A preparation consolidated in what will be necessary it respects to the fulfilment of duties, to the installation of responsibilities for the practised acts and to the internalization of solidary values, in relation to that, being, of course, different in the ethnic sources, cultural, politics, religious, statutory and biological well, is, however, equal, while people human beings. The technician-scientific world, as other characteristic universes of the innumerable activities human beings, is basic to the sustainable development and harmonious of the humanity, however, he is not the only one, nor total autonomous. Scientists, technician and other interventors in the practical domnios, will have more successes in such a way the more if to interrelacionarem with excessively you discipline of Know-being, Know-being and Know-coexisting the others. In a dynamic and modern philosophy, of better and more productivity and yield of the public administration, it would be interesting to study the viability of the State-company before the Citizen-shareholder, and that, in first analysis, a strategy could show innovative, with possible resulted positive for the community. The religious power, consubstanciado in the faith, assumes in the person human being, a its bigger dimension, for which, when all imperfection in the material life, the believer obtains to exceed and to win situations that nor science, nor the technique, nor the material richness had obtained to dominate. It is this power of auto-certainty, of auto-they esteem and auto-confidence that leads to the biggest personal successes, independently of the religion that if it professes. The person of manifest faith one saves perfectly assumed, declared, shown before the excessively its equal ones and its behavior will be this that guarantees a legitimate Power to it, transcendente and that nobody can usurp it to it. Its ethical behavior in the exercise of its limitless faith, guarantees a power to it that, without violence, without weapons, without fundamentalismos, if imposes e, of certain form, overwhelms all those that, in the limit and the doubt, they prefer to remain itself, pparently, indifferent, not antagonizing the detainers of this ethical power of the faith. The categorical imperative, the true universal design, is established, therefore, in one it saves ethics, it stops with the men, it stops with the world, it stops with God. The Ethical Power of the Faith, but also of any activities human beings, could be the key for the elaboration of solutions of problems that torment and envergonham the humanity.