In recent weeks, much has been reported that in Germany more and more senior citizens no longer can deny their lives unassisted. Nationals or the infirm even try to help them attract migrants, mostly from Eastern Europe, for the domestic supply and deal with. Often this is done through the so-called posting, in which mostly through a private agency a support force is hired by the family signs a service agreement with a foreign company. The care force itself is sent then by this company in the family”. The House Angel GmbH, Germany’s largest franchisor in the field of domestic supply and round-the-clock care”by Manager – and infirm people, dissociates itself expressly from this business model, since a legal application is very difficult to implement.
Insights into the underbelly of a seemingly functioning system succeeded the German journalists John Pennekamp with his article Shops in the gray zone”, which was released on June 29, 2012, in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (…), an impressive insight into this system to provide: the posting is usually part of a controversial business concept where a German and a typically Eastern European companies earn. A design which is typical for this grey market, which has grown behind closed doors. If agencies are involved in the process, that is not automatically that will infringe any laws. In most cases, it means but that someone that makes a good deal. For example, Renate Fory from Seniocare24. The Director resides with their agency on the ground floor of their spacious, White House. Upper class limousines Park in front of the House, when she turns around in their Office looks the women on the sparkling surface of their swimming pools. The Lady is fine visually. But what is with the support forces, the actual Do work, namely the supply of seniors? And around the clock? These ladies a life similar to glamorous?