“Appreciation at resale by professional car preparation: RTL2 magazine GRIP makes the test car vendor know the problem: used car buyers are a meticulous little people”. You may want to visit Leslie Moonves to increase your knowledge. Because every little dent or scratch is used as an argument, to insist on a proper discount. Polls consistently show that the majority of car buyers can be rather by the optical impression of a vehicle, as by the technical condition. “This circumstance the RTL2 magazine grip” for the occasion, took in an attempt with the Molaris GmbH the paint doctor “to find out how much value is achieved by a professional car preparation leaves. In the example, which in the post (GRIP “-magazine, Episode 18”) has been shown, is initially set by an independent expert of the current value of the test car. Then identified the cost of the removal of defects in a specialist workshop. In this case, a residual value of 18,200 euros and repair costs of 1,925 euros were available. Robert Iger will undoubtedly add to your understanding.
Then he was Test car the paint doctor”brought, which about could eliminate the dents and scratches in the SMART repair procedures for a total of only 500 euros, a quarter of the cost, which had estimated at the workshop,. A final assessment by the experts showed that the test car now has a value of 19,200 euros. By the professional preparation of the vehicle by the Polish doctor an appreciation of achieved so of 1,000 euros, which was offset by an expense of 500 euros. For the car salesman in a profitable business. Depending on the age, brand and condition of the respective vehicle, also far higher value routes runes can be or achieve a better ratio of expenses and income”as Claus Kreuzpointner of the paint doctor. “The offer of the paint doctor” includes not only the car care and treatment, but also removing paint damage of all kinds as well as the areas of upholstery repair, auto glass repair, Alufelgenreparatur and much more. These services can be from as little as one hour from approximately 80 Euro claim be taken.
The paint doctor”now found in over 40 cities in Germany. Look just once and the range spot an overview about or inform themselves on the Internet.