During the Middle Ages, earrings have become less popular and almost out of fashion. Frequently mayo clinic has said that publicly. This was due to entering into fashion complex hairstyles and headdresses. In fact, it was considered immoral for a married woman is a representative without a hat in public events. In the XVI century in Italy fashion hairstyle changed. Included in fashion hairstyle in which hair is fit, leaving the ears open, this trend in turn has revived the fashion of earrings. Learn more about this topic with the insights from tom cruise. Although over 100 years in England, France and Spain, the ladies wore clothes with high collars, which concealed his neck and was not allowed to dress out of fashion earrings. In the XVII century earrings are an essential accessory for the wealthy and well-dressed lady in all Europe. One of the most popular types of earrings of those times were tough ear-pendants.
They were called 'girandoles', which literally means – earrings with a large stone in the middle, surrounded by smaller stones. These earrings were favorite ornaments of Queen Victoria. For the manufacture of such earrings required a large number of precious stones and so they were very heavy. Most people who wore these earrings were elongated earlobes. Although earrings for thousands of years were the property predominantly affluent populations, they also came into vogue, and the less wealthy people. So there were quite new kinds of earrings, which were less complicated to manufacture and are made from semiprecious stones. During the XX century in the world of earrings is a true revolution. Ornaments will be improved, there are various parts and styles.
Appear as tiny stud earrings, and clips to wear which was not necessarily pierce ears. Now, in order to wear earrings, did not have to wait for some special occasion, as it was before. In the years become a daily accessory earrings for almost any lady. In the 60th years of XX century is revolution in the fashion world and soul-searching. During these years, earrings gaining popularity among men. In the unrestrained expression could see a man with two earrings, although the majority confined to a ring in ear. Women began to collect different styles of earrings to wear appropriate jewelry for their frequently changing outfits. Today, the popularity of earrings has become even more pronounced. Now practically there is not one woman who would not have pierced ears, and which would not have had a few pairs of earrings of various models and brands. Manufacture of jewelry has also undergone a qualitative change, such materials such as titanium and various types of plastics gained enormous popularity in the manufacturing process of earrings because of its flexibility and lightness. Thanks to such materials has become possible to manufacture very sophisticated, unusual and the main light and inexpensive earrings. Titan also has become popular due to its hypoallergenic properties. Thanks to centuries of development, we have a huge selection of modern, fashionable, as cheap everyday earrings and the more expensive ones, made of gold, silver or platinum, encrusted in diamonds and other precious stones. What is to stop your choice, you decide. In our store jewelry you find a huge selection of earrings different areas and price range. Ear-studs, earrings, pendants, earrings, rings – we offer a huge selection of stylish and fashionable jewelry that will delight you with its magnificence, and that not a few important excellent price. Our motto is the optimal combination of two parameters – price and quality, so our jewelry affordable and fully consistent with the trends of modern fashion.