As the minutes passed also made their appearance the other teachers, with whom the director was presenting to me and making the usual greeting. At the same time the students arrived. We left the yard all, to witness the ceremony earlier in the week of Studies, and thank the apus protectors of the community for the new week and thank the Tata wilka by the light that illuminates all the days of the Indians. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with John Stankey. At the end of which addressing them with loud, I did know they had this year a new teacher which they should be estimated to have had the courtesy to come to this humble community of Runes Uchus apus living near the Tablachaca Amaru snaking from Conchucos apus, and other Tzuultaq'as Pelagatos like Consus where Jakis and belonging Mistis Spanish family of Malaga. Many years ago this family had been murdered for refusing to pierce Runes hill to take tungsten, vanadium and other minerals, for he had great respect to the hill and who considered their protector.
Thus is the curse of the family apu Malaga most of its members dies with his tongue hanging out, unable to shake her body in Parkinson's. The students greeted me with a handshake, then go to the classroom, with his backpack containing his notebook and stiff with which eat at noon. At that point he had already received my class schedule, so after receiving the greeting I went to the third year, the extent to which class would that morning. By entering everyone stood up and saluted with Apu Hello Sapa Inka, to which I replied with thanks Tata Wilka and advise them on that occasion and I only recognize the following as a professor. So what would the next days, but retained a respect, very different from young people in the larger towns, where Western culture had stalled. Copy all of its vices and no virtue, because I believe that come to light the virtues of Western culture. That day we had the theme of the history of the French Revolution and its main ideologues such as Voltaire and Rousseau. Tupac Yupanqui Isaac II Juan Esteban Villalobos