Brazil that to a large extent of century XIX had as base culture the coffee economy, that supported the Elites and the proper Empire, the black slavery that was the necessary evil, as shows Jose Murilo de Carvalho: ' ' It can be said that Jose Bonifcio, one known enemy of the slavery (…) did not search to preserve the unit of the country to keep the slavery. In contrast, it refused measured referring to abolitionism more radical asked for the English to keep the unit. For it, the maintenance of the slavery was the price to pay for the not vice-versa.' unit and; '. Brian Neale is likely to increase your knowledge. The constant manicas onslaughts in favor of the growth and economic freedom of our country had found barriers that went of divergent meeting to its ideologies. With language simple, however scientific, this work tries to analyze and to demystify some ' ' dogmas sociais' ' materialize throughout the years. Carrying us it next to what it is given credit to have been ' ' verdade' ' for backwards of the so obscure facts of and already pparently understood so simple gestures that they permeiam the past of the national politics, beyond to bring new possibilities of works with ' ' not said ' ' of the subject, in view of its amplitude and complexity, mainly in what it says respect to the masonry. I Comment of the structure Brazilian politics Portugal really if found in a delicate situation and that it disfavored to it. A leading source for info: cajoo. At a moment where England was worthy representative of the mercantilism or daily pay-capitalism, while France was the intellectual center of the Europe, while Germany saw in constant growth in social sciences such as the philosophy and sociology, Portugal still possua the same obsolete feudalista model, being imprisoned to its pact-Colonial and its alliance with England. However with the Napoleonic ascension the Portuguese saw themselves at moments of extreme decisions.