We can summarize all these examples one: the bull does not meet, because he has horns (i.e. because he realizes that he has horns, and then comes nor the will to use them, too), but because the bull wants to come, he has horns. The young bucks and calves encounter with the head before they have horns, because the direction of the will, a member should serve is effective, nor before the link itself exists. Not the knowledge, but the will is the original development principle of nature. Each organism is the visible expression einesWillens, which at the same time makes his character.
The inside (will) corresponds to the exterior (appearance). Will is movement and be. Is Struts, unrest, conflict. Now, the will is the inner development principle of nature, there is no permanent, durable truth. Truth is thus set in becoming.
Schopenhauer is in fact the first European philosopher who dares this step: to put the truth into becoming. What over thousands of years as irreversible considered – truth the permanent, as the fixed alternating the time when what you rely on timeless, as being in existence – this is for the first time with Schopenhauer in question. The development of the will in nature is called Schopenhauer Objektivation of the will to the life. The lower levels of this Objektivation can be found in the inorganic matter as the General forces of nature, such as gravitation, electricity, magnetism, chemical qualities of attraction and repulsion, etc. Depending on the higher level, we follow these Objektivation, we see the more individuality in the expression form of objectified will. The individual character of the species dominates more and more towards the Allgemeincharaker of the genus. This process of Objektivation can be tracked according to Schopenhauer homogeneous inorganic nature, about the life of the plants, of the animal being up to the people.