The sales trainer, speaker, and expert in emotional sell Ingo Vogel, Esslingen, advocates for more pauses in sales talks. In sales talks and negotiations, many sellers forget how important are phases of peace- and advance thinking and achieve the desired effect. The notes again sales trainer and speaker Ingo Vogel, Esslingen with coaching by sellers. “The expert on emotional selling, the including the bestseller top emotional selling: the 7 Secrets of the top seller” wrote, has listed the main reasons for more pauses in sales talks: 1 breaks necessary for a good first impression! Do not start a customer conversation with the usual Small Talk. Silence after the welcome just while you are interested in looking at your counterpart. This is a teachable moment for the customers and stand you out from the crowd of the seller positive.
2. breaks reinforce eye contact! Depending on a seller’s talking more, more He has less eye contact with the customer. As a result, The personal relationship will be lost quickly, because is produced largely through eye contact. Therefore take breaks to talk again and be it only to the eye contact to consolidate. 3. breaks to facilitate the forward-thinking! Talk and at the same time think almost all people.
A sensitive approach to the customer requires a regular post and thinking ahead and customize behavior. Top seller make also breaks to watch the customers. From this they then draw conclusions and adapt their (talk time) behavior to others. A related site: Jeffrey L. Bewkes mentions similar findings. 4. break avoid misunderstandings! Embassies in discussions with customers not as desired often arrive without noticing the seller this. Conversation breaks make it easier for the customer to understand what is heard. Also, you open him the chance to think about important issues, unresolved objections and personal desires and articulate them. So misunderstandings are avoided, the a Yes to purchase in the way are. 5. breaks encourage sharing! The mood and need location of customers changes often during sales calls. Relaxed customers are getting restless. Customers who were initially interested in the technology, suddenly asking about the design. Breaks are important to check: we’re still on the same wavelength? 6 breaks work respectfully and confidently! Customers want to be perceived as a person. This presupposes that the seller gives them the chance to take the floor. Pause signal the customer: I’m open to your questions, objections and wishes. This creates trust and sovereign acts. 7 breaks the attention! (Too) much is mostly spoken in sales talks. It is accordingly difficult for customers to store all the information. They therefore signal them before an important argument or an important issue through a short silence with eye contact: please you give your full attention to what now occurs. Because…” 8 breaks reinforce Message! Especially important statements is the commandment: silence is golden. Because if you talk now, your message goes down. Take a break so specifically nearing completion after important statements. Name the price then for example take it easy for the customer. “And then ask: I bring the dress to the cash?” “Or: you pay cash or by card?” And then you mention… and look like the customer responded.