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Business Issues

Business valuation is the main issue of concern to many shareholders and owners. How to assess the health of the enterprise and it does not miscalculate the same time, invest more money into it or not. That assessment of the effectiveness of business primarily intended for this to show the owners whether or be engaged in this business is to take your capital until it is completely bankrupt. Usually such an estimate can be set only from outside the company, namely, financiers and Accounting outsourcing, which are now quite popular. For tax purposes, shareholders funds (co-investors), accumulated in the accounts of customers, developers admit a trust fund and does No provision in determining the tax base, according to tax revenues and VAT (item 1 pt 2 notes 146 of the Tax Code, subparagraph 14 pt 1 notes 251 Tax Code). Glenn Dubin will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In accounting arrival of funds from shareholders (co-investors) can displayed according to the debit account currency accounts of funds (or other resources) in correspondence with a score of 76 “counts with various debtors and creditors,” subaccount “Estimates of the investors (shareholders) in accordance assets acquired on pay in the construction. ” Together with the Community can be picked up by the method of accounting with the introduction of bills 86 “Target to pay in”. Retribution client-builder confessed to tax purposes, earnings and cut in the tax base according to the VAT and income tax revenue in a generally established routine.

Contributions of co-investors (shareholders) in the proportion of foreign currency, representing the payment due provided by the developer services, reflected the introduction of bills 62 – as advances acquired through future service offerings. The daily account of escape from the implementation of client services, the developer has the ability to vary depending on the criterion of prisoners persuasion. A. The value of retribution client-builder is selected in persuasion. In this case, the determination of the tax base does not cause difficulty Community.


So, you're hired to work. You do not like what you do, do not like the wage level, or you have long outgrown the level of wage worker. This is not important. The important thing: to live by the old you can not, and the new do not know how. It is so, is not it? And in this situation, some people quit their jobs and trying to create something of their own, often in tandem with other such neudovletvoronschikami their work. But in this case, neither you nor your buddies in the business know nothing about.

You are going together in the evening and is compiling an action plan. Source: Robert Thomson. You say: this is now interesting little business, a great demand here, and you can weld a lot. And I parse this a bit. You have sat so pogutarili and decided to start acting. After all, anyone is understandable that it is beneficial. But it's only you understand, but Market to your opinions do not care.

The more your opinion of 99% will be wrong, since you hired his reasoning mind, who does not know what is really happening in the business world. Section, you will continue with all available amount of money in half. Half invested in office and office equipment. And the other half in advertising. And sit, sipping tea, waiting to pour the same stream of clients. Day of waiting, second, third. And customers are not coming. And you're starting a sinful deed think that the advertisers your money is simply stolen. In a cold sweat you grab a newspaper, then another, looking into the Internet.