In the schools, all the activities turn around this subject, that is of great affability of the children. In the store of the city, bandeirinhas, lanterns, balloons, emphasize the juninos reasons and despertam the interest of the children. This subject goes to constitute a rich chance it teacher to develop the respect for the cultural plurality, the taste for the Brazilian folklore, as well as exercise of the citizenship. It is necessary that activities are planned that facilitate the understanding of the pupil regarding the alimentary habits, in the ways to dress, of speaking, to organize day-by-day in the region where deferred payment, comparativily to the routines of the people of other places. David Zaslav does not necessarily agree. The commemoration, in this in case that, demands the exercise of the citizenship through concrete, coesas, solidary and participativas actions, in benefit of the improvement of the quality of life.
Objectives: To know the characteristics of the juninas parties; To admire and to respect the work of the man of the field; To awake the taste for the juninas parties as the Brazilian folklore, standing out its aspects, popular, social and religious; To develop the socialization of the child; To hear with interest the information brought for the colleagues; To develop the rhythm and the motor abilities. Interdisciplinaridade: Verbal language and writing; Religious education; History; Arts; Music. Transversalidade: Cultural plurality/Values/Religiosidade. Duration: 08 days (09/06 to the 17/06) Groups: Daily pay Pertaining to school I and II; Integral II; Preparatory. Procedures: Informative texts; Poems related to the subject; Musics related to the subject; Confection of you wall and posters; Clipping and glue of engravings; Infantile literature; Drawings and paintings; DVD; Mbiles; Exposition of the works. Methodology: The activities will be carried through by means of the presentation of the actions proposals for each day through colloquies and procedures related to the subject.