We can summarize all these life stories that are behind these queries and what that move to seek help, to learn, to ask what to do, to ask that he help on the way to reverse this disease, because it is him alcoholism, this is a disease that produces a change in the life of the alcoholic person in the form of addiction, in the form of an addictive towards alcohol behavioras well as anyone who is linked affectionately, or relationally, that extends the influence of this conduct to the circle in which the alcoholic moves. Therefore it is that many times are the persons who consult, and then the same alcoholic seeking personal support as a way to end this problem that does not prevent you just live in a manner appropriate, Harmonic, with projects, with achievements, successfully; but rather the contrary, alcohol, alcohol addictive shaped intake mine life of the person to the slightest and miserable expression. So if we are going to talk about alcoholism, also have to speak understand as mode of internalize that this disease is the product of an addiction to alcohol, and on which weighs a myriad of prejudices that not only do not help, but they affect negatively when analyzing behavior and allowing that you deemed negatively has it whoachieving in this way that the alcoholic not only take charge and feel the weight of this prejudice, but it feels responsible for absolute does not get out of, no doubt that this disease is also a social consequence of that society that many times it ejects it. See John Stankey for more details and insights. To understand alcohol addiction it is necessary to take into account the stigmas that socially marginalised to those who suffer it, i.e. says of the alcoholic that he is someone who has a vice that this is immoral and that is why a perverse, and many other ways wrong to call it. .