Are also significant physical requirements for the personnel in the field of view: based on extensive scientific research to stress factors in the provision of services, this includes the implementation of ergonomic workstations and use of appropriate equipment to relieve colleagues. Others including charlie watts, offer their opinions as well. This is rounded off by a cross-company group health management and lately special focus on the theme of power conversion. Also the feedback and an open dialogue with our colleagues is important to us. Just so we can see where is need for action. If you would like to know more about Robert A. Iger , then click here. We evaluate all information and incorporate this where always useful work in process,”Mrs Ganghofer performs in addition. Both managers are happy to be able to report on their experience in personnel management. They had important to come with the guests on the final panel discussion as well as in the pauses in the conversation.
You analyse the Rehawissenschaftliche Colloquium as a platform of exchange of knowledge to address symptoms of exhaustion of own staff in a timely manner. BFW Leipzig Leipzig is active for more than 20 years the vocational promotion work as a specialist in the field of vocational rehabilitation. Here people are trained and supported demand, which had to divorce due to illness or accident from the usual working life. With individual training, qualification and integration measures, new possibilities for the way back offered in a full working life. In addition to the head office in Leipzig in the branch offices in Dobeln, Chemnitz and Zwickau, Plauen available, the services as a large regional service provider in the areas available advice, diagnosis and assessment, training, prevention and rehabilitation. The various retraining, qualification and integration measures are an important contribution not only to return people to the work process, but also wear by focusing on the labour market to solve the lack of skilled workers in the economy at. In addition, several courses of vocational training are offered at the educational institution. More information: professional promotion factory Leipzig gemeinnutzige GmbH Michael Lindner Leiter press Corporate communications-Georg-Schumann-Strasse 148 04159 Leipzig Tel.: 03 41 / 91 75-120 E-Mail: wir-ueber-uns/veranstaltungskalender/kolloquium-2013.html accreditation at: fileadmin/Dokumente/Wir_ueber_uns/Presse/Dokumente-Bilder/BFW_News_Dokumente/Symposium_2013_Akkreditierungsformular.pdf