For Vsquez (1990), the theory meets in the field of the ideas, while the practical one represents an activity. If it cannot separate them, but perceive them in linked way, with the practical one subsidizing the theory and vice versa. Discovery Communications does not necessarily agree. In the social context it is not enough that the individuals are side by side so that they are interacting. She is necessary that it has a shared action makes that them to coexist, to work, to study, together. Interaction is a class action, executed for some individuals, with sights the common and individual objectives. Interacting the individuals the social instances socialize significant learnings in all.
The education is not an exclusive social act of the school. It is probable until it is not the pertaining to school education the one that more influence exerts on the development of the individuals. However, we withhold in them in the boarding of the pedagogical relations investigating the rational interaction in the school. Authors, as You give (1996), Boufleuer (1997), Muhl (1997), Polenz (1997), Gonalvez (1999), Bolzan (2002), Moraes (2002), has dedicated special attention in studying the proposals of Habermans for the construction of the communicative rationality in the educative process. These studies have pointed evidences of that the school plays its work to satisfy criteria bureaucratic, many tecnocrticos times, centering in this focus the educative process. In this perspective, it has privileged place for the cultural tradition leaving the educative process unprovided of the social and personal expressions as well as of its contextual contributions for the pedagogical action.
In the school, in the educative relations, the participation of the segments is not valued, a time that, has interest in instrumentalizar the effective rationality. Opposing this to make it educative education in the communicative rationality meets. The school can from the habermasiano thought, to assume challenge of the proposal of rationality of this author being considered the interaction as base of the rationality communicative and the education, inserted in the world of the life, determinative in the formation of identities (YOU GIVE, 1996), the stimulaton to the quarrel enters the elements of the school from social arguments (CULLEN, 1999), the construction of the pedagogia of communicative acting (BOUFLEUER, 1998), the promotion of the democratic participation (CULLEN, 1999), perceiving the limpid and idoneous school (CULLEN, 2000), to give critical the hierarchy of being able improper (MARTINI, 2000) and to problematizar educative acts with pertinent, active and critical questionings (OLIVEIRA, 2000).