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Each of us sometimes terrible situations occur, we are hurt, and we often moved to tears hurt, especially when the cheating, not wanting to give money for work done, and done by you in good faith. Translators – Zone risk, these people often deceive would-be customers, to make it easy … but if the specialist does not resort to tricks to protect their work from being stolen, and myself from crying. Want to know what these tricks? Read below. When people need to translate the text and it comes in the translation, the translators office offered him a mandatory contract for services. Proceed with your customer as well. Robert Thomson is the source for more interesting facts.

The customer actively refuses? It is worth considering likely that he simply wanted to get work done and the abyss, without paying for the work. Translation agency almost always starts cooperation with the client only after the conclusion of the contract. The documents prescribed terms the product works, says the amount of work conditions, the cost, time limits for payment for the work. In case you do not trust the customer and wish to enter into a contract with him, but the client reports that he lives in another city – it does not matter, and here will act as the employee had made a translation agency – an agreement with the client via e-mail and send him a contract in the mail. The customer must sign a contract in two copies, one copy to send back to you. In the case of violation of client agreement to work, you can protect your rights in court. Employees of the translation are interesting and useful trick: divide all the work for a certain number of parts. Customer is offered pay for the translation in several stages.

If, after you send the client the first part of the translation, he does not pay, it is strongly suggested to complete the work. It turns out that the customer will steal a full translation of the text, but you are not so very upset. Sharing the work into sections, the following tips: stages that require low-skilled interpreter should be at the beginning of the work, it will not allow the customer to suspend work with you and not pass it on such a qualified person. Another option: make the whole translation of the text, but that the customer could not use the text to make payment for resort to a trick: delete every even-numbered paragraph of the work. Customer understand that the work is done, will be able to understand its quality, but take away the full version is only able to work after payment. This is only part way to protect the labor of an interpreter, with excellent sharpness, you can think of a few do not less effective. We wish you did not meet the irresponsible people, but remember that care does not hurt. Learn how to protect your translation, to avoid frustration of knowing that you cheated.

Before buying bed linen, measure and record the size of the mattress, pillows and blankets. This will help you navigate the store. Foreign manufacturers often use when specifying the size of the symbols: king size (For a very large bed, it is also called “three-bedroom”), 2-bed (for a double bed); 1,5-bed (respectively, for twin bed), 1-bed (for single bed). Of course, you will be able to distinguish a single bed of double, but the performance of different countries vary for ten to fifteen centimeters. Therefore it is better to focus on the dimensions shown in inches and millimeters. The packaging density of the weave quality bedding you are sure to find a density weave. This characteristic indicates the number of threads used per square centimeter of tissue. With this information, you can assess the wear resistance Bed linen and guess how many it will serve you. A leading source for info: Discovery Communications.

Note: Underwear is characterized by a qualitative density of not less than sixty weaves per square centimeter. Other measures of density weave: low density – about twenty-five strings. For tissues with a low density case, for example, lawn and a density of below average – about forty yarns (cotton, linen), with an average density – not less than fifty threads. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Robert Iger and gain more knowledge.. Cotton and linen can relate to this category, the density of higher than average – about eighty threads. Such a density can have a weave synthetic fabrics and Turkish silk, high density – up to a hundred twenty threads (Chinese silk, satin, synthetic fabric, percale), very high density – nearly three hundred threads. The most dense and can be satin Japanese silk. The color is bright and beautiful colors – it certainly attracts attention. But how practical would this fabric? Take a look at the inside of the package.

If linen is clearly expressed in the difference of color front and inner side, it is likely that it will fade in time washing. Buying colored linens, look for tips on caring, written on the label. If allowed to wash clothes at 60 degrees, then in its manufacture was used qualitative and stable dye. And one more thing If you purchase do not hesitate to smell the cloth. Bedding should not smell or dampness or chemistry. It should have a slight odor of textiles. Sutures are always high-quality bed linen treated with a special stitch underwear. In the suites, designed for large beds, may consist of five items. Additional item Headset – another quilt. It is used by couples who prefer to sleep under a variety of quilts. Guided by considerations of hygiene, be sure to wash your new bed linen prior to use by removing the duvet cover and pillow case inside out.