To argue and to base its definitions Toms Saint de Aquino on Compendium of Theology it affirms: In contrast, the universal agent, who is God, was who instituted this measure, that is, the time, and made it its free will according to. Therefore, the category exists time in the things created for God. Therefore, as well as the amount and the measure of each thing she is that one that God wanted to give to it, in the same way the amount of time of each thing is that one who God wanted to give to it, in way that as much the time as the things created in the time had had beginning in moment where God wanted they had that it. (TOMS OF AQUINO, 1979, p.99) 4.Isaac Newton: Absolute and Mathematical time As Newton the time is absolute, true and mathematical and it does not have external relation some with something. Being absolute, the time is invariant and different of the relative one and that vulgarly he is used in the place of the true one. Because, all the flow of the absolute time if cannot move, that is, to be modified, despite the movements are fast or null, or until null, the order of the parts of the time is invariant.
Therefore that in Mathematical Principles it says: The absolute, true and mathematical time always flows equal by itself and for its nature without relation with any external thing, calling with another name ' ' durao' ' ; the relative, apparent and vulgar time certain is measured sensible and external of duration by means of the movement (either accurate, either different), which vulgarly if uses instead of the true time, as they are the hour, the day, the month, the year. … All the movements can speed up to delay itself, but the flow of the absolute time if cannot move.