Even if we can expropriate the super-rich in Germany, disinherit or otherwise would gag, that would have no impact on the situation of the poor. That would be quite simply in a bottomless pit. But who must pay for the promise of comprehensive? Her pension is to be sure the old, everybody wants that. It will be only soon no one there to pay them. The sick should be provided the best at no cost; but there are always more, and they live longer and longer. The children should be slimmer; even as the Government wants to help with advice and assistance, not summarizing it! The environment needs to be rescued. the Chancellor there billions.
Stupid that abroad is not so generous. Shall be given all, at least a bit. All except me. Or, if I must clarify here: just not us. For we are many. And we call ourselves: the middle class. The thing is simple: what is given to others, I’m missing. It lacks money and ideas, lacking the affection.
I miss me in the talk shows in the evening and in the morning I miss me in the press review ‘. Also in the news ‘ is of all and each of the Speech, just not from me”, complains Beise and is exactly right. The State sucks us the courage to face life. Most of the time we’re foreign, as employees, skilled workers, artisans, entrepreneurs, civil servants. We are not poor in the usual sense. For many others it is getting harder in the sense of the word in a poorer growing Germany: for the Hartz IV recipients, for single parents, for large families. We are there, we know that and are grateful, comparatively well. We have jobs, work a lot, but not bad either earn. We live in Munich. We have a spacious car. We go on holiday, if not at the Mediterranee of Club.