Modern foreign varieties of lilies are obtained using special methods and techniques of great interest for local breeders, and new technological solutions are applied at all stages hybridization process, as well as introductions. Most important information about the nature of inheritance of traits in lilies. Today in this area the following is known. Hybrids have a dominant Asian presence ticking on parts of perianth, dark-red inhibits orange, yellow and orange. Jeff Bewkes often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The gene that causes the appearance of reduced anther gene is associated with deformity of the flower. Albinism seeds – a recessive trait, occurring in the Asian lilies Martagon and hybrids.
Banter-left pochkolukovichki recessive trait for Asian and for tubular lilies. Yellow and orange coloration in the throat tubular flowers white dominates. Y Oriental Hybrid white suppressed pink and red. Gold in a gloss, no stains on the proportions, dwarfing recessive traits. The study of the nature of inheritance is associated with considerable difficulties.
Thus, in the case of incomplete dominance backcross not give the desired results. Among the hybrid lilies are forms, the occurrence of which is the result of several genes that work cumulatively. That is, For example, the character of the heritage gation following traits – plant height, flowering, shape and orientation of the flower bulb shape. Breeders say the high ability of some lilies to transfer their positive qualities the so-called seed cleaning gene. The search for such plants generally begin with a study of parental pairs, which were obtained from the best varieties of lilies. Careful selection of a combination of signs is necessary in order to understand which of Parents "responsible" for the appearance. excellent hybrids. The most studied plant parental cultivar 'Connecticut King' ('Connecticut King'). It is known that halo in the middle of the perianth parts he got from the yellow variety liter. Wilson, resistance to diseases of the yellow liter. Tiger. Also, breeders are aware that the use of 'Connecticut King' as the mother plant dignity usually occur only among the descendants of second or even third generation. Best results are obtained when taking the pollen of this variety: seedlings transferred to a good fabric texture of shares in the color of the flower appear pure tones and secondary colors. Typically, the program crossbreeding include a combination of inbreeding and out-breeding. First is the restoration of a series of hazardous crossings, where lilies are used in different regions. Then the selected seedlings are crossed with one another, inbreeding may continue up to obtain pure lines. However, we must remember that this can occur is an undesirable property, as susceptibility to viral diseases. It is now known eight types of viruses that infect lily mosaic arabisa, cucumber mosaic, tobacco mosaic pogremkovosti tobacco ring spot of tobacco, lily latent virus, lily virus X-and pestrolepestnosti tulips. Aphids carry three type – the cucumber mosaic, latent and pestrolepestnosti tulips; nematodes – arabisa mosaic virus, and pogremkovosti Ringspot tobacco. Affected by one species of plant viruses are rarely killed, as the accumulation of several occurs when the collection includes a variety sent from different sources. As a result, tolerant to a single lily virus affected.