
All posts for the month December, 2021

To each one of these resistncias, all the young had access of equal form to the same knowledge and acquired values as ‘ ‘ obedience, reverence, resistance to the hunger, confection of ornaments, worthy treatment to the wife and the colleagues, amongst outros’ ‘ (MELATTI, Jlio Cezar, 1980). Although the tribal civilizations have some negative characteristics for the current model of education, as for example, the conformismo of the apprentice, we can detach some important contributions, which are: universal knowledge and education of ethical principles. The EDUCATION IN the EASTERN SOCIETIES the eastern civilizations had had beginning from the moment where new techniques had been discovered and or perfected: ‘ ‘ … had learned to know regimes of rains and the estiagens, to drain the quagmires to extend the culture areas, to construct levees to contain floods and to open irrigation channels. See Robert A. Iger for more details and insights. New techniques of plantation with the appearance of the plough-semeador had been developed. Irrigated agriculture and the too much technological advances and in the work methods make possible a considerable increase in the food production, generating exceeding in greater escala.’ ‘ (MOTA, Myriam Becho, History: of the caves to the third millenium, 2005, p.30) As we can perceive, these innovations had caused the food production in abundance, that, therefore brought better conditions of life that, in turn, implied in one accented population growth.

Moreover, it started to exist the exchange of excesses, giving itself beginning to the commerce. Parallel to this, other followed professions had appeared of the division of the work. Thus, had to the necessities appeared with the diversification of the economic activities and coordination of workmanships of collective interest, the State appears, which we understand for ‘ ‘ organized set of the institutions politics, legal, administrative, economic, etc. under a self rule and occupying a proper territory and independente’ ‘ (MARCONDES, Danilo, basic Dictionary of philosophy, 1996, p.

Development of learning organization tailored to the learning process and the autonomy that represents the student allows all profiles can pursue these teachings with success. The pedagogical model of the FP distance is based on self-learning, but in some cases can be seen in your organization a face-to-face portion, to which students are required to attend.It is usual that the student develops their training through a virtual platform set to the FP distance. Therefore it is necessary that you have an own computer and an Internet connection. Teaching materials designed specifically for this system of education, which can work from home are hung on the platform. During the process you are not alone. It has the support of teaching staff that guides, guides and tracks the student in their training. In some communities, it is mandatory that students attend different tutorials with the teacher, whether collective or individual.The own student determines the workload per course depending on your needs or availability. In the majority of the autonomies, recommend not enroll in more than four or five training modules at the same time.

The evaluation is continuous, but at the end of the academic year, the student must be a face-to-face final test. The results obtained in it, together with the information of the training activities which the guardian stores during the learning process, allow the teacher to emit qualification end of the professional module. Offering communities the majority of cycles of distance vocational training available in our country correspond to titles of top grade, while half degree offering is more limited. In terms of professional families, in this form of education prevail the most sought-after in the Presential FP: Administration and management, computer science, hospitality and tourism and socio-cultural services to the community.The teachings of FP distance are taught in general in public schools, although some communities, such as Andalusia and Valencia, allow you to teach this mode of studies at private schools that have authorized specific FP classroom training cycles.The offer is available in all communities, except in Galicia, Basque country and Navarra.

In one of his films except the boat, the main character and the ocean, there was nothing, and then Hitchcock was able to fit into the episode – by boat swam and newspaper front page was a picture of the Alfred. In the movie “Bruce Almighty” was first used in the movie was this phone number. Commonly used numbers with a non-existent code 555, and then slapped the real thing. Was it an accident, especially if – it is not known, but one woman has sued the production company, accusing the filmmakers is that it zadolbali some idiots, constantly calling her and asking God’s home! The largest recorded number of viewed films had Gvaymina Hughes. This eccentric man first went to the cinema in 1953, and then He meticulously documented all of their movie night. February 28, 1997 years it has registered in his diary show 22 990 films, most of which he looked at the video. The largest database on the film industry is a resource Internet Movie Database (sokroschenno IMDb) owned by, so here is as of 1 September 2007, based on IMDb are: * 1,039,447 articles on films and television series, including: * 379 871 * 483 832 movies TV movies (shown only on TV without showing in cinemas) * 44 795 TV series * 57 915 videos (circulated only in the movie without showing in cinemas) * 5497 * 5490 miniseries videogame genre “action” * 2343078 articles about persons, of which: * 850 644 * 507 297 actors actresses * 137 297 directors * 213 936 * 200 572 producers Writers * 63 081 * 69 398 composers operators * 1529 articles on film festivals * 9923 articles on the Message Boards * 37 792 photos and drawings * 3170 * 109 792 clips links to official sites in the film Quentin Tarantino’s “Four Rooms” (Four Rooms, 1995), no name in the credits Bruce Willis. It turns Willis starred in the film is absolutely free (just like a dream again Tarantino), and the actor’s guild saw in this disorder. In order not to disturb the bureaucrats, Willis was removed from the credits.

According to officials, at the time of the Olympics region will be one of the most successful with respect to the environment. Unique species of animals and birds that live in the territory of the Sochi National Park and listed in the Red Book of Russia, will not suffer in preparation for winter Olympic Games, assured the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Yury Trutnev. He also drew attention to the fact that the unsubstantiated claims of environmentalists in preparation for the Winter Olympics may damage the image of Russia. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Hayley Kiyoko has to say. Environmental expertise in Russia will Rostekhnadzor According to a decree on Monday the Russian government, Rostekhnadzor was handed control of the implementation state ecological expertise in Russia. As a result of the transformation of service central office RTN is reduced by 123 people, ‘that is almost a third’, and the territorial bodies of the service cut by 1300. According to the Approval of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry responsible for drafting the state policy and normative-legal regulation in the field of study, use, reproduction and protection of natural resources, including subsoil, waters, forests located on lands of specially protected natural areas, objects, animals (except for the wildlife referred to hunting) and their habitats. PE Week leak chemicals in China, the Slovenian nuclear power plant accident and other incidents large number of man-made emergencies happened last week, last week under the banner of protecting the environment.

CSR in SMEs to the international organization of labour (ILO), CSR, is the set of actions that take into consideration the companies so that their activities have a positive impact on society and that affirm their principles and values that govern, both in its own methods and internal processes and its relationship with other actors. SMEs, especially in the Venezuelan case, leave much to say with regard to your CSR, all due to that to begin with, many of their Manager are unaware of what CSR represents, its scope, impact. A related site: Harriet Walter mentions similar findings. Adding to this, lack of organizational culture, not having either clear which involves selling a product, perform activities in an environment and establish lines of actions that favour which CSR achieves its purpose, beneficial to all. They ignore many managers of SMEs, that CSR is a set of policies, practices and programs that are integrated in all process of the business operations and in their decision-making. However there are companies that have realized, that these practices increase and create a positive image of the company. He is said, moreover, that an effective CSR strategy by the company may have gain in competitiveness and in addition a positive social, economic and environmental impact.

Increasingly necessary that companies, through its management should be identified with what represents the manage adequately the social responsibility of the enterprise, especially in an environment where your role must be fully identified with this responsibility. You must be clearly aware that the social responsibility of the company is a combination of legal, ethical, moral and environmental aspects, and is a voluntary decision, not imposed, although there is some regulations against the topic. Academy of Art University may not feel the same. He should is very involved with the organizational culture company and should all members of the organization is committed to it. Therefore corresponds to the management know how to handle properly all their appeal, considering that not only should be emphasis on the orientation of the company’s efforts, based only on produce results supported by the theories of produce and sell more with the lowest cost regardless of the social impact.