After the definition of some concepts in chapter 1 we will see as from Wilson the Collective Security if it came across with errors and rightnesss until the present. For even more opinions, read materials from charlie watts. As ' evolved of the idea; ' one against todos' ' for the current ones missions of peace spread by the world applied by forces multinationals under the responsibility of the ONU. For in such a way we will follow a chronological order. In chapter 2 we will see as the initial idea proposal through League the Nations if it came across with the conflicting interests of the powers of the time. We will study the reason of the bankruptcy of the idea and as the experience of the decades of twenty and thirty had influenced the conception of the creation of the Organization of United Nations. After its creation in 1945 we will analyze as the conception of glimpsed collective security in the Letter of the ONU was stopped for the bipolar logic of the Cold War. New alternatives to the classic application of the collective security had been, then, created giving to beginning to other interpretations and actions that would culminate in the missions of peace of the ONU as we will treat throughout chapter 3.
In chapter 4, in turn, the focus of our analysis if return for the reaparecimento of the concept in the Cold postwar period. The internal conflicts latent during almost all the second half of century XX would arise ahead of the fall of the Soviet Union, giving to time the new challenges and threats the peace and the world-wide stability. The abrupt growth of civil wars e, parallel, of the missions of peace of the ONU – now with a new well distant character of little armed the military observers – would raise great quarrels concerning the human rights, sovereignty and intervention. These three aspects, in turn, will be deepened chapter five when we will present new the proposal to the international community for the quarrel, the call ' ' Responsibility in proteger' '. Thus we will lock up, then, our analysis of the evolution of the concept of Collective Security throughout the century passed until the present..