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Private health insurance can have many advantages over the statutory health insurance. The infamous flexible performance catalog is not all here! It is probably unique in the world, that two such different systems of health insurance afford are a country. And, that even the election have, in which health insurance, you want to be a member. Private health insurance: at least theoretically regardless of income. Considered practical and realistic you can insure themselves only in private health insurance, if you either have a correspondingly high incomes, but pursuing a self-employed activity or official.

Because private health insurance is expensive. Unlike as in the statutory health insurance, the contribution to be paid by you is namely not according to your income, but according to your gender, your age and your possible previous illnesses, which are determined in the context of a health assessment. This means that your private health insurance premium to be paid is sometimes very high fail can, which is one of the drawbacks in the system of the car. As a civil servant, however, your employer in the way of the aid is part of the contributions and medical expenses. In addition, that you must complete a separate insurance contract for each family member.

The free family insurance known from the statutory health insurance does not exist in the PKV namely. Advantages of the PKV: excellent supply these drawbacks you need to know when your insurance, which generally outweigh the benefits. Because they are private patient, that is to say, not seldom faster get an appointment with your doctor. Further advantages for the car are that you get mostly the better treatment at a specialist. One of the many advantages is also the fact that you are healthy in the event of a hospital stay in a single or twin room with head physician treatment. Here, the private health insurance also for out-patient treatment offers you more advantages than disadvantages. Please visit Eva Andersson-Dubin if you seek more information. Get a namely, depending on the plan in principle Grant or a full refund for Visual AIDS. Health insurance even a necessary dentures will almost completely and the costs incurred. One of the drawbacks, however, must be borne in mind. In the private health insurance, you must occur almost always for the invoice in advance and then submit these with your insurance company for reimbursement.

When the amount of a pension of 3,000 EUR and a term to 65, we talk here about 1.188.000 EUR. ell. Or health insurance. Here costs at heart are fast cardiovascular disease, accidents or stroke or even “odds and ends” in the six to seven-figure range to search. You seriously think you can decide that within a few hours? Even if a consultant something suggests seller, it isn’t. And even one who has already taken the great, best, and most suitable fare for you after a few minutes, put the best back out the door. Often the appropriate fare has been found, only it is unfortunately not on you, but rather to the “needs” of the seller. But how do I find a consultant who “is different” now? The consultant (I also) lives the fact that a product is conveyed and the insurer pays a fee (Commission) to the intermediary.

It is indisputable that must therefore first of all held a consultation and a facilitated. Make sure you but sure what how is taught, explained and recommended. The consultant should discuss with you first selection criteria, you the differences of Systems of the statutory health insurance (GKV) and private health insurance (PKV) explain and come together for a collective choice. Here are the terms of the contract, the AVB / pattern – and tariff conditions, the basic decision. Only this will guarantee you a performance, only these binding rules what is provided as. Of course are also indicators, balance sheet statements (RfB quota, net interest, gross profit ratio, final expense ratio) interesting and important, no question. These numbers are but temporary and only to look at the past.

There can be no guarantees on the future. Also the post development is put like as “criterion” based. Clear is important, that the posts in the future remain affordable. It guarantees an insurer? No, how should he. But only the past values are what the party can see. Whether in the future the same, different, better or worse fear… who knows. Also this guide is only a puzzle piece in the “picture car” and not last, you rely on your gut feeling. Have a bad feeling from your advisor or wrong, just the chemistry its you yourself and the consultant to honest and finish the whole thing. Try a different Advisor, look behind the scenes and watch for “Broker State” (brokers or agents?, bound by one or more companies?

Writing Articles

Almost everyone, but all those who have a business on the Internet, used Marketing with articles as a tool to grow your company. Do Marketing with articles is to write an article related to a product or service to attract more customers. Unfortunately, the majority of persons unknown the correct way of writing them. One of the keys to writing articles that attract customers is to make sure that they appear in the first places of the searches. (As opposed to Rupert Murdoch). This is done by optimizing (SEO) search engines, and involves writing the article using a word or phrase key so that it appears in the results when the word or phrase are used in a search. Anyone who write articles know that they must be optimized for search engines.

And optimize them, but they not carry out other key stocks to write articles that attract customers. That is, write them well, that are easy to read and informative. Many writers such as Robert Thomson offer more in-depth analysis. Many people simply write articles so fast as you can, filled with words and key phrases and throws them to the Internet. The article that results is not educational and lacks value, so your potential clients find you, but do not buy the product. If you follow this advice you will notice the difference that cause these details in your results, to increase the amount of web traffic that your site experimetaria. For this reason it is so important to anyone who writes an article to remember that you must follow these two steps to get clients. Thus potential customer will first find the article and after reading it you will want to buy the product since the article that read is valuable and will continue for where this route it. There are many people who write papers, but don’t like them for nothing do.

Beware insurance changer: the provincial Rhineland offers numerous free benefits for motor insurance, partial or Super CDW only a few days remain car and motorcycle owners time to correct old errors until November 30, 2009: having used namely on the wrong or too expensive insurance. Who is a little more intensely engaged in this issue will quickly find that the provincial Rhineland in addition to a tailored insurance package to any policyholders also a plus additional free services are offered. Starting with the prescribed liability insurance covers the damage which the policyholder with their own vehicle adds to others. Here, the services of the Duesseldorf group are significantly better than the legally prescribed: 100 million euro to persons, damage to property and pecuniary losses. Up to 8 million euros of each damaged person.

Mallorca-police (additional coverage for car rental in Europe), even extended to a period by three months. To broaden your perception, visit Robert A. Iger . Exemption from public demands for the Elimination of environmental damage. For hull and machinery insurance a change to the provincial Rhineland is worth several times as more tools are available: not only Marten bites, but animal bites of all kinds, and the consequential damages resulting are insured up to EUR 1,000. Full purchase price refund case of total loss of a new car within 18 months, in case of theft within 12 months. Factory installed parts of the vehicle (E.g. permanently fitted navigation systems) are unlimited insurance, as well as subsequent fixed installations up to a limit of the value of 10.000 euro.

“” Waiving the objection of gross negligence “accidents, i.e. the provincial Rhineland even takes over when the driver E.g. from carelessness passes a red light and even to damage. However, this does not apply under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Additional services such as free replacement vehicle if in the event the service network of the County with currently over 200 partner companies claim is taken. With the SuperKasko, the policyholder has an all-round carefree package. Partial and fully comprehensive, as well as a drive – letter are included in it. “Classic is the vehicle with a fully comprehensive insured against: vandalism self-inflicted accidents damage to the vehicle after the accident flight in addition offers the included car protection letter: help with breakdowns and accidents spare parts shipping and vehicle transport repatriation is trip reimbursement rounded off the car performance portfolio the provincial Rhineland with the newly developed module of PrivatSchutzPlus”. This service is free of charge for new as well as existing customers and included in the framework of the insurance of private car in the AutoPlus fare. It offers also a chief physician treatment at hospital in addition to the accommodation in single or double rooms. The customer is already privately insured receives a hospital daily allowance as an alternative. About the provincial Rhineland insurance the Provinzial Rheinland is one of the leading German insurance company and is market leader in its business area. Approximately 2,000 full-time employees engaged in the Duesseldorf headquarters and 2,500 insurance professionals in 700 offices and 46 savings active in insurance for approximately two million customers in the administrative districts of Dusseldorf, Cologne, Koblenz and Trier. With nearly 6 million insurance contracts, the provincial annually achieved premium income of over 2 billion euros. Contact person for press questions provincial Rhineland insurance corporate communications 40195 Dusseldorf spokesman Christoph Hartmann telephone 0211/978-2922 E-mail Web

KON PHILIPS ELECTRONIC – with a short position the analysts make good money by the tradersreport KON PHILIPS ELECTRONIC with the WKN 940602-max 14.90 would build a first speculative short position in the shares. The company is a classic consumer goods manufacturer or conglomerate. Similar to an American GE in the United States or a German SIEMENS AG in Germany, is the company as an indicator of the economic situation in the Netherlands. Could the Dutch shares in the last trading days is strongly recover from the interim lows, so we see this not as sustainable. It is still too early to bet on a renewed upturn in the euro area and specifically in the Netherlands”.

We expect still a significant restraint on consumers and a further deterioration in the large industrial companies in the next quarter throughout Europe. The order situation has fallen alarmingly and the stocks have risen partly already heavily. This will not significantly improve in the first quarter. Full contrary expect industry with possible delays in Grosspojekten or its complete cancellation. Also, there is a tough competition in many articles of the conglomerate. This could lead to sharp price declines in individual product lines in the next few months. We look at fundamentally rated the shares of KON PHILIPS ELECTRONIC courses by 13.00 as fair.

The share price of KON PHILIPS ELECTRONIC has anticipated in the last few days much of a possible recovery of the European economy. Although the medium-term chart image looks quite promising, we detect a slight over bought situation technically. This could lead to quick losses in the next trading days. Just companies that have recovered in Barenmartkrallyes, are highly sold mostly during the bear market. The relative strength can then be such companies to the short-term fatality. The situation in which looks similar to PHILIPS ELECTRONIC. The shares are within a week of rose 12.00 to 16.00. Thus, the shares have outperformed the benchmark index developed. Also on the yesterday’s trading day, the shares could show still a relative strength and won only 4% losses. We see technical chart mark as very realistic a retest of 12.00. The analysts of the tradersreport would build a first speculative short position in the shares of KON PHILIPS ELECTRONIC with the WKN 940602-max 14.90. Necessarily cover their short position with an individual Sroplimit for E.g. 15.70 closing price based on. Our price target to sight a few weeks between 12.00-13.00. Our subscribers have earned good money in recent trading weeks. We almost daily give a Tradingidee to the DAX INDEX and keep our subscribers about the current events of the day. In addition, receive these updates and ideas about the further procedure, to the current Tradingvorstellungen. If you want to generate profits on the international stock exchanges also permanently, they should be for a Choose subscription of tradersreports. Subscription related in addition we offer over nine months to 1 April 2009. If you want to test the subscription for the time being, the cover is offered over three months for only 120,00. Don’t wait, try out! Under you can register already for the tradersreport subscription. It is available a little surprise for the very fast among new subscribers. They were excited, it should be worth it.