HISTORY AND MEMORY Micheline Odorizzi Paschoa Prof Diego Finder Axe After-Graduation AUPEX – Cultural History – Work of disciplines History and Literature. 30/10/2009 history and the memory confuse for times, being many almost indissociveis times, therefore both have as objective primordial to relembrar facts and events of the past, although both to use different ways to display this exactly last. The historian has the broken up concern with the junction of official facts and documents, that organized start to tangle history for the narrative of the historian being given to it the necessary contours. The memory differs from history, therefore the personage is the main focus, is it who of the voice proper history, therefore lived deeply the events as main personage. ' ' Verbal history is accepted for disciplines academic, who has mutias decades, considers total legitimizes the verbal testimonial sources for a few seconds (and, of the impression to judge them ' more; ' reveladoras' '). ' ' (SARLO, p.12) history in accordance with Sarlo, is the reconstruction of the past organized for the narrative, pursues, enslaves and frees, follows metodolgicos principles and you formulate it explicativas for incompressible times.
The decades of banalizada formal history in the exacerbado simbologismo, which Nietzsche called ' ' history of antiqurios' '. Mainly with advent of the positivismo the preservation of herosmo reserved the context of academic history. The form with history was organized occulted the history of the life, of souvenir of most of the population relegated to the edge of the society. The distanciamento if evidences in the rules and methods, the extreme concern with the evidence of the sources while the memory transits in the daily one of the people lives deeply in them and the construction of its proper history, that is, ideological history come back to the stories lived deeply for the agents and citizens of proper history, this occurred has only some decades, when historians had refuted to the simbologismo and had come back its interests to the invisible citizens of the society.