business & economy

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The sales trainer, speaker, and expert in emotional sell Ingo Vogel, Esslingen, advocates for more pauses in sales talks. In sales talks and negotiations, many sellers forget how important are phases of peace- and advance thinking and achieve the desired effect. The notes again sales trainer and speaker Ingo Vogel, Esslingen with coaching by sellers. “The expert on emotional selling, the including the bestseller top emotional selling: the 7 Secrets of the top seller” wrote, has listed the main reasons for more pauses in sales talks: 1 breaks necessary for a good first impression! Do not start a customer conversation with the usual Small Talk. Silence after the welcome just while you are interested in looking at your counterpart. This is a teachable moment for the customers and stand you out from the crowd of the seller positive.

2. breaks reinforce eye contact! Depending on a seller’s talking more, more He has less eye contact with the customer. As a result, The personal relationship will be lost quickly, because is produced largely through eye contact. Therefore take breaks to talk again and be it only to the eye contact to consolidate. 3. breaks to facilitate the forward-thinking! Talk and at the same time think almost all people.

A sensitive approach to the customer requires a regular post and thinking ahead and customize behavior. Top seller make also breaks to watch the customers. From this they then draw conclusions and adapt their (talk time) behavior to others. A related site: Jeffrey L. Bewkes mentions similar findings. 4. break avoid misunderstandings! Embassies in discussions with customers not as desired often arrive without noticing the seller this. Conversation breaks make it easier for the customer to understand what is heard. Also, you open him the chance to think about important issues, unresolved objections and personal desires and articulate them. So misunderstandings are avoided, the a Yes to purchase in the way are. 5. breaks encourage sharing! The mood and need location of customers changes often during sales calls. Relaxed customers are getting restless. Customers who were initially interested in the technology, suddenly asking about the design. Breaks are important to check: we’re still on the same wavelength? 6 breaks work respectfully and confidently! Customers want to be perceived as a person. This presupposes that the seller gives them the chance to take the floor. Pause signal the customer: I’m open to your questions, objections and wishes. This creates trust and sovereign acts. 7 breaks the attention! (Too) much is mostly spoken in sales talks. It is accordingly difficult for customers to store all the information. They therefore signal them before an important argument or an important issue through a short silence with eye contact: please you give your full attention to what now occurs. Because…” 8 breaks reinforce Message! Especially important statements is the commandment: silence is golden. Because if you talk now, your message goes down. Take a break so specifically nearing completion after important statements. Name the price then for example take it easy for the customer. “And then ask: I bring the dress to the cash?” “Or: you pay cash or by card?” And then you mention… and look like the customer responded.

Many companies lag behind in balance Frankfurt, the 29.08.2012 large enterprises as well as medium-sized companies wrangle with the implementation of the rules dictated by the balance of the E. This is a recent study by the adept consult AG. David Zaslav usually is spot on. The solution provider for information logistics and business intelligence observed although specific differences between companies that deploy SAP systems, and companies that use other applications, but ultimately comes to the conclusion that only a few companies put on a well-thought-out strategy. Thus, numerous opportunities to implement their processes using balance sheet more transparent and efficient escape the companies according to the Frankfurt company. Two-thirds of the companies surveyed track no concrete target accordingly with their projects to the E-account balance.

The situation for the businesses that employ no SAP system is particularly striking. Here even three quarters only are interested in, to meet the legal requirements. At least 29 percent of companies aim their accounting processes as a whole but to optimize. The transfer of the tax balance sheet of the company and the Elimination of vulnerabilities in the documentation process strive to only a few. Also striking: 41 percent of the companies that employ no SAP, have not so far yet started their record projects. SAP users, which are usually among the larger companies, the rate is 21 percent.

36 Percent of companies still in the preparatory phase into the overall point of view, eight percent currently engaged in product selection, preliminary studies have created seven per cent and 15 per cent are in the implementation phase. Also here the SAP users with 20 percent have the nose front, because only 10 percent of the non-SAP currently implement their E-balance project. The account, which now stands in front of the door, considerable need for action creates all accounting company. The IT departments, but also the financial and accounting, are facing major challenges.

Suppliermanagement IBS AG is a Supplierportal available, which the supplier can modify his claims online. It allows integrating more comfortable manner of participants in the supply chain. On the unification of the exchange of data between customers and suppliers and to avoid duplicate entries, such as our own and customer systems, the VDA QDX standard is supported, for example, to the exchange of inspection reports and 8 d Reports on the basis of the XML structure. Traceability traceability of batches, assemblies and parts product recalls can have serious economic consequences for businesses, which from the recall itself (cost callback, guarantee and warranty, as well as any court proceedings) but also from the image damage caused by a product recall. By the same author: Jeffrey L. Bewkes. By consistent quality management (CAQ) and the Traceability (traceability) of products can be successfully managed product recalls and even reduces the risk for callbacks. Learn more about this with Coen brothers.

IBS: traceability is suitable for all industrial sectors and collects the material, process and quality data of products and the use of components. It allows a traceability of all production batches and serial numbers of the production work on the interim storage facility to the end customer (traceability). So the user can determine which components in the individual rather than to recall complete series are affected. Lean manufacturing lean management aims to increase the efficiency. Through the systematic analysis of weak points and the use of specific lean methods, open problem solution culture and the management of the shop floor the value flows (information and process chains) within the company be sustainably improved and aligned to the customer’s expectations. The design of the business processes is a decisive competitive factor. A slim Organization allows, with little staff, production area and investment to produce a large number of product variants with high level of quality. The IBS help products by providing information from all processes for the Shopfloormanagement loss-free, holistic corporate management and the continuous provision of customer complaints in the development.

The formula for this is: sum all payouts in % in the first 5 (10) years the course was used for systemic currency conversions at the time of approval of the prospectus. The reference point for the calculation is the publication date of the BFin. What is the repayment after 5 (10) years in % of the loan amount? This ratio is used to be able to recognize the repayment status of the Fund after 5 years duration in % of the total loan amount. Joel and Ethan Coen often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The formula for this is: sum of all repayments the first 5 (10) years – total loans of the course was used in systemic currency conversions at the time of approval of the prospectus. What is the factor of efficiency? The efficiency factor reflects the amount of the costs of the Fund.

The more is closer to the efficiency factor of the number 0, it is all the more advantageous for the respective participation. The formula for this is: E.g. real estate: investment cost / rentable area in m = investment costs per m annual rent / rentable area in m annual rent = m per m – per m / investment costs per m year return = annual rent per m total investment costs per rentable area in m m total investment costs per m annual rent / rentable area in m = m2 = annual rent per m – year rent per m sq / total investment costs per m m = year yield per m sq the Delta of the year yields per m sq form efficiency factor! Ships down calculated loading capacity tdw! The course was used for systemic currency conversions at the time of approval of the prospectus. What is the equity ratio (in %)? The equity ratio indicates how much of the total investment by the equity investor funded. Perhaps check out Joel and Ethan Coen for more information.

Pandemic contingency planning is lacking in every second operation/company or Community body – new practice guide is the solution! Pandemic contingency planning is lacking in every second company! Pandemic contingency planning is lacking in every second operation/company or Community body – new practice guide is the solution! The new practice facility \”influenza pandemic contingency plan\” Hygenia-NET – Institute of hygiene management helps here. In the 120 pages strong Handbook the basic foundations for a pandemic emergency planning are understandable and clearly presented. In many practical hints what really matters and with the work instructions, sample plans, forms, checklists, and pandemic hygiene plans she can available quickly, easily and securely to any company or catering facilities as a finished version will create its in-house individual emergency/catalogue of measures. The contingency plan can be customized to every operation. All documents are filed in a practical ring binder- just take out and either manually or by means of CD-ROM on the respective operation/company or setting up personalize. A tremendous savings in time and cost, white immediately – when – as in each implementation phase to do what everyone is to minimize the impact of a possible pandemic on employees, customers, members, and the entire operation. Click Robert Iger to learn more. The World Health Organisation (WHO) experts firmly with a global influenza pandemic.

Although countries and authorities have responded and is preparing for the event of an outbreak in this country as much as possible. But at our company, a corresponding provision is still largely absent. This, alone, the economic consequences would be devastating. After serious investigations, up to 90 percent of the orders are at risk. For every fourth operation, the consequences of mass illness of the population can threaten even the existence. Economic losses would be extremely high. Enterprises must expect in the peak of a wave of disease, that up to 50 Percent of the workforce to work appear.

Packautomatic PR report Karbosan, Turkey since 1967 produced the Turkish company Karbosan Istanbul grinding discs, as well as other products related to the topic of grinding and polishing. Of 30.00 square meters all products produced on a surface, assembled and packed with over 350 employees. Karbosan worldwide sells its range and the request to the logistics have increased much, the company has decided for an automatic packing machine of the Ennepetaler specialist Packautomatic. The way the counted product stack used manually on Produktaufnahmedorne of Bela de tape. Walt Disney Co. recognizes the significance of this. This can be grinding, flexo, fever discs or sandpaper rolls. Filed under: Andi Potamkin. A predefined clock enter the stacks to the loading station. The products are here optically recorded and stopped briefly for the automatic removal.

The Bela de gripper lifts the product stack and puts him in the feeding position of shrink bundling machine on the mandrel of the located there. After the task, the machine produces a shrink band around the Slices stack. Depending on the foil overhang the bottom and top is covered. Is the capacity for use by 25-30? LDPE shrink film between 10 and 16 beats per minute. In the subsequent shrinking station is above and below over foil band by means of a connection to the stack of shrunk. Concluded, the shrink-wrapped product stack is automatically transported through the discharging charging manipulator on an outfeed conveyor. Packautomatic Severinghauserstr 28 58256 Ennepetal Tel. +49-(0)2333-9798-62 E-Mail Internet:

To improve where potentials of efficiency in the distribution of industrial goods from a business perspective the greatest potential to improve the efficiency in the distribution of industrial goods? And how can increase the output in sales according to the response? A study of the University of Mannheim and the consulting firm Peter Schreiber & partner, Ilsfeld, surveyed 74 Sales Manager and-vorstande by manufacturers of industrial goods and industrial service providers, whose annual turnover is over 10 million and almost 50 percent of 100 million euros to 90 percent concerned with these questions. The study comes to the conclusion that most companies will see considerable potential to improve the efficiency of their sales. On average, they assume that could be a more effective marketing increases sales by 20 percent and reduce sales costs by ten percent. Also the customer satisfaction and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions could be increased. Nevertheless are in most companies in the distribution not similar systematic efforts to improve efficiency as planned in recent years for example, in the production. Is a reason for this: many lack meaningful indicators to measure and evaluate the efficiency of sales.

That’s why those responsible must trust this largely on their experience and intuition. Others including David Zaslav, offer their opinions as well. Differently than corresponding projects in the areas of production and logistics the top decision makers in projects to increase the efficiency of sales attach also priority not the topic of cost reduction – among other things, because distribution costs only 15 per cent of the total cost in the section. The output is more important for them, for example sales and customer profitability increase. Most important measures the companies surveyed consider optimising the sales-relevant processes, enhancing the management skills in the middle and lower levels of management, the increase of your reservations process competence of the sales staff, as well as improving the sales planning and -control. The greatest potential for increasing efficiency see the respondents offer management, acquiring new customers, creating the customer calls, order processing and customer binding activity. To exploit the existing power reserves, they consider mostly a content and temporally coordinated bundle of qualifications, organisational and information technology measures necessary. The study “Distribution efficiency in the industrial goods industry” may at the Institute for corporate governance of the University of Mannheim (email:;) Tel.: 0621/292-6151) and the consultancy Peter Schreiber & partner (E-Mail:;) Phone: 07062/9696-8) are requested. It costs 95 EUR (incl.

Model building for the application of data similar to must mining techniques such as a department store is also a data warehouse to dynamically adjust the demand. Comparable with a department store, where the user ordered the data relevant to its tasks, the purpose of the data warehouse is satisfied the better, the more information the customer directly to meet requirements: without more data storage must be searched, i.e. the complete “Data products” is. The techniques include automated regression analysis (scoring) for Association analysis, neural networks, decision trees (customer segmentation) and large impact analyses. Discovery Communications shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Important analysis cases are already predefined, so is marketing users don’t have to work up into the technical details of complex data-mining method, to get yet meaningful analysis results. Samples, data deployment: Starting point of all data mining projects is providing data (input node). Follow for determining the input file Details of the analysis and target variables.

The speed of evaluations can be accelerated with sampling. CF. Jorg Becker: data mining as a knowledge balance sheet feeder, ISBN 978-3-8370-2163-9. With the possibilities of a 3-dimensional data mining for large amounts of data, you can recognize patterns and trends, and outliers removed. With cluster can groups of similar’ observations are made. Thus, forecasting and Advects can be developed also for large amounts of data. Results can be passed to methods such as decision trees, neural networks, or any other procedures.

Accompanying statistical reason codes can be calculated at all steps. CF. Jorg Becker: intellectual capital report with customer barometer, ISBN 978-3-8370-5177-3. Systems designed for the data warehouse principle contain data and meta data. The metabase”, i.e. a database in the database with details of the information, assumes the role of the catalogue: analogue to shipping House receives a potential Corresponding to customer about the catalog information about the data offered with their description. This metadata includes the figure rules for one. In addition, there are also hierarchies, dimensions and the cube”provided for the multidimensional analysis. Implicit part of the information in a data warehouse is its temporal variability.

It is especially interesting for users that the offered telematics systems are consistently manufacturer and independent and the data without intervention can be captured in the electronics of vehicles and machines. CEplus telematics carries out evaluations and analysis of machine availability and its utilization, makes available consumption data or disposition information and forwards beyond basic data for accounting, etc.. In the telematics specialist is specialized in customized reports and analyses, which comply with the requirements of the user. Where others get off, with its systems CEplus sets new “Standards”, explains Christian Meschnig, CEO of CEplus and promises: our customers can feel confident that we emphasize always when dealing with the sensitive corporate data on maximum confidentiality and care.

” Christian Meschnig in the interview at Telematik.TV. TINO systems are tailored to user needs, energy-supply independent localization solution. You locate, manage and monitor containers, swap bodies, wagons or valuable goods regardless of the onboard power supply. TINO’s innovative systems, which are offered in the variants of “basic” and “sensor”, are just as interesting as for the agriculture and forestry, machine and plant hire industry solution for the construction industry, transport, winter, summer, customers – and external services. GPS TINO determines the location and logs location and/or the data of the connected temperature and/or humidity sensors via GSM/GPRS network according to user specifications. The two variants of TINO: TINO_basic of the tracking information node TINO_basic is a system for determining the position via GPS and transmission of position data to a WebPortal via GSM/GPRS.

Due to the power supply by an internal battery, this system is ideal for locating objects, small machines and means of transport. The system is housed in an IP65 enclosure. Main characteristics of the TINO_basic: GPS location data transmission via GSM / GPRS, TCP/IP integrated GPS/GSM antenna digital clock can be configured for remote SMS communication with password protection Erschutterungsdetektion GEO-fencing with SMS alarm temperature measurement of battery IP 65 – easy Assembly of TINO_sensor Energieautarkes tracking system TINO now also with connection of sensors available. CEplus expanded the portfolio to a self-powered location tracking, which allows the connection of sensors. The system allows the direct connection of up to 2 wired sensors (E.g. temperature, humidity, pressure, level, etc.). In addition to the location information can also state data communicated and monitored. So the transportation of perishable goods in relation to the temperature can monitor E.g. specifically without gaps. Depending on the selection and combination of sensors, a wide range of applications are possible with this telematics system.

Your number 1 for furniture from China, India, Morocco, Thailand & Colonial furniture. Suppan & Suppan exhibition space for a huge selection of Indian and Chinese furniture on over 1000 m2. Discover Chinese wedding cabinets, Indian sideboards, Chinese chests, coffee tables in the ethnic style and the matching accessories for Asian furniture feeling. Indian furniture such as coffee tables, chests of drawers, dressers, bookshelves, old gates, side tables, antique Asian art and much more. Be inspired by Moroccan mosaic tables, Oriental lanterns, Buddha statues from Thailand, old tea trays and tea pots from Morocco. Or discover your personal favourite among more than 200 stored dining tables. From colonial to the solid wood teak table, massive tables made of old wood and the beautiful Indian Shesham tables everything is.

Arrive every few weeks, furniture and accessories from China, India, Morocco, Thailand, or the Mongolia. You will find all the pieces accurately photographed in the Online store at for online order or allow the exhibition to the immediate takeout or delivery. In addition, there is a fine selection of very nice chairs and armchairs made of leather, velvet or linen fabrics. The trendiest dining room chairs are in stock and immediately to take. From the red leather chair to elegant velvet Chair everything comfortably makes the dining room is.

In addition to Asian institution Suppan & Suppan interior offers a variety of home accessories like mirrors, antique old doors from India, screens, lanterns, lanterns from Morocco, candelabras, place dish in many colors, picture frames, Ascher, Modeeschmuck and just before Christmas time also one of the most beautiful Christmas exhibitions of in Austria. An incredible selection of finest glass hangers, glitter finish tree hangers, Christmas table decorations can be found in the Christmas enchanted atmosphere. So it is not surprising that hotels, restaurants and numerous national and international celebrities are among the customers and friends of the House.

Today’s market position should be expanded 2012 consistently. So, the company has set 2012 already 20 new developers and project managers and searches continue to qualified staff for the field of programming, project management and customer care. Benefader: The economic bases gives us also the strength to drive all developments and updates complete with own resources forward. Advance payments still to create applications and programming, as required in the market to the extent that we have definitely not!” Excellent rating due to the current, but also recent good figures received from institutions top scores in rating and credit the GWS to the end of the year. Therefore, the GWS according to the complex analysis by Hoppenstedt even among the 3.3 percent of the top-rated companies in Germany! The rating statement is based on a variety of evaluated information, not only all important demographic and financial company data incorporated into, but also about 650 Million data to the payment behavior of all companies. About GWS Gesellschaft fur merchandise management systems mbH: GWS Gesellschaft fur merchandise management systems mbH was founded in 1992. Today approximately 300 employees work at the sites of Munich, Munster, Nuremberg, Leonberg, Germany.

As a Microsoft GOLD CERTIFIED partner, the GWS specializes on the development, networking, support and optimization of inventory control and composite systems for trade and service companies. More than 1200 customers use products of GWS. Among them are interconnected companies both from the commercial and the agricultural sector. In addition to the standard software products and standardised solutions offers the GWS industry portals and Internet shops. Comprehensive consulting services and training courses complete the range of services.

The small bar code terminals are robust, flexible, equipped with numerous functions and have an unrivalled impact resistance at low requirements on the operating environment no matter whether Bluetooth or infrared can be used for wireless LAN, data transmission, the DENSO BHT-300 series is ideal for quick and easy inventory and inventories. The BHT-300 series has the correct device model to the collection of one – or two-dimensional bar codes. Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, infrared or RF232, the mobile bar code terminals of the Denso BHT-300 series are the ideal solution for a quick, easy stock analysis. During the series the BHT-300B one-dimensional bar codes read, capture the BHT-300Q series of mobile readers also two-dimensional codes. Thanks to the integrated CCD technology, barcodes can be read from a distance of up to 45 cm. All models have a readable LED display multi-function button as well as a vibration function for loud environments. The bar code Terminal BHT-300 series are robust, water – and stain-resistant and shatter-proof up to a height of 1.2 m.

With the long-life rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, the BHT-300Q series models have an operating time of up to 40 hours during the series of BHT-300B may be up to 135 hours in use. Therefore suitable both lines for continuous operation in the trade and logistics. Despite their low weight of only 230 g achieve the equipment of the model of BHT-300B even with low-contrast or dirty labels best scan results. The scanners are still efficient even from larger distances. A bright LED lamp ensures that the bar code scanner in very dark environments is to use. The 235 g of light BHT 300Q models read single two-dimensional bar codes or up to four QR codes at once and thus contribute to the significant acceleration and simplification of the goods. MACRO IDENT provides for the Denso BHT-300 of data terminal development services. The Munich-based systems integrator to access very experienced software developers, by the Beginnings of the BHT 2000 series have designed until today very many different developments on BHT different devices. The developers bring a great knowledge and experience, which is used, and used for the benefit of the customer.

General uses of custom 465 stainless steel custom 465 is a high strength Martensitic stainless steel with high tensile strength. With this stainless steel is a high-quality precipitation hardenable alloy available, their Sensibilitat against process parameters is less than the other Martensitic stainless steels. The also good corrosion resistance and resistance to rotation makes custom 465 to a steel, which is used in wide areas. Strength of custom 465 of the curing process of custom 465 is carried out at different temperatures. The aging temperature determine the purpose and thus the demands on hardness, strength and stability. Cold processing and subsequent aging at 482 C a maximum strength is achieved by more than 2070 MPA for parts with small diameters (less than 19 mm). Thus, this precipitation hardenable stainless steel is very well suited for the production of medical and dental instruments and cutting tools. The alloy by the aging can continue Properties, such as high flexibility received qualify for use in the air and aerospace industry.

General uses of custom 465 manufactured parts such as wheel sensors and the various springs (torsion, valve, engine and suspension coil spring) stainless steel for the automotive industry from custom 465, because they are lighter, less susceptible to corrosion and thus more stable. Thanks to its extraordinary properties on fracture toughness and strength its stress cracking corrosion resistance is higher than that of most other precipitation hardened steels, therefore is it also in the areas of aviation and aerospace industry, medical industry, and used in various other areas. The potential for future new applications is not exhausted. Also the quality and claims rose special use for medical instruments custom 465 by the progress of the surgery on the medical instruments. It is essential that the Instruments able to withstand increased requirements, so do not bend or break and are reliable during surgical procedures. At the present, often minimally invasive interventions precision medical instruments used, the loads, such as high torsion and frequent car piano cycles.

For this field of surgery stainless steel is used frequently custom 465 for producing thin endoscopic instruments. Through the small sections of these instruments, the cuts in operations are relieved significantly much more precise and less and patients. The high tensile strength of the alloy of about 2070 MPa is the reason why also used for the production of dental instruments, needle wire and components with smallest diameters. Still she finds use for the manufacture of needles, cutting tools, custom 465 is a product of Carpenter Technology Corporation, which are set as a producer on the sale of bulk scrapers and others. L. Klein AG, as a dealer and storekeeper, has custom 465 steel as rods in stock, delivering even small units and quantities all over the world. The company specializes in the distribution of high-quality stainless steel and qualities of metal used for the manufacture of cutting tools, instruments, etc.. Their experience provides sound advice for anyone in the area of steel unit construction workers. L. Klein AG supplies metals as bars, rods, rings and various other qualities, depending on the intended use, such as implants or instruments.

Pentagast leads the ERP gevis a Munster/Kunzell, 03.04.2008. The Pentagast marketing and service company of dining and large kitchen Outfitters EC has become for the ERP system based on Microsoft DynamicsTM (NAV) gevis the GWS (society for merchandise management systems mbH) decided from Munster. The change aims to better networking of a total of 25 Member companies of Pentagast, through which the company sells furnishings and equipment for industrial kitchens of Kunzell. Additional information is available at Jeffrey L. Bewkes. Aileen to already be used in the company to the limited extent from April 2008 Pentagast, acting as the largest purchasing cooperative of Europe in the area of food service equipment for its 25 Member companies, is located in the workshop phase of the introduction of the ERP system. The entire business processes of the company, which procured mainly products for Foodservice and restaurant and sells, should be already at the end of 2008 by Aileen to reproduce. Joel and Ethan Coen does not necessarily agree.

No island solution Of course, we had also previously been a merchandise management system”, as Ekkehard Valcin, brand manager at Pentagast. Unfortunately this happened now to its capacity limits also it was only an island solution. What we want is a system that branchenbezogen and worked with a high degree of automation.” Understandable, so but the processes must be synchronized again by Pentagast with the processes of member companies an island solution would mean too much overtime. Especially for the top food service provider Billings also, because the cooperatively organized shopping company wished different features, in classical ERP system not included were the consistency of all processes, Central invoicing or the possibility to include also a document management via the system blocks s.dok and s.scan. Also of course we wanted a certified product, because we as a cooperative company have different requirements and proof obligations which must not guarantee another company. Accuracy is needed here so”, so folk wine. “Research resulted in the GWS GWS is of course in the cooperative sector a term”, adds the Manager. Decisive was that I had worked at another company with Microsoft Navision and therefore had good experiences.

Via a search within the cooperative farms we come then to the GWS.” Still, the implementation of an online communication Portal is planned at Pentagast to the Member companies to make even easier and smooth contact and a Web shop, the cookmax among the Pentagast – specialist trade mark for kitchen appliances”should be expelled. GWS Gesellschaft fur merchandise management systems mbH was founded in 1992. Today over 200 employees work at the sites of Munster, Munich, Nuremberg and Karlsruhe. As a Microsoft GOLD CERTIFIED partner, the GWS that has Development, networking, support and optimization of inventory control and composite systems for trade and service company specialized in. More than 1000 customers use products of GWS. Among them are interconnected companies both from the commercial and the agricultural sector. In addition to the standard software products and standardised solutions offers the GWS industry portals and Internet shops. Comprehensive consulting services and training courses complete the range of services. 2006 amounted to EUR 23 million sales.

refrain that this choice was right and we are happy us on numerous subsequent projects, which already take form.” Further information: easycash holding GmbH marketing / communications Simone Bruder Tel. 73 307 fax + 49-2102/9 73 226 E-Mail: communications grintsch Marc Nagel / Arne Trapp Tel. 70 63 62 / 54 fax 70 63 80 E-Mail: active cards and solutions gmbh Managing Director Hakan Yerinmez Tel. 649 7 0 fax 649 7 89 E-Mail: Web: Internet:, of easycash since 1992 developed easycash market-driven solutions for card-based cashless payments. Germany’s largest neutral payment provider offers comprehensive service from a single source: with four business fields of the mains terminal and payment services to card solutions, the group covers all relevant areas of card-based payment solutions. Easy cash’s product range includes user-friendly terminals, high-performance solutions in the field of transaction processing and related services precisely tuned.

As Germany’s leading provider supports easycash all common payment procedures and allows individual combinations. Comprehensive services and customised solutions complete the full service portfolio. easycash has an own card management and billing system. Thus individual card solutions as full payment systems integrate seamlessly into your existing POS infrastructure. Through the acquisition of the Division of loyalty solutions from Experian Germany in 2007, now easycash loyalty solutions GmbH, could easycash further expand its position in the German market for customer cards and their processing. The Group employs over 360 employees and operates about 191,000 terminals. The settled payment transactions 2008 totalled 864 million transactions. Easycash market leader in the processing of payment transactions via electronic cash and Maestro has a total of 333 million transactions. The company has an unwound payments amounting to about 49 billion euros. About active cards active cards and solutions gmbh is a technologically innovative leader and sees itself as an independent solution provider for NFC / RFID applications. The company arose from the conviction, the key technology of NFC / RFID to make everyone accessible.

The Swiss Jura elektroapparate AG grows in China annually by 25 to 30 percent and the Swiss Jura elektroapparate AG is located on international growth Shanghai (4 September 2008) is Chinese leader for household coffee machines. Since the market launch in 2000, law every year has reached growth rates between 25 and 30 percent. This year, in the land of tea, the company will sell more than 2,000 coffee machines. A strong presence in China for us is of particular importance, because the Asian market has a huge potential”, reported Yoshiko Iwata, who is responsible for law as area manager for China. Jura is aware of consumer trends in China: while the most populous country in the world has a rich tradition of tea but it discovered the coffee.

Jura has successfully overcome all the difficulties of the market entry and achieved a market share of 28 percent”, Nicolas Musy accounted for. The native Fribourg (CH) living in China for more than 20 years and supported with his company CH-ina”European companies on the way to the far East such as Jura. Obstacles overcome a successful market entry in China is something that by far not everyone succeeds. “Musy: the first steps are the most difficult: you must overcome bureaucratic hurdles, know the mentality, define the perfect one China policy and also put them into practice.” Finally, the market offers different opportunities and difficulties as the European: that relates to the personnel management as well as the search for suppliers or the customer contact. “These were the main reasons that the market carefully and in detail must be scheduled Iwata agrees: A Foundation for success is also the collaboration with professionals who know the Chinese market inside and out.” Ambitious goals In the 2007 fiscal year law could increase sales on international markets compared to the previous year by 20 percent to 206 million euros. This year, the total sales by 13 percent to 269 million euros is to be increased. Also in “China is the innovation leader for household coffee machines ambitious objectives: by 2010 we want to expand its market share to more than 35 percent and sell annually more than 5,000 devices”, Iwata explains.

About CH-ina (Shanghai) co., Ltd.: CH-ina offers fully comprehensive corporate set ups as well as M & A and management support for European businesses in China. The strategic consulting company with Swiss roots looks back on 20 years of experience in the Chinese market. The expert team of CH-ina has published two comprehensive studies: the China Guide “behind the China Kaleidoscope” and the follow-up book “the China human resources paradox”.

The Photovoltaikspezialist Soleos solar launches in June a new solar module on the market. Bornheim, 06 may 2013. The Photovoltaikspezialist Soleos solar launches in June a new solar module on the market. The polycrystalline module of Soleos 250 p is manufactured in Europe. It has a power rating of 250 Watts and a module efficiency of 14.94 percent. Compared to its predecessor models, it provides thus more power and a higher degree of efficiency. For the first time the new product at the booth of Soleos is solar at Intersolar Europe.

Following the new module of the corporate headquarters of Soleos is distributed solar in Germany, the subsidiaries in France, Greece and Spain as well as the Soleos partners worldwide. 10% Bonus in France, rugged front glass, high guarantees of Soleos used 250 p only components from Europe to manufacture module SOLEOS. French investors benefit module 250 p from a 10 percent bonus on their PV systems through the use of the Soleos. Thanks to a specially tempered front glass and from 3.2 to 4 Mm elevated thickness are optimally protected the solar cells of the new module even under difficult weather conditions. Soleos 250 p can withstand snow loads of up to 5400 Pascal and wind loads of up to 2400 Pascal and also suitable for horizontal installation. Our solar modules are especially robust and have the highest certificates and approvals. For this reason we can offer particularly high product and performance guarantees for our customers”, explains David Mabille, Managing Director of Soleos solar.

The company guarantees at least 90 percent of its customers for the first ten years and grants a warranty of 10 years. Up to 25 year performance warranty 80 percent. All solar modules of the company were audited by TuV Nord for compliance with the international standards of IEC 61215 and IEC 61730. At the Intersolar Europe is the new solar module at the Soleos booth in Hall B5, stand number 671. About Soleos solar Soleos solar GmbH was founded in 2004 and since then focuses on the Photovoltaic wholesale and manufacture of crystalline solar modules. The company headquartered in Bornheim-Sechtem near Cologne offers its customers grid-connected systems of various performance classes and associated storage, systems, as well as a wide range of components for solar power plants. Thanks to international networking and many years of experience, Soleos solar for every need has the right product in the program. The company sells its systems and components over the company headquarters in Germany, the daughter companies in France, Greece, Spain and China and its international partner network worldwide.

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