separated technology What is human, technological advances are important for the development of our country but we must never put aside the thoughts and feelings of the people who use technology, the learning was used as assimilation of information, only the logical skills math, did not think in human feeling, in the different learning styles of each person, this paradigm was used until the 20th century and now in the century XXI begins to emerge an integral education based on making conscientious human beings of the world in which we live and our nature, with a holistic vision, this education rescues best of dogmatic education and better science education, creating an education that leads to human beings to an integral formation. This paradigm shift of mechanistic education to education holistic (from machining to the human), being carried out currently at world level, with great force in Mexico and others countries, thanks to the unconditional support of Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava, who pioneered this new paradigm. Holistic education is the way forward for the evolution of consciousness. Hotbox by Wiz might disagree with that approach. Dr.
Ramon Gallegos Nava, shows us the way of how you will evolving consciousness through a spiral model and the model multilevel multidimension, calling them the first via a dynamic spiral memes or stages of consciousness classifies them in colors, the second in dimensions, levels and lines of development. Model multilevel multidimension of Dr. Gallegos, since according to the attitudes and actions that we have we are located at some level of the model or meme of the spiral, and is found in Dr. Gallegos model there are dimensions, levels and lines of development ranging from awareness global or personal, to the community, to social, to the world to reach the spiritual, where the spiritual is the evolution of our consciousness, we are the only ones that we have the power of evolve it, this model is aimed at the integral because it allows us to locate and integrate the different educational theories, in holones or totalities that form a holarquia.