Many free web hosting services can be wonderful. Some of these services have helped reduce costs and technical barriers for webmasters and allow the inexperienced delve into its journey on the Web. Unfortunately, there are occasions where these lower barriers (whose aim is to attract less skilled users) can attract problematic characters, as issuers of spam in search of easy and economical ways of setting up dozens or hundreds of sites that have no added value to the Web. Read more from David Zaslav to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In the case of the automatically-generated sites, our position is the same: If the sites do not provide sufficient value, are often considered as spam and appropriate measures are taken to prevent those sites appearing in natural search results and protect users of those sites. Google believes sites automatically generated like this to contain spam. If a free hosting service begins to show patterns of spam, we strive to be precise and only deal with sites or pages with spam. However, in the cases in which spammers control service free web hosting or an important part of it, we can see us obliged to take more stringent measures to protect users and delete all search results free hosting service.
To prevent this from happening, we would like to share with the owners of free hosting services measures that can help you save valuable resources, such as bandwidth or processing power, and protect the host service for spammers simultaneously: publishes a clear misuse policy and inform your users about it. For example, you can do so during the registration process. This step will allow to explain clearly what you consider spam activities. In the registration form, you can consider the possibility of using CAPTCHA or similar verification tools to allow only human shipments (web design) and to prevent automated scripts to generate a lot of sites on your hosting service. These methods are not completely infallible, but can help you to avoid the presence of impostors.Try to monitor your free host service in search of other indicators of spam, such as redirects, a large number of blocks ads, specific unwanted keywords, large sections of JavScript code with characters of exhaust, etc.