1 source: article on planning of control of a sucroalcooleira plant Inside of the EP and of any profession, a good professional has to know to analyze. For more specific information, check out Coen brothers. To obtain to carry through good you thus analyze that they go to supply given to it, transforming them into some types of expressions and varied forms, as in graphs. But for a good use of this process she is necessary a study of the same for thus getting a good understanding, of the form that when a book is read any book related in the area of extas, more specifically in the Engineering of Production, perceives a great amount of the same, thus can be understood the importance of this. to obtain to construct a graph is necessary to know space and its coordinates, that this stops the study analytical geometry supplies in them. When the cartesian plan is known its axles and its dimensions, the study of this is fascinating, therefore it obtains to develop a look of all (holistic vision), to look at this very important in the development of the Engineering of Production. All and any engineering needs data and facts, and a good graph obtains to supply this. This strong relation between engineering and geometry provides to much knowledge and the great reinforcement in this area of accurate. 3 Importncias of the research and the method All and any work of research of any area of the human knowledge involves attitude, responsibility, seriousness, devotion, persistence, comprometimento, action, thus bringing with it great focus, tries to understand the desires, distresses and situations that the searched ones are. It is of utmost importance in any area today, inside of a manufacture process she obtains to understand and to supply many data as: what the consumer prefers to buy, as the operator prefers to work and others. Inside of this research a methodology is used that nothing more is that the types of research its boarding and are several, some of them are: research of field, research of laboratory, documentary research, bibliographical research, experimental research and others.