The SOUTH REGION PARAN the Paran at the beginning was colonized by the Spanish Jesuits. Sunday Martinez de Irala, Governor of Paraguay, established Ontiveros, in 1554, to one lgua of the Jump of the Seven Falls. Later, three lguas of Ontiveros, established the Real Ciudad del Guayra, in the confluence of the River Piquiri, and in 1576, it was established to the left edge of the river Paran, the Rich Village of the Espirito Santo. With three diverse cities and ' ' redues' ' or ' ' pueblos' ' the region was promoted to the status of Real Province del Guara. In century XVII, the So Paulo bandeirantes made incursions for the territory, capturing indians for slavery, and, in 1629, the Jesuit establishments had devastado, except Loreto and Santo Incio.
Rich village, the last redoubt capable to offer resistance, was besieged and devastado for Antonio Raposo Tavares, in 1632, but only in 1820, the Paran passed definitively to the domain of the Portuguese Crown, integrating the province of known So Paulo and as ' ' Judicial district of Curitiba' '. In century XVII, an auriferous, responsible region was discovered for the immediate povoamento of the Paran. With the discovery of the Minas Gerais, the gold lost the importance and the farmers if they had dedicated to the cattle one. In the end of century XIX, the grass kills created a new source of wealth for the region with the railroads that had bound the region of the araucria the So Paulo occurred new growth. From 1850, the provincial government of So Paulo undertook an ample program of settling, especially of Germans, Italians, Poles and ucranianos, that had contributed decisively for the expansion of the paranaense economy and for the renewal of its social structure. SANTA CATARINA the State of Santa Catarina, was baptized in 1514, of Island of the Ducks for the Portuguese Nuno Manuel and Cristvo de Haro.