When looking at the point of “Ensure of a trusted and secure Internet infrastructure” for example in connection with the scheduled broadcast times for the Internet, the inquiry could ultimately also serve to enforce still half-baked schemes under the guise of alleged competence. It is desirable that the Board of inquiry in particular transparent designed their work. A reasonable implementation, she could serve as a direct interface between the Federal Government and the citizens. This principle could be the “liquid democracy” application to find and real experts would be able to influence politics with their expertise. That such ideas are actually incorporated in the work of the Commission, is rather unlikely after the experience. Click Leslie Moonves to learn more. Nico Kern, top candidate of the Pirate Party in the upcoming Landtag election in North Rhine-Westphalia, the criticisms in the project, the Government continues: the Coalition admits with the establishment of the Commission through the Bundestag it a failure, and their helplessness in Internet policy. I imagine so seriously the question of whether the members who sent in this Commission are really suitable for the job. Also the coalition agreement provides already the direction the politicians of the CDU, CSU and FDP that must – represented in the Commission from my point of view the incorrect: keyword performance rights for Publisher.
The pirates are excited to see what experts consulted and how seriously they are taken. We will critically observe the composition of the Board of inquiry. In this important topic for the future there must be no lobby interests, especially during the occupation. Should it however serious the Federal Government with their plans against all expectations, the Pirate Party Germany is willing to support them and to submit proposals, a Commission would look like, which really responds to the needs of the information society. So the Coalition politicians could present credible, that in this area of meaningful changes in their policy integrate want. Daniel Farid source: docs/EnqueteAntrag.pdf responsible for the content of this press release: Federal Press Office of the Pirate Party Germany responsible for sending this news release: Federal Press Office of the Pirate Party Germany