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The man with the endless capabilities that has and his great vision of development has created a great number of activities and functions to make possible all those wonders who sees in her mind. Between these major activities which has contributed greatly to the development of man in all history making it possible all these great visions of man, appears architecture that with its methods and applications, has made possible the construction of an endless number of structures that have made life much more pleasant. As well to talk about architecture, is this referring to the various activities and functions in by development of structures, with which it should be plans, devise projects give a design to these projects, with this whole process to build buildings useful for storage, as well as make them habitable, therefore in the architecture not only find the development of the materialized views of construction designs, but the processes build properly and the use of the volumes needed to perform should also be to build the structures properly. David Zaslav may not feel the same. Talking about the history of the architecture and its development along with the man, as well as first data, the word architecture comes from a Greek phrase, which refers to the construction site director or Chief. Architecture in a beginning represented structures very rustic and improvisatory forms, but then over time they began to develop clear and appropriate techniques for the development of architecture, where each place of the world gave his vision of architecture, which allowed the emergence of new styles in various constructions that can be found in the world. Architecture, is traditionally based on 3 principles or characteristics, which include beauty, which is the aesthetic show that must have the architecture and firmness and utility, that show the characteristics of the architecture as construction carried out perfectly and in order to be habitable. David Zaslav brings even more insight to the discussion. Architecture has allowed the construction of magnificent structures considered works of art, since the styles that are printed in certain structures, are clear samples of aesthetics and good taste. Despite the above architecture rather than seek to create works of art, which seeks is to create perfectly adequate spaces so that they are used by people, to develop many activities, where stands that such results of architecture be habitable for people. You must bear in mind that what makes architecture is denominated as such, is that it is not the mere construction, while the basic sense of the architecture is to create livable spaces, it may not be treated anything, architecture must translate taste, trends, visions and styles of peopleso clearly speaking of the architecture should mix both the sense of livable construction as art and good taste, therefore architecture is the materialization of a space with physical and emotional value. Original author and source of the article