What it implies to say that deals with the representations constructed on the reality? what in ours in case that it is the city of Taquara, of which we consider in them to investigate, here, in the secular clipping that it is initiated with the Announcement of the Republic and locks up with the Revolution of 1930, more understood as the period of Old Republic (1889? 1930). Being thus, such procedure implies to analyze the city of Taquara from its representations architectural, as a specific reading of the space urban, capable to confer directions, to rescue sensibilidades to the scenes city dwellers, the streets and forms architectural, to monuments, squares, its personages and to the sociabilities that in this space have place. In this article we will deal with the covered historical process in the Rio Grande Do Sul. We consider basic, still, in our study the establishment of the existing relations in the period enters the current city of Taquara two others: They are Leopoldo and the capital of the Province, Porto Alegre. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Vanessa Morgan. A time that the coming of the train – beyond at the time symbolizing the height of the transport modernity – also facilitated the sprouting of one varied commerce and a new stage of the social development of Taquara. At last, the analysis of the different aspects that constitute these imaginary urban ones in Taquara in them will allow to understand as the Old Republic was a period in which if it looked for to consolidate? through social representations that if make to feel in the urban spaces? a new dimension of the urban one. This new dimension, in turn, associated – with the slight knowledge of progress, modernity, economic development and politician, as we will be able to follow in the analysis who we will develop in this article. The origins of Taquara Even so the official settling of the region that only integrates the Farm of the New World has occurred from 1846, with German immigration, can say that Taquara, in its origin, was formed for a population basically constituted of great farmers, Brazilian lusos with its slaves, of aboriginals and of lands of ticket of the tropeiros.