The Integrated System Hospital encloses of complete form the diverse subjects that involve the Hospital Administration in institutions that have since a set of ten of stream beds until some hundreds. The SIH is a complete system of computer science for Hospitals and other institutions of health, that was developed by the Vector from its experience in systems and services of computer science for the area of the health, having informatizado in this process diverse institutions, presented in its portflio of customers. Discovery Communications often expresses his thoughts on the topic. SIH is a solution that understands all the administrative proceedings and clinical of the patient, and comes to the meeting of the aspirations of the Hospital Administrator and the Clinical Body, for the proportionate increment in the effectiveness, security, quality and rationalization of procedures. Basic point of the system is the handbook electronic, that if establishs connection with all the other modules of the system, as much in the support functions and clinical control how much in the administrative functions. The electronic handbook can also be had access by means of technology Internet, the criterion of the institution. This functionality can be complemented by the adoption of modern technologies of computation and telecommunications.
Detach the hand computers wireless, that if they communicate with the net of data and with the data bases saw radio frequency, allowing that the electronic handbook is consulted and brought up to date for the professionals even though to the side of the stream bed of the patient. Another basic item in the security and agility of the procedures is the adoption of bar code in the mobile computers and the collectors of data. It has increase in the security, the agility and the quality of the procedures, a trustworthy time that the technology can be applied in the fast identification and of the professionals that carries through the act, of the patient, of medicines that are being handled and even of the carried through examinations.