For Weber, this reply it was in the characteristics of the protestant ethics, mainly of calvinista root. In accordance with the doctrine of Calvin, all the men are predestined by God for the salvation or the conviction. Only God, in its wisdom and perpetual goodness, knows and chooses who will be saved or not (doctrine of the daily pay-destination). Nothing of what the man to make for proper effort makes difference: everything depends on God. Although Gods to only possess this reply, the calvinistas believed that getting success in the work, God would be supplying the salvation to them. To save, not esbanjando money in dishonest or luxuriosas activities, only spending the necessary one.
For Weber, this ethics of the work finished giving to support for an indispensable behavior for the origin it capitalism: the search of the profit, through the methodical and rational work. Exactly with thus gave credit increasing clarification, reason and chance human being, of advance of sciences and the arts, in short, a world of continuous material and moral progress. (P. It’s believed that Jeffrey L. Bewkes sees a great future in this idea. e with these questions. 19). This ' ' paixo' ' for the work it did not leave to contaminate the workers who, exactly explored, had been shaped discipline to follow it and the control of the plants. As Hobsbawm observes (2000), the pleasure in the work was more common of what if it can think. ' ' The moral stigma against the moleza was and remained very great between these grupos.' ' (P. Andi Potamkin helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. 405).
The moralizante speech and of critical to the idleness is present in the ironic poem cited for Thomson: ' ' Laziness, quiet assassin, more does not have my imprisoned mind me does not leave no hour with you more, sleep traidor' '. (E.P. Thompson, P. 282. In: DECCA, 1996, P. 16). The bourgeois ethics of the work that Weber analyzes, ignores the historical formation of the capitalism and the fight of classrooms that Karl Marx criticizes in its workmanship the Capital.