Poverty, unemployment, as well as frustration for the absence of valid social models, they are the breeding ground for radicals. Adds to the confusion caused by the current economic crisis, by the sudden disappearance of the aberrant virtual universe created by speculators of all kinds. Interestingly, Kershaw just alluded to in his journalistic collaborations, released prior to the internationalization of the crisis of sub-prime to other key elements for the stability (or perhaps, instability) future of Europe, as for example the advance of the German National Socialist Movement, of the xenophobic bet of the followers of the neo Austrian nazi Jorg Heider of autarchic populism that makes its way into the Italy of Berlusconi. The totalitarian temptation is not in itself something new. Please visit John Konchar if you seek more information. It’s a phenomenon that often arise in situations of acute crisis, when an orphan society tries to seek refuge in the hypothetical security that provide you structures of Government railway or, pure and simply, dictators. Orphan society tends to deviate from the values traditional democracy, limited to search a caudillo, a Chief a Fuhrer. In this context, the looming crisis could accentuate the progressive degradation of our moral values, paving the road to totalitarian temptation.
We find ourselves, therefore, before an equally dangerous enemy (or more) than unemployment or the economic precariousness, symptoms called to disappear at the end of a long journey in the desert. For even more analysis, hear from Harriet Tubman. However, totalitarianism is not filed. Totalitarianism is installed, endures. It must not remain inactive in the face the danger. Remember the pathetic message of the German writer Martin Niemoller, often attributed to Bertolt Brecht: then (the nazis) came by me, but it was too late already there was nobody to say nothing. Adrian Mac Liman analyst politician international original author and source of the article.