Problems of climate change is important for Russia. Russian Duma discusses the rules for providing environmental information. New environmental technologies take root in Russia. Melting permafrost is serious threat to Russia. The Great Lakes are experiencing hard times. Mammoths became extinct due to a number of reasons, and giant deer in Ireland from starvation. Scientists have learned bacteria convert carbon dioxide into fuel.
Based on the pumpkin and zucchini scientists create the most useful vegetables of the future. Photofact week: wildlife in the heart of Europe and the horrific pictures of pollution in China. Overview of events for the week of 16/11/2009 to 22/11/2009. Problems of climate change is important for Russia on Russia-EU summit, which took place on November 18 in , one of the key themes was the fight against global warming on the planet. Between the parties to a dialogue on the preparation for the un conference on anti- climate change, which will be held in Copenhagen in December. It should be decided by the international arrangements for the period after the Kyoto Protocol. Speaking at a summit in , the Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia is a very important issues of climate change. Medvedev said the climate meeting in Singapore, and hoped that the measures taken while the interim results are encouraging Participants in the way of developing post-Kyoto measures to protect the Earth's climate. The Russian President also drew attention to the problem of the Baltic Sea environment. At the EU-Russia summit, Dmitry Medvedev made another loud statement: he said Russia will strive to reduce their 2020 emissions to 25%, not 15% as previously planned.